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That's probably because he has more functional strength than just attractive muscle. Tons of people are overweight; even I am. But it doesn't mean we are fat, or even need to lose any weight. It just means, according to the national averages, we might have too much weight for our body's size. However, everyone's body type is different: bone density, flexibility, lean muscle, and cardio endurance are all varying factors when it comes to the individual. Some people are stronger than others, and look like they shouldn't even be on a sidewalk. As I boast all the time, "I've got a six pack; it's just covered by a layer of subcutaneous fat." Basically, someone can be in great shape and still have a little bit of flab on the outside. But if your leader is seriously looking to lose that extra weight, I suggest varying his exercises. Doing too much of the same exercise over and over again will eventually result in a lack of results. There's sprints up hills, certain breathing exercises, and even swimming, all which train our bodies in ways in which we are not used to, and we understand a different level of fitness after mixing things up. YIS, -D Eagle Scout 3:16
Is there any Scouting in China?
EagleScout316 replied to EagleScout316's topic in Scouting Around the World
Darn. I was thinking it would have been interesting to have learned how to say the Scout Oath and Law in Mandarin, and maybe even share Scouting stories. Did they ban Scouting solely because it has roots in England? -
Just wondering if there was. Going to Beijing this summer, and I was just curious if they had Scouting out there at all.
One problem intervenes there. I have no car, and probably won't be getting one for awhile. If anyone were to use the actual trailer, it'd be the Scoutmaster, but since he continually has shown that he's too busy for getting around to things like getting a proper trailer for the Troop, that workload falls on my shoulders. If I ordered it online, would they deliver it, or would i have to go and get it?
Fundraising ideas based on merit badges
EagleScout316 replied to EagleScout316's topic in Unit Fundraising
Sounds like a recipe for a stomach ache. I remember when we cooked for our Scoutmaster...no one knows to this day how that bottle of soap happened to spill into the pot. =P -
Fundraising ideas based on merit badges
EagleScout316 replied to EagleScout316's topic in Unit Fundraising
I've even seen things go so far as a kick-a-thon and a flip-a-thon, lol. Actually, I was just thinking about the Scout Law, about how a Scout is Clean. Came up with the phrase 'Trash Bash', basically another a-thon without the 'a-thon' part. Thinking it could be a contest to see who could collect the most trash. Most of the pure garbage would just be thrown out, cleaning up our streets, but the glass bottles and aluminum cans could be sold to the city for recycling purposes. -
I was recently going over Personal Fitness merit badge with my Troop, and thought about having a Fitness-a-thon. You know, kind of like a walk-a-thon; scouts would go to family and friends and ask for donations based on how many pushups/situps/etcetera that they could do. Works for other badges, too, like Swimming or Cycling.
That McDonalds, it's not real food. Just balls of meat and bread overcooked with grease. Yuck!
Sounds like Rangers at Philmont, lmbo! (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
I've recently been interested in getting a trailer for my Troop, and the only things that keep coming up in my searches are a bunch of RVs. Anyone know of any site to go to for getting trailers for storing purposes, only? If it's possible, a trailer with some Scouting emblems on it?
Well, even for those who think they are in pretty good shape, here's a personal story. I've roughly stayed around 171 lbs. since wrestling in high school, but when I went to Philmont, I dropped 15 lbs. Then I gained about 10 back from the Taste of Chicago. Then, two years later, I did OATC, and dropped 20. Again, gained most of it back; stupid Taste. Finally, this past summer, I went on OA Voyage: not just walking around, but getting a great upper body workout. At the start, I weighed about 185. At the end, I dropped to 158, an almost 30 lb. difference! Since then, I've only gained back 10 lbs. (probably because I didn't go back to the Taste this year), but this time around, it's all muscle instead of flabola. What I'm trying to say here is that proper weight loss, or weight gain, depending on your goals, doesn't depend on proper exercise, but proper exercise and proper diet. Up your metabolism by drinking more cold water and eliminating things like pancakes and waffles. Eat more fruits. Throw in a few pushups a day. Enjoy it all, but in moderation. YIS, -D Eagle Scout 3:16
Things in our lives that may conflict with Scouting
EagleScout316 replied to EagleScout316's topic in Issues & Politics
And how do I know who my IH and COR are, if neither of them is my priest? -
Walking is an extremely great thing to do. When you are a goo 50-100 lbs. overweight, you don't want to go running, because that will burn off glycogen, and just make you more hungry. Similar to the effects of swimming. But if you walk outside at a moderate pace (not fast) for half an hour in the morning and half an hour at night, your weight will steadily drop. If you really want it to fly off, I suggest the Magnificent 7 from Matt Furey's Combat Abs (Yeah, I know the name sounds scary, but it's stuff that works). Another option is hill walking. Walk down a hill and up it normally. Then walk back down normally. Now walk up the hill with increased length inbetween your stride, so you're almost doing a lunge (but don't let your knee come past your foot). Then go back down normally. Now come up walking backwards, with the normal amount of length in your stride. Then walk back down normally. Now walk back up with increased length in your stride, but walk backwards (this one will be the hardest). Now walk back down normally. When you walk back up, walk normally, but walk with a little bit of a bounce in your step, almost like you are jogging. Then go home and drink several large glasses of water (colder is better). The longer the hill the better. If you can't find a hill in your town, stadium steps by a highschool football field work just about as good. Another good tip (not just for exercise, but for diet as well) is to write down things in a journal. YIS, -D Eagle Scout 3:16
Things in our lives that may conflict with Scouting
EagleScout316 replied to EagleScout316's topic in Issues & Politics
Thanks for any prayers. But I gotta just say, it's really easy to say that it's Satan's work at hand, and just as easy to say that it's God's work at hand. But no one on this planet will ever completely know for sure. Atleast I consulted a priest before anything else. Does money always have to be about greed and joining Satanic forces? What exactly is the right thing in this situation? It's too bad that no man in the world can really say, as God is God, and man is man. In the end, I guess I'll just have to follow my own heart. Let's hope I'm right. -
Things in our lives that may conflict with Scouting
EagleScout316 replied to EagleScout316's topic in Issues & Politics
Well, the difference between a brothel and this place is that, if anyone does hook up, they are unable to do so in the bar. They have to go home for anything like that. And who knows; maybe I might reach out to someone with my views. Whether I work there or not, there will still be someone that will end up working there. As one of my friends put it, I'm 'robbing' them and putting money into my wallet. And as SAGReagan put it, my economic situation (which, I just found out, has been put into an even greater risk) supercedes my stance on morality. After all, my priest (of the Church that my Troop belongs to) agrees with that sentiment, and that if I should feel my morals being threatened too much, I should then go ahead and quit. In terms of better ways to make a living, do you know of one in Central Illinois that fits the schedule of a college kid, and provides a commission beyond a fixed wage? If so, just let me know. And in terms of things that God provides, who's to say he didn't put this out on the map for me to do? Perhaps it's a test for me to undergo. Perhaps, by going through with it, some type of good might occur from the overall experience. I'm not really sure what type of good, but I've gotta keep an open mind about the abilities of other human beings besides myself. YIS, -D Eagle Scout 3:16