I am currently working my tickets. I have 2 approved and I'm close to turning in my 3rd. My question is, has anyone come back from Woodbadge and had to deal with a sudden lack of support? I have to disclose that I am new to Scouting. I signed up for Woodbadge not knowing anything about Old Woodbadge vs. new, working tickets, earning beeds, ect. My thinking was if I'm going to do this Scouting thing I'm going to need all the training I can get. So I went.
And I came back ready to change the world! lol! Wood badge, for me, was life changing. I was so energized and enthusiastic and ready to "spread the gospel." I just knew everyone was going to be as excited and interested in the process as I was.
Instead I got cold shoulders. I can understand that there are some Scouters who have tons of expierence and have made the choice that they don't neccessarily need Woodbadge. And I can understand that it can be strange to have someone so new to Scouting talking to them about the benefits of Woodbadge.
But what I don't understand is being afraid to let fellow Scouter know which ticket I'm working on because of a fear of sabatoge. I don't want to get into the muck and the dirt of it. I'll just say that when my first 2 tickets were approved, I cried with relief. If anyone out there has had to deal with similar issues, I'd like to hear about it. How did you handle it? If nothing else, I'd just like to know I'm not alone.