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Everything posted by eisely

  1. This is a formal request to the management of the forum to establish another category for Humorous Scout Stories. Maybe we can use a little humor to bridge the gaps between the godless and the fanatics.
  2. Many units leave Eagle Courts completely up to the families. It sounds like your historic practice was to have strong family involvement. It also sounds like you have a very supportive CC. Let her handle it as she seems willing to do. I have no suggestion for hurt feelings. Hopefully the issues with the mom will be worked out, as you indicate. Good luck
  3. High Adventure Teams usually operate at the council level. You said you called your district office. Did you try the council office?
  4. If your council were to accept a re-charter application without a CC, it would only be because somebody screwed up. All of the above is sound advice. Make it the charter organization's problem. Set a firm date and stick to it. To do otherwise merely enables the group to continue to rely on somebody else. Also, I don't see how a pack can enforce such a policy. Obviously you don't want individual volunteers spread too thin over too many units, but this policy is an attitude that they would have difficulty enforcing if they chose to try. Good luck.
  5. Concerning awards, within boy scouts the best source of information is the council High Adventure Team. You need to start with your own council HAT team. They may be able to inform you about awards available from other councils.
  6. 1. Good source for current information on district activities, events, training etc. 2. They seem unplanned and are lightly attended. 3. Can't think of any. 4. Generally knowledgeable and want to help. 6. Agendas ought to be advertised ahead of time. 7. Not much more than 30 minutes. 8. Perhaps two. 9. While the information is helpful, it isn't all that helpful. I found roundtable much more valuable to me when I was a cub leader. At this point it seems to be just another meeting to attend. I prefer to focus my time more on our troop.
  7. This is a tough one. Perhaps Mike Long, who has hiked under wetter conditions than me, will have something to offer. I would avoid the water socks. If you are going to use some kind of foot gear just for crossing, I would go with sandals. I personally have found the water socks to be very unsatisfactory. You said this was a day hike, so I infer that loads will be light. Correct? What part of the Grand Canyon? Are you going into the Havasupai reservation?
  8. The above post is well thought out and well written. I still count myself as one of those who would oppose changing the policy. Nevertheless scouting will continue to lose the public image battle, and some membership, over this issue. That is the price the movement will continue to pay. Perhaps scouting in the United States will dissolve into different movements based on attitudes towards this and other issues. I hope not. I have not had the time or energy to participate in all the more recent debates. However, it appears that little has been added that has not already been said many times before. I do hope people will stop insulting one another.
  9. I don't think there is a youth sports league in the United States where this hasn't come up at some time. It surprises me that the people running the league allowed this to happen. Several years I was deeply involved in the management of a large soccer league (AYSO). When this was discovered, people were disqualified, and we required documentary proof of age at all future registrations. After the first year of this a data base was built up, and youth who had been in the league the year before were not required to provide such documentation. We probably ought to do something like this in scouts to prevent kids who are too young from getting in over their heads.
  10. The skill awards went away about ten years ago. I don't know why.
  11. Based on the very limited information provided, I would be reluctant to say that any of these three projects would not qualify. #1 and #3 seem a little light, but then I wasn't there.
  12. I think the issue that sctmom is raising here is the issue of good faith. If the hosting troop were being deceived as to the intentions of the Webelos group, that is not scout like. If I understood her correctly the scoutmaster of the hosting unit knows the real intentions of the group and is willing to share the time and resources of his troop anyway. He is to be commended, although there may be better uses of the time of his troop. However that is for him and his PLC to judge.
  13. The lesson of all this is that any skill that is not practiced is lost over time. How many of you had to learn Morse Code for First Class and can still use it? I learned it once but never had to use it and can't remember diddly.
  14. You have to be careful what you say to others. You run the risk of incurring a liability for defamation, particularly on emotional issues like this. If I were to say anything to anybody about it, I would probably comment to the league leadership. There is a good chance that the coach is in on the scam. Talking about this in front of a bunch of other youth is an invitation for disaster. If the boy were still active in scouts in my unit, I would certainly take it up with him and his parents.
  15. No need to apologize. "Poles" like this are kinda fun sometimes. When the Supreme Court ruling first came down in favor of BSA, TIME magazine ran a similar "pole" on line. In that one I voted repeatedly. This time I have voted only once. Scout's Honor
  16. Useful information. Not surprised.
  17. If BSA were to admit avowed homosexuals I would seek to organize a new group with like minded individuals. The policy should not be changed.
  18. Orange peels are particularly bad. They do not compost very well compared to other materials. It really gets bad in an arid climate where things just dry out and never go away.
  19. Whatever combination of pads and air mattresses you use, use full length. Otherwise your feet will be on the ground. I don't often make product endorsements, but Thermarest is the best.
  20. One of the little ironies of life is that, while BSA is regularly criticized in the national electronic media, local print media love to run these kinds of stories. It is up to the local scouters to call up the papers and tell them there is a story to report. Congrats to all involved.
  21. The original question was about chapter names. What is true for lodge names is also true for chapter names.
  22. I could be dead wrong on this, but it has always been my understanding that hat sizes are based on the circumference on one's head. Somewhere somebody knows how inches of circumference translate into sizes. I do not know. Start by taking a cloth measuring tape and have somebody run it around your head.
  23. Many OA lodges take their names from words and phrases of the language of native americans who live or lived in the area. Where are you located? Somebody at the lodge level should know the answer to this question.
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