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Everything posted by eaglescout1996

  1. Reminds me of camping at home (Central Florida)....I'm really missing it right now.
  2. It was Mr. _______, and I grew up on a military base as well, but all unit leaders were still Mr. _______. Including my father, who served as SM and as CC at different times while growing up, I still called him Mr. ________ while we were at Scouting events. It didn't matter if the leader was a COL, SGT, or PVT, they were all still Mr. _______.
  3. First off, hello to everyone! This is my first regular post and and I wanted to give my two cents. I've been following this debate on the different threads for about a week now. The current de la Renta uniform is the only one I've worn, as I became a Boy Scout in 1989. So I can't lament for the loss of the uniform that my father wore in the 50's and 60's. I might be the odd man out, but I never had a problem wearing the uniform, and even as a Scout, I was almost always in a proper uniform, including the nice short shorts and the knee high socks. To me, as a young scout, I saw a connection between the "modern" uniform I wore and the scouts in the Rockwell pictures in my hand book. They wore knickers and knee socks, I just saw it as something you wore as a scout. So, I really don't have many complaints of the current uniform. Well, I do have a 100% cotton shirt, which I don't know about anyone else, but I swear its collar is twice the size of the poly-blend shirts. Although, I personally don't like the switchback pants. I currently wear either shorts or the 100% cotton pants which don't have the side pockets (although I still have a pair of the old poly-blend pants I wore as a youth that have the regular cargo pants on the side). I really think the switchbacks are very sloppy looking, although if the new ones are hemmable, then they'll be a huge improvement. As for the new shirts, I can really see the need for a "field" uniform shirt. I was out this last weekend at our Lodge's Service Weekend, and what I noticed was that the adults and most of the older boys wore their uniforms, the younger ones wouldn't wear them (if they did, they didn't have on shorts) and many of the younger scouts didn't even wear scout related t-shirts. Now, I'm not talking about when we were actually doing any work, but after just walking around camp, at the Lodge election, or at the cracker barrel. My invision of a "field" uniform is not much different than what has been presented, although without the bellow pockets. I see something that is light, breathes, and is unadorned. I figure the only thing on the field uniform should be the CSP, Unit Number, POR, Lodge Flap, and if a youth, Rank and Patrol Emblem. No knots, no temporay patches, no jamboree patches. Have the field uniform, but keep a uniform shirt for everything else. You could wear the "old" shirt with the new pants for meetings, fund raising, public events, and the new "field" shirt while out camping. I guess I shouldn't pass judgement until I actually see it, but I really don't see the new shirt something that will look professional out and about in the community. If this weekend was any indication, there does need to be a shirt that the boys will wear doing outdoor activities. I just hope that the old stock goes on sale and I can pick up some shirts and shorts on the cheap! YIS- ES1996
  4. Hello! I currently serve as a Unit Commissioner within the Canaveral District of the Central Florida Council. Although, in a few weeks I'll be moving to Atlanta and will then be located in the Hightower Trails District in the Atlanta Area Council. Having a father who was a cub and boy scout, I started out in Scouting in 1984 when we moved back to the United States in the newly formed Tiger Cub program. I became a Boy Scout in 1989 right after my 11th birthday when we moved back to Europe. I spent five years in the Transatlantic Council and Black Eagle Lodge, and when my father retired from the military, we moved back to our hometown in Central Florida. I became an Eagle Scout while in the Central Florida Council eight months after my 18th birthday when I was home for Thanksgiving break during my freshman year of college (a very long story!). I attended Woodbadge course number SR-794, and was just given my beads a few weeks ago. I really look forward to participating in the forums. YIS- ES1996
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