It sounds to me that this Scoutmaster has an "I" problem (I want this, I did that, I'm in charge) and is in the Scouting Program for his own self gratification and not for the boys.
Having been a District Commissioner, I cannot stress enough the immediate need for you to do two things. . .
1)Put your son in another troop that is following the Scouting Progam and has all their ducks in a row. Do this before your son is soured on Scouting.
2)Make your concerns known; if you don't know who your Unit or District Commissioner is, call your Council office and ask to speak to the District Executive for your area.
There are means available that the Distict Exec. and Commissioner can use to remove a troublesome Scoutmaster.
If needs be form a committee, obtain a Charter and start your own Troop.