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Everything posted by eaglescout2004

  1. However one must be currently registered with the BSA in any program to be registered in an OA lodge. Correct?
  2. I definately understand how some issues are innapropriate for youth, there should be no problem asking the youth member to leave the room or leave early, etc. I will look into the handbooks for more guidance. Thanks to both of you for your advice.
  3. In your troops, what decisions does the PLC get to make, for example: schedule meeting activities select outing dates select where outings will be select what will be done on outings appoint certain youth positions have a youth rep. sit in on committee meetings (but not vote) My troop is going to go through some changes, we would be open to your suggestions on how the PLC works with the committee and SMs. I feel the part about a youth rep observing committee and giving reports is reasonable. Two youth from our council (venture youth and Lodge chief) are voting members of out Executive Board, why can't a boy from the troop report/receive info at the Commitee meetings? Your thoughts?
  4. I report on Sunday June 26 to Citta Scout Reservation in Barnegat, NJ. I will be working the Eagle's Nest Program (teaching the Cit. Community, Cit. Nation, Cit World, Communications, and Fam Life Merit Badges). Anyone going to Citta this summer?
  5. This letter, while it may have merit in the troop, has no business being exhibited on a web site with many identifying characteristics. It looks like the Troop has issues, but they need to be worked on through the Distict and COuncil level, not through an internet forum (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  6. my lodge has an interview with the brotherhood candidate and a brotherhood/vigil member. (in sight of others so not to violate YP) They are asked to recite the song, obligation, asked questions about the ceremony, etc. If a perrson does not know these things then the interviewer works with him until he has them memorized. Everyone knows that it is impossible to fail this test, that if you don't do so good u will immediately receive the help you need and will be allowed to recieve brotherhood.
  7. You were a HS freshman at 12? You had your eagle at 11? You are lodge chief at 14, after being chapter chief for the past two years? Sorry, and no offense, but I really find it hard to believe all this...
  8. I stand corrected, my math was off. Theororetically (sp), one can become eagle @ 11. I still think that more time should be spent doing non-requirement activities and activities outside scouting.
  9. If i am not mistaken, Eagle at 11 is IMPOSSIBLE! The earliest you can enter scouting is at 10 (if you have your arrow of Light). You have to earn first class, which even the best scouts do in a 12 month period. After that you need to be first class for 4mo., star for 6mo. and then life for another 6mo. The youngest age is around 12.5 or 13! No offense, but i don't think that it was intended for kids this age to achieve the high rank. I know many people will disagree w/ me, but i will stand by my position that if you have eagle by 11 or 12 (or even 13) you have spent too much time on advancement and not enough on learing other skills, enjoying the activities, and other aspects scouting has to offer.
  10. www.troop42ml.com I am the webmaster and I designed our new website in April of this year.. We are located in Mount Laurel, NJ. Burinlington County Council.
  11. Unami means "the people down the river". If I am not mistaken, I believe this was the name of one "group" of the Lenapes. I heard TI cancelled all overnight events because of the flood damage they received. My lodge was going to send a work crew, but apparently they requested that work crews stop comming for some reason.
  12. madkins & Proud Eagle, you guys have some good points
  13. it does not say that the MB sashes are to be worn at every event, and they probably shouldn't. It just would be nice if we could legally wear them on the belts when on the shoulder wouldn't work. I do not wear the sash on my belt in order to follow the rules. But it would simply be nice to allow that.
  14. seriously, many scouts will agree the MB sach is awkward to wear during all scout activities (including COH skits, meetings etc) Why not let the scouts wear it on their belt? They deserve the right to show them off, but they cant always have them on their shoulders.
  15. why does national not allow you to wear the MB sash on the belt?
  16. Many BSA events and councils are dependant on OA and their lodges. Many summer camps would not have the much needed improvements that these lodges provide. It is not always possible to have regular scouts come out to work all weekend if they feel they are getting nothing out of it. If you go to the National Jambo you will realize there is a full OA staff that runs several things, and these are not only for members. At the NJ State Police Camporee in Oct. a network of scouts who knew each other through OA were able to put on the opening/closing ceremonies. All cameramen, tech crew, director, etc were arrowmen who knew each other through OA events. It should NOT be asked "why the BSA really needs the OA, except for some people to better about themselves?" BSA might survive without the OA, but it would be a much harder struggle to stay running.
  17. I stand corrected: Scouts is about BOTH fun and advancement. Both are important to the program, but a scout need not to excell in advacement to be considered a good scout.
  18. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, advice and other comments. Hopefully this situation will be handled so that similar issues in my troop will not arise. I still am convinced that sharing the scout's contact info was the right thing to do and that the SM violated YP rules. I probably should not have reported to council, but I will see what turns up.
  19. The YP is a side thing but it does concern me. I have been YPT and know what is/is not allowed. My letter to council was not an "this is a bad scoutmaster"letter. I know many of the professionals at my council very well and sent the letter to request advice on the scoutbucks issue and only mentioned the YP violation.
  20. The CC and the SM are very close. I did not want to report this to the CC for fear that the SM would hear and I would have repricussions. One problem that my troop has is that several scoutmasters serve on the commitee. On earlier trips when a question of YP came up, the committee has said,"Well he's the SM, he knows what he is doing, and we trust his judgement" (he spent 6+ hours along with an ill scout in camp)
  21. The back room was very secluded from the rest of the people in the building. I reported to council on the many issues that i have with my SM. This is also not the first time he has violated a YP rule.
  22. I am a 16 year old scout. All my scoutmasters (including the treasurer) were not in good relations with these boys and their parents. If I had not given them the contact info the money will not be transferred. What really got to me was that the SM was unhappy with me but the treasurer/asst. SM was very glad I did what I did.
  23. Here's my situation: Scouts A and B are brothers who have had major dissagreements with my scoutmasters. As a result, they left my troop in September. We keep scoutbucks accounts and these two boys had money in their accounts. Troop policy reads that if they transfer to another BSA unit (which they did) we will give them their funds. A few weeks back I noticed that the funds had never been transferred. I approached the Treasurer and told him I had the contact info for these scouts and their new SM. He was so glad that I offered this to him and thanked me. At a troop meeting, I was with a fellow scout in a back room. The SM walks in, informs us we should go back in the main roon with the troop. As I am leaving he stops me and tells the other scout to go. We are now one on one in the back room and he begins to give me a very stern lecture about what I did. "I was sticking my nose where it didn't belong" and "Causing a ton of problems." I really felt bad, but the treasurer, unaware of what happened like everyone else, again thanked my for the info about scouts A and B. I was so confused. I have many other issues with my SM: He refuses to allow scouts to fullfill religious obligations on campouts (attend Mass) and will not compromise in any way; he makes promises (to teach MBs, buy equip, etc) and never keeps them, and he tends to think everything is a joke, many scouts have been in a difficult situation and come to him and he just starts making jokes. HELP what should I do. I have notified my council concerning the youth protection issue.
  24. A small plane is in mid-flight when the pilot suddenly bursts from his seat, yells, "we're goin' down" grabs a parachute, and jumps. The three remaining people on board, a Boy scout, the pope, and a lady senator look at the two remaining parachutes. The Lady states that she is the smartest woman in the world, and the world could not get along with out her so she takes one and jumps. The pope turns to the boy scout and says: "I am old and frail. You take the last parachute." The boy responds, "No, there are actually two left. The smartest woman in the world took my back pack." (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
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