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Everything posted by Eamonn
Don't think that I want to be a the assistant scout executive. It's lonely at the top. It does seem that the roundtable, got a bit out of hand. As a district chair. I do attend all of the district roundtables,even though I know that I don't have to, and it's not my job. In fact the entire key 3 are at all of these meetings. So,without trying to be smug about it, I feel sure it would never have got this far. But if it had. I would send someone over to have a chat with this person, to explain what the correct way is to complain. I would also go to great lengths to explain that Scouting is a safe haven, where no one gets harmed in body or in spirit. This is true for everyone, even the paid members of our organization. I would also meet with the people who were upset, and explain that while you can't remove this very sad excuse for a leader, you do understand why they are upset. Failing this, I would see if there were any of the rockets left and .....
Yes it is an offensive skit. Not the kind of thing that I as a parent would want, the people who are the "Leaders? " teaching my son. With so many good skits out there do we need to stoop this low ? While I have never been to New South Wales, I have spent a lot of time in Earls Court, London. The home to many Australians, in fact as a Scout one of the Assistant Scout Leaders was from Australia, think that is really strange that no one has ever mentioned the foot warming technique that has been stated here.
Good Stuff. Thank You
Ozemu, Sure you can vote, I think the Thread says BSA/ Scouting.
That is wonderful. Cub Scouts are so much fun, at times the Den leaders are even more fun. It truly is a great program.
I don't have the Web Address,however if you go to Google and search for Tooth of Time Traders,you can get there and order a catalog. I think that the BSA,is up to something,I'm having the same problem with my shorts and pants, and yes the belt too, even the shirts are becoming smaller. These are the Adult items, now as for the youth items, they seem to get shorter.Who knows what is going to happen to my hat?
Many thanks for sharing this, and welcome. Sounds as if things are going really well. Your record of membership, advancement, and the long history are outstanding. Before you try and to fire up the boys, you might do well to take a long hard look at you !! What is the role of the Scoutmaster? If you and the other Adult leaders have yet to attend training, do so as soon as possible. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training, is a really good course to get you on the right track. The Wood Badge course, would also give you a lot of the tools that you need. However as wonderful as these Training's are, they only work if you implement what they have to offer. At times it is so easy to let the Adults do it all, and yes, on paper things might look good. But that isn't what we are all about.
I'm still having a hard time with this program. Back in the good old days, in the old country (My old country England.) Life and Venture Scouting was easy, when you were 16, you left the troop and joined the Venture Unit. There was a program, with choices that you the Venture Scout, made. For example,community service, the book stated how many hours you needed to do, but you chose where to do it. The same kind of thing was true for all through the program. I have read the Venture Leader handbook and attended the training, and maybe I'm just dense, but I can't think out of the box, till I manage to find the box in the first place. As a council, we are really far behind some of the wise and learned people who, both in this post and the one on How is Venturing Doing, have stated that things are starting to pick up. The powers that be in my council, tell me that I need to be talking to church youth groups, I have visited a few (only six.) But our 14 year age group,doesn't fit, they start at 12. They send me to the local Volunteer Fire Companys, they have junior fireman, these guys have a program of their own. Until my council can put something on the table, for these groups, we have nothing to sell. I had more luck with the Superintendent of one of the school districts, he has an Alternative Education class that due to insurance problems, has had to cut back on some activities. They also have a Tie and Fly Club, that are thinking about Venturing. I know the answer lies in the Seamless Program and the Entire Family of Scouting, but the Scoutmasters in my district are as yet not sold on this "New" program, and to be very honest I don't think they ever will be. We have one active Crew that claims to be a Theatrical Crew, they are part of Nero (New England Roleplaying Organization) But I think they are only in for the insurance. I know that it seems that I have a down on Venturing, I don't. I really do want to see this part of Scouting become as big if not bigger then Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. My hope is that in time, everything will work out. I will go back and read some more and see what I can do to start the odd Crew here and there. Maybe the problem with Venturers, is that there just isn't enough of them.
A friend of mine was looking for the old pewter Bear belt buckle, which was/is no longer available, he managed to get one from the Trading Post at Philmont. I'm not sure if he ordered it on line or by mail order. It might be worth a phone call. I don't know why these were discontinued
What brought this to mind, was that I had stopped at Staples, on my way home from work to buy two new flip charts. These had to go in the trunk.The back seat has my laptop, and lcd projector, a box of puppets, a box of hats, (Mickey Mouse ears and the like.)
Man oh Man, no matter how you have managed to land this job, you deserve a giant pat on the back. Do take a minute to congratulate yourself. Both the postings, above this one are 100% right and you would do well to follow their wise words. The best advise that I got from Skip, my old Scoutmaster was to remember the word STAR: STOP,THINK,ACT,REFLECT. All the tools you need to be a good Patrol Leader are in the Scout Oath and Law, when the going gets a little sticky, stop and think have I led my patrol by my example? There are tons of things that you can do with your patrol, the internet is a great place to find new ideas. The English Scout Scoutnet is very good. I wish you the very best of luck.
Most of the time,I'm the only person in my car, which is just as well, as most of the time there isn't room for anyone else. It is full of Scout Stuff. Her who must be obeyed, does at times get a little upset, and fails to understand how anyone can tote so much "Junk." (Her words.) The "Junk" does vary, by the time of year, and what I'm doing at the time. But at times stuff just gets put in there and never sees the light of day again. There is still a case of Coucil calendars, in the trunk since the corn roast, just in case someone didn't get one. Has Scouting taken over your trunk? What great "Junk" do you have hidden in your trunk?(This message has been edited by Eamonn)
Wow this is hard. I would like to see a uniform, that Everyone would wear. I don't care what it is, so long as we all wear it.
