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Everything posted by eaglewife

  1. Oh my! How sad. I hadn't heard or read about this. My heart goes out to the family and everyone involved! Janet(This message has been edited by eaglewife)
  2. PackCC--Our pack sells popcorn and the incentive we have is if you sell $200.00 in popcorn you get to throw a cream pie at your den leader's face. The top five sellers in the pack get to throw a cream pie at the cub master. The boys love it and the adults have a blast too. We do this at a pack meeting later in the year! Janet
  3. Thank you, John-in-KC My boys love scouting, it is in their blood!! Their dad was on staff for many years and he couldn't wait to get back down there this year. My bear cub told me he wants to be on staff someday!! I made my first trip to the Bartle Reservation and it was great!!! My son is having a wonderful time. He's not an enthusiastic kid, but there was a twinkle in is eye I had never seen before! He is doing a lot of fun things at camp! Thanks again for the warm welcome. Janet
  4. Our pack buys the neckerchiefs for the boys. If they misplace it they parents replace it. We also give them a new slide with each new rank. Our pack doesn't require the official cub scout pants or shorts or the hat. We are happy if they have the uniform. I have a hard time getting the cubs in my den to wear their dress uniforms on trips we take as a den. The older they get the better it is. In the boy scout troop they don't require the official boy scout pants/shorts, but they require the official boy scout socks. Go figure. Janet
  5. Thanks, everyone, for the wonderful welcome!!! I have been preparing myself mentally for the up-coming cub year. I can't believe they will be Bears! Time flies! My husband and oldest son have been gone a whole day to camp and I just wonder how it's going!! I have been reading posts and John-in-KC caught my eye. My husband's name is John! Thanks again for the warm welcome! Janet
  6. Thanks for the welcome. I am very active with the cub pack and that keeps me pretty busy! Getting ready to do back-to-school recruiting. We attended our troops very first ECOH (2 scouts) and that was my first. It was wonderful! Big plans for both of my boys!! I will go to camp for visitors Sunday and I am very excited about all of that too. My husband was working on staff when we were dating and he loved every minute of it! Can't wait to see what some of it is all about!! Believe it or not, I have never had Gates BBQ!!! What is this pig you speak of???? Thanks! Janet
  7. Hello everyone! I am new to the forum. I have been lurking the last few days and this looks like a place where I can easily fit in. I am the wife of an eagle scout and the mother of a new boy scout and a bear cub. We belong to an awesome pack, with wonderful, willing parents. I am the bear cub den leader. I feel a little intimidated by the boy scout troop, but it is just a matter of time before I am totally involved with that group of people as well. My husband is a new assistant scoutmaster with the troop. My oldest son will be leaving tomorrow for his first 9-day camp at H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. He will be the 5th generation scout from the family to go to this camp. He is very excited to see everything his dad has been telling him about for the past several years. I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone here. Looks like a great group of people. Janet
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