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How about going to Philmont Training Center
Eamonn replied to Bob White's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Three years ago,I packed the car, with Wife and son, and we set off to Philmont. I was attending the conference on District Service for Commissioners, which was great. OJ, my son, was eleven at the time. He had the time of his life. I had some conserns about Jamie, my wife, she is shy, not a great mixer. She was only going to keep the "Old Man" happy. She came home with all sorts of neat crafts that she had done. She too had a great time. I do have an up to date price list somewhere, but the cost at that time for the three of us was only $620.00 I think that I spent more then that in the Trading Post !! After the conference, we did a tour of the area going to the Grand Canyon. It ranks as one of the best vacations we as a family ever had. -
A question Is it legal to own an Eagle Feather ? I really don't know.
Boy does this one hit close to home. Much as I hate to admit it, I smoke. However, I like to think of myself as a polite smoker. I don't smoke in your house. I don't smoke in your car. I don't smoke near your child. If my smoking is causing you any discomfort,I will move or put the cigarette out. I have been smoking for a long time and have tried to quit, but I'm still smoking. You will find me outside in the freezing cold, puffing away. Come the day when the BSA,tells me that they don't need me as a volunteer, and they don't need the money that I donate. It will be sad, but then I will go. I also enjoy the odd beer. I don't drink and drive. I don't drink in front of children,unless they are, where they ought not be ( I hate to see children at Adult weddings and the like.) I don't ever drink in uniform or on property used or owned by the BSA. But yes there are a few of us poor "Sinners" who after a board meeting have gone and had a beer and some of us smokers, have lit up. I never got into the drug thing. I think because it was never legal, maybe if it had been I might have tried that as well. I think that with the bad habits that I have now, that I have enough. However, I do feel that even with all my failings that I'm not such a bad chap. Come to think of it there was another Englishman, who smoked a pipe. What was his name ? He took a bunch of boys to a small island.
While only a few miles "Down The Pike" In Westmoreland Fayette Council, we have watched and followed the local news. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with your friend. The local news, which at times is not the Friend that we would like it to be has done nothing but show Scouts And Scouting in the best possible way.The report of the church service showed both Adults and Youth members in such a good way. Everyone in Greater Pitt. Can take pride in that. Please let us know if there is a fund to which can make a donation.
As a new to the job District Chairman, who has just gone through puting together the new list of "District Officers". Here is the way that I went about it. The Annual District Meeting is held in December. I called a meeting of the nominating committee, in September, the Committee comprised of the Key Three, the Nominating Chair and two other district members. We met and went over the "List" making what changes that we felt were necessary. Then met with those that we wanted to see if they would take on the job. The List was available to everyone to look at, then at the District Annual Meeting the entire list was presented by the Nominating Chair. and voted on, as presented. One of my main concerns, as we compiled the list was NOT, to ask unit Leaders to take on District Positions. A unit Leader has a big enough task without taking on anything else. As to any Leader attending the District Committee Meeting. It does not happen in my District. We invite and Welcome Charter Reps, but unit problems are presented by the District Commissioner.
Camp Conestoga is just outside Somerset, but I have no idea where Mt Davis is ? Penns Woods Council covers Somerset Pa.
I was the Scoutmaster for troop 429 at the last jamboree.We used wall tents that were passed on to our council camp, for use at summer camps to come. Each patrol had two Colman double burner gas stoves, with the Jambo rig. We used the regular dining flies. Which we will change next time, opting for the framed things that look like a garage ?? Another change we will make is with the tent stakes/ pegs. Last time we used wooden pegs/stakes. It was over a hundred in the shade, the earth was baked and the stakes kept breaking. Next time we will use stakes made out of rebar.
One Minute Manager and Wood Badge.
Eamonn replied to Eamonn's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Pack38Scouter, Many Thanks. I enjoyed my visit to the Web Site. There is a lot of really neat stuff. -
Another good reason to get training!
