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EagleWoodBadge's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. I have seen that there is a already formatted website for Cub Scouts Packs. Does anyone know of such a format for a Troop? I would like to get a website started for my troop but am not talented in that way. Thanks
  2. Hey guys and gals, I know we're old getting old but can we spell "feeble" correctly? Thanks, An "Old and Feeble Eagle" NE-1-237
  3. Hey guys and gals, I know we're old getting old but can we spell "feeble" correctly? Thanks, An "Old and Feeble Eagle" NE-1-237
  4. Congratulations! I have one ticket item left to complete. Will be done by fall. Hope to meet you at Gilwell some day. Troop NE-1-237 Camp Hinds Raymond, ME
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