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Everything posted by eaglescout2004

  1. I have personal objections to D&D, but if the others on the trip bring it to play I have no objection. I do, however, strongly disagree with: "...if youth are spending time playing a game at Scout Camp they obviously aren't signed up for enough merit badges" Scouts usually have an appropriate amount of down time. I have seen scouts that don't believe in down time so they take 5+ MBs but they usually dont have a really great time at camp. Scouts is NOT about advancement, thats a side thing. It is about FUN.
  2. Sorry, my mistake, Inducted in Fall 2000. Brotherhood Spring 2002.
  3. I am looking into becoming a professional scouter. Could you post the info about your book when you are done? I would love to read it NN
  4. Inducted Fall 2001 in Onondaga 36 Brotherhood Spring 2002 in Hunnikick 76 Still in Hunnikick on the ceremonies team
  5. An ordeal on a birthday... Sounds a litte miserable.
  6. I dont think it is the greatest idea to offer FamLife @ summercamp, but its not my idea. And Yes, the majority of the requirements must be done at home before camp. The requirements that I have to teach at camp will only take about an hour. That leaves me 4 hours of class time with nothing to do! This really shouldn't be sone at camp. Oh well.
  7. I am teaching the "eagle's nest" at one camp this summer: Citizenship x's 3, FamLife, Communications. I don't mind teaching but I feel that these kids should have fun at camp. Most kids would not consider them fun. If they are taking them they are probably a or b: a) a kid who only sees the advancement part of scouting b) a kid who is almost 17 and pushing to get eagle
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