I agree with most of the sentiments read here.
Your son obviously did the right thing, and for the right reason, at the time it was needed.
He is a true scout.
While recognition is nice, and helps to set the example for others down the road, it is not imperative. Everyone who was present knows what happened, including the less than responsive CC and SM.
Inside your son knows he was a hero, and this is all that really matters.
Some thirty years ago I was faced with a similar incident, with an Explorering buddy of mine. We were attached to a volunteer fire department and were specialty trained in lifesaving. We fully expected no recognition, because this is what we were trained to do.
When surviving fireman of September 11th were asked about recognition, they almost to a man said that this is what they were paid to do, they would do it again, and would require no special recognition.
We all know it takes a special person to step up when needed, and the knowledge that your son did should be gratifying enough. And remember, the little girl will always know as well.