Eamonn replied to Bob White's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Some really Great Stuff here. But the thing worth doing is: Use the "Stuff You Got At The Training." -
I have to admit that last year when I was asked to serve on the staff of the new Wood Badge for the 21st Century, I did see the recommendation to read the One Minute Manager, and I didn't. I thought it was going to be a hard read, full of management gobbledygook, not to mention the fact that it cost twenty dollars. However, I did break down and spend the twenty, and boy it is the best money that I have spent in a long time. I think that it would not only be a usefull tool for Adult Training, but would be really usefull for all leaders. Please let me know your thoughts and views.
hoops scout, Many thanks for your interest. While I had to go along with the school,after all rules are rules. I was very upset a little time later when OJ (My son) was informed that because of this incident, he was not allowed to attend the junior high dance. I looked over all the rules, and the notice about the four day suspension, and there was nothing there. I wrote to the school and sent an E-mail, and never got a reply. Yes I'm a firm old timer who follows the rules, and have in the past gone to great lengths to have rules that are unfair changed. I do feel that as an adult in Scouting, we have to ensure that we are very careful, that if we do have rules that they are fair and everyone is aware of them. But that is another subject.
Strange as it may be, only last night iI got a phone call from a Charter Rep. Who was very upset with the new unit commissioner. In fact she wasn't very thrilled that the new district commissioner, had not returned her phone call. (Rule #1 Return phone calls.) She was calling me as the district chair. to complain, that this commissioner, had demanded that she call a committee meeting in order to get the charter done. He said when the meeting would be held. She, very rightly informed him to stick it in his ear.(Rule#2 Commissioners are to serve the unit, and are an invited guest at each and every meeting they attend. Add to this don't get on the wrong side of a charter Rep. Who has been in the program longer then you have been on the planet.) She told me at thier first meeting, he had said that he was there to sort them out. (Rule #3. Think what you like but don't be dumb enough to say it out loud. Wait and bring it up at the Commissioners meeting.(Rule#4 Attend the Commissiners meetings.) Our best Commissioners, look good, they wear the full uniform, they keep promises. While not becoming part of the unit they are active in looking out for the best interests of the unit. I always told my unit commissipners that they were the advocate for the unit. They were to try and keep us up to date of how we were doing as both a district and as a council. Hope this helps.
A Bear is Born... And you?
Eamonn replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
As a youth in a troop in the UK, I the was the proud Patrol Leader of the Panther Patrol. In the mid. 70s I took my Wood Badge Training at Gilwell Park, as a member of the Cuckoo Patrol.(Sad to report that the English no longer use patrol names in Adult Leader Training.) Done the Cub Scout Leader Trainer Wood Badge, here in the USA, as a member of the Bear Den. Have Staffed a few Wood Badge Courses in many patrols. I'm looking forward to my first (and last.) stint, as the Scoutmaster for NE-IV-153, next fall at the Eberly Scout Reservation, Camp Conestoga, Somerset PA. Please send me an E-mail if you would like details. So in answer to the question: Maybe the Bear was re-born -
Having been a District Commissioner for a number of years, I found that the best Unit Commissioners are the ones that do what the book says.
Much as I hate to sat it but the information that acc40, gave is outdated and not really all right. Here in the USA, there were three Neckerchiefs, for Wood Badge, the green one as described, then there was a blue one for the participants taking the Cub Scout Leader Trainer Wood Badge. These were worn by the participants on the course and could be worn, by the participants till they completed thier ticket, or the time ran out. Once the ticket was completed and the presentation was done they could wear the Neckerchief of the 1st Gilwell, which is as described. However now there is the Wood Badge Troop 1 Neckerchief. A training neckerchief worn by participants (Staff as well, until the last day of the course.) The entire neckerchief is the McLaren tartan pattern embroidered with the words "Boy Scouts of America" the troop 1 unit numeral, and the ax-in-log emblem. It is a restricted item (WC02209)
Sounds as if things are starting to move in the right direction.
