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Everything posted by efultz

  1. I have seen the family tree in one of the publications I have - I was thinking about that. But your idea with the styrofoam ball is better than the plaster in a can I was reading. We don't have a theme. And I am uncertain why we don't have the Dens make their own centerpieces - I think I am going to suggest that for next year. Thanks for the ideas - please keep them coming. Right now I am leaning toward the styrofoam ball painted blue with a small branch sticking out with the family names on the branches. It should be easy to make and is different from previous years. Ed
  2. I have had dumped on me the task of making 12 centerpieces for our Blue and Gold Banquet (which is only a couple weeks away). I am not great at crafts. Can anyone suggest something that is pretty easy to do but a bit different? We usually have baloons but, as I say, I am looking for something different.
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