"Give a boy a rope and he will have fun for hours" I think the same can be said for a lot of adults. Some of the really great people that I know and have known, in Scouting, have been the ones with a rope in their pocket, waiting to pass on the art of knoting ?? To that boy who just happened to pass by. It is always a lot of fun to watch, the faces, and wait for the smiles.
Just for the fun of it. If you could be King / Queen for a day, and change just one, and only one thing in the BSA / Scouting, what would you change ?
Our Council and all the Scouters that I know, are with Twocubdad and Bob White, on this one Adult only golf outings are big fund raisers in our neck of the wood, they normaly end up with a dinner, where the bar is open. No one is in uniform.As yet we don't own a golf course. However our council key 3 are all golf nuts, so I keep my eyes open, they might one day try and pull a fast one on the board !! (That was a joke.)
I am attending wood badge
Eamonn replied to troop_358_potlatch's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
This time I have checked: The Wood Badge Administrative Guide, Page 32: The ticket counselor meets with the participant whenever necessary over a period of up to 18 months. Staff Guide, page 69: The five goals of the ticket must be completed within 18 months of the endof the Wood Badge course... -
I am attending wood badge
Eamonn replied to troop_358_potlatch's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I have gone through all the books, and the CD, and there is no reference to the six months. That's what I get for not checking my facts first. -
Bob White, Really like your take on the Merit Badge item. I have been looking over some of the new handbooks of the English Scout Association, they have gone out of their way to stress a planned balanced program. I also agree in what you say about realizing, the brotherhood, when mixing with other units. I think that maybe, I was reading it wrong. We have units that do support the district and the council, but may not attend ALL, the events. And sad to say we have one unit that never does anything, with or for the council. The unit that is unable to make all the events, is still a good unit. (I'm aware that you never said all !!) Just as an interesting note. The Troop that never does anything with the district, phoned me earlier tonight, to ask if I had the forms for Camperships. I don't sit on that committee. Which is probably a good thing. As I think one of my first questions would be about the unit popcorn sale. Maybe, I'm becoming mean, in my old age.
I have to admit to at times being a little upset, by the people who want to put their own view and interpretation of things. My son was a 13 year old Life Scout. He is now a 15 year old Life Scout. I have no way of knowing what might have been, I do know, that he still enjoys being a Scout, is happy as the troop quartermaster, attends most of the trips and camp outs that the troop does.He is active in the Order of the Arrow, as the Brotherhood Chair. He is also happy playing soccer, performing in the school plays. Playing volley ball, and spending a lot of time on the phone talking to girls. This is/ was his choice. I think if he had not got so "Busy" with all the stuff he is doing maybe he might have been a 14 year old Eagle. Not by his choice:His hair is the natural color, he doesn't have a bone through his nose or his ears pierced. That's our choice, as his parents. But if he did have green hair and multiple rings through his ear /ears, and a bone through his nose. As long as he had completed all the requirments. He would be an Eagle Scout. I think that he still plans to become an Eagle, and I think that he knows that both his mother and I, will do everything to support him, in his effort. But he is the one that will become the Eagle. It will be his Eagle. The entire family will be very proud of him and for him. I will not push him. But if someone came up with some reason of their own making, to prevent this from happening. I would not be a happy camper. And would be sure to let them know, that they were out of line.
In answer to Old Grey Eagle. You are so far ahead of where we are at. What is sad, is your Council is next door to us. Maybe we need to send some of our people to visit you, in order to at least get some idea. So far as a Council all we have managed to do is offer the 7th week of summer camp to the Venturers. Then we complain, that they don't come. Some of these boys have been going there since they were Cub Scouts, and by that week the older youth are on their way back to school. I earned my Queens Scout as a Veuture Scout, in England. We were co-ed, and while there were a lot of "Super Scouts", a lot of the crew were happy just having a place to be, where it was safe, drug free and they were able to just hang out with friends. They did get involved with the things that interested them, and did pick and chose what camps they attended. But by and large we all had a good time.
I am attending wood badge
Eamonn replied to troop_358_potlatch's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I know the six months is still there but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere. -
I looked at the list and checked it twice, I see eye to eye with all of it, with the exception of "They Participate in Council and District events." My Thinking is that the District and Council is here to support the unit. If they are happy doing a good program without the District and Council they ought to go for it. It is also up to the PLC. Some District and Council events just might not be what they want to do. Having said that, if the troops in my district were to follow your list, it would be super. in fact I may copy it and share it with my District Commissioner, he may want to share it with the Unit Commissioners. Thank You
Sounds like you need more packs and Troops in the area. We have units that I'm sad to say are very much like the ones you describe in my district. But Scouting units, Packs and Troops should be like restaurants, the should be one on every corner, and the boy and his family ought to pick the one that they like the best. It is hard to change a unit from doing what it is doing, as long as it is not breaking any of the rules and the Chartered Organization, is happy. Maybe the District Advancement Chair. might want to have a word with the troop. But I think that the best thing to do is contact the District New Unit Organizer, and see what can be done to start new units.
I think by the "Lack Of Hits" on this topic, things are not going that well. How long has it been out there? Four or Five years ? It would be nice to think, that all of our Troops were doing such a great job, that none of the older boys were leaving. Many are keeping these young men, but how many are allowing these boys just leave? What can we do to really get this program, off the ground? Do we wait four or five more years ?