Strange thing is that I never ever thought of a one night campout !! Think it would be too much like hard work. When I had a Troop the Patrol Leaders Council, must have been as unaware as myself. It never ever crossed our minds. The Troop my son is in does have Day outings or a day when they practice some skill.(Mainly cooking, as they love to eat ) But all camp outs start on Friday night and normally end after a light breakfast on Sunday. We parents are requested to pick up our beloved offspring at 8:30AM,in order that everyone can get to church.
Not wanting to take sides, but so far Scoutnet is doing well with the FOS. Which while not the same size as rechartering, is still a sizeable task.
Thanks for all the great info. Many years back there was a great adult in our District. Old Fred Jenkins, Fred was in Scouting for many years, and was a Kings Scout. Fred, was the most knowledgeable person that I have ever met. The only bad thing was that he really didn't like kids. Fred claimed that he could tie every Knot in the Dictionary of Knots, He also claimed that only one knot had been added to the dicionary in the past two hundred years (Fred could tell some great yarns!)He said that this new knot was the Hunter knot. Has anyone heard of it? And was Fred,telling the truth? Sad to say Fred passed away, thanks to many years of chain smoking. He was one of London Scoutings great eccentrics.
Yes, the problem of signatures was brought up at the conference, but we were informed that this could be overcome with the use of digital signatures. As to the legal reasons, while I'm not well versed, I am aware that more and more legal "Stuff!" Is now being done on line. Come to think of it what becomes of the hard copy, once the information is transmitted to the national office ? Some of the Charters that I have seen turned in, were in really poor shape.
I have seen in these forums, that there is a lot of Scouters using all sorts of software. While at a District Commissioners conference, at Philmont in 2000. I was informed that the BSA,was exploring the use of these programs, and soon we would be able to do all of our rechartering on line. Well, I have asked about this in our council and they say that it can't be done, due to Scoutnet, not being up to it. I have to admit to being some what upset, as it was only approx. Four years ago that we spent $100,000. On upgrading the entire council computer system. Is there anyone, who is doing their entire rechartering on line ?
Laura, Why not have your Committee Chair. Invite your District Commissioner, or a Assistant District Commissioner to your next committee meeting?
Excluded from Overnight Experience at Wood badge
Eamonn replied to bmchugh's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
In answer to Acco40: I think the BSA guidelines need changed, if two people are married, I see no reason why they can not share a tent. As to Mom and a 17 son, it is not the best idea in the world, but if push came to shove and it was the last resort. Why not. I have never had it happen and I don't know what the guidelines are, but I don't think that I would be so open to the idea if it was a Dad and his daughter. On top of all my failings maybe I'm a sexist as well. Will have to ponder on that one. -
I HATE SPAM!! Memories of School Lunches, at Holy Cross in London. Deep Fried Spam,in the same batter that was used for the fish on Friday (The same oil?) Cooked at least two hours, before it was served, left to sit in a pool of luke warm spam juice and grease. Someone has informed me that Spam, is Spiced Ham, and was a item that the Americans, thought up to help us poor Brits, when food was hard to get during world war two. Come to think of it maybe the nuns at Holy Cross, got a good deal on some of the early shipments !! Who knows there may be a law for Nuns that states A Nun,is Thrifty. I think that I have heard that some place else.
Excluded from Overnight Experience at Wood badge
Eamonn replied to bmchugh's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I have to admit that I have never given this much thought.As a Venture Scout in England, back in the 70's, we had female Ventures, they were with us all the time but had their own tents and bathrooms.Along with female leaders. Here in the USA,I have led many trainings where there has been a "Lone Female" with a patrol, and again it has been no big deal. We have had married couples that have shared a tent, again no big deal. However, I do not allow couples that are not married, to share a tent. Even if in the "Real World," they live together. This may be due to my old catholic upbringing, but I think it is not the example that we need to show.