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Everything posted by eaglescout1996

  1. My wife would probably wear her older Venturing Uniform if she could put the District Committee stuff on....I just didn't think you could do that.
  2. There are a few ladies here in Atlanta that where the blue skirts. My wife wears skirts to the office about 90% of the time and unless they're jeans, doesn't wear pants....so unless I find a blue skirt, I don't think she'll ever wear a uniform.
  3. Thanks for the heads up...my wife hates the new uniform...and actually never wears one while she does her duties for her two main positions, District Committee and Cub Roundtable Staff. But I'd at least like to she her wear one when she's at roundtable....but it'll only work if I can find her and older blue Cub Scouter Skirt....she refuses to wear the pants.
  4. Yeah, I don't understand it. I still keep up with what happens back home since my nephew is still a scout and my dad is still a Commissioner. They merged the old Yahoo Groups so I still get information...like for instance, "Canaveral" wasn't even an option...they decided to name the District by online poll. Canaveral and Woapalanne were the names of the District and Chapter even back when my dad was a scout in Titusville in the 50s and 60s.
  5. We really miss it. I was in Canaveral District, which is now Challenger. I don't understand why they changed the names of the District and Chapter, especially after they had the names before they split them in the first place....even if the Council decided to recombine them again.
  6. Thanks '92....(it sounds like we're in an old "Get Smart" episode)
  7. I don't know how long the WC has been around, but I earned mine in late July 1989 at summer camp at Camp Baden-Powell in England...I even still have my card to prove it.
  8. I ordered three pair from basspro.com yesterday, since I didn't think I'd make it to the store anytime soon...I recieved an email this morning saying they've already been shipped, so I'm pretty happy. Kahuna, didn't realize you were in Central Florida. I've spent a lot of time in the Bass Pro over in I-Drive. The company who owns Festival Bay was my wife's client when they were building it. Unfortunatly, we left CFL a couple years ago to come to ATL, but we really miss our hometown. If I wasn't heading to Jambo, I'd have taken a week off work to go to Lanoche with my nephew for summer camp.
  9. After Kahuna posted yesterday I started looking around and found the Redhead charcoal shorts at basspro.com...luckily I still have a gift card from Christmas I need to use and thing I'll be picking up a few pairs. Especially since you've mentioned that you've used them the last two Jambos. Thanks for the post!
  10. Cabela's has some shorts on sale ($14.99) that fit the bill in the color "cinder", but in my size they are on backorder. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?type=product&cmCat=Related_IPL_901860&id=0012138903357a I've read some other places that people like the Dickie's shorts in grey....I personally don't because they have their label sewn in the bottom front. I don't own the Cabela's, but they look like they'd really work. I'm in the same boat, I was able to pick up some older Venturing pants, but not the shorts.
  11. I joined Boy Scouts in the 1989 transitional period...joined March 1989, so I had about 6 months of the "old" requirements before we were issued the "supplemental" pamphlet until the new Scout book arrived. As far as I remember I earned 6 skill awards and when I was 17 (1995/96) I would sometimes where my web belt with my skill awards be instead of my leather one because the younger boys thought they were cool. I'd have to look at my old book, but I think I earned Tenderfoot and 2nd Class under the old requirements. Tenderfoot right after summer camp (August) and if we were working a current rank you could either use the old requirements and finish or use the new ones. Like someone said earlier, I liked the time requirement between ranks, plus you could see who had what SA's and you knew who you could ask for help on a subject.
  12. Here you go, there are four Catholic religious awards...but I'm going to assume you mean Ad Atare Dei, the Boy Scout award. http://www.nccs-bsa.org/
  13. I think I'm on the fence with what BP has commented on. Yes, I think the uniform should be left up to the crew...and if they decide that it's pink tutu's and Hawaiian shirts, so be it. But I do think there should be a "National" uniform for things like trainings, regional and national events, ect.....and it shouldn't be a $40 shirt. The "old" cotton/ploy blend spruce green shirts should go for no more than $20 a pop, and they'd still be making money on them. Plus, add a decent pair of pants or shorts...the "older" grey canvas ones that are on sale weren't bad, except for the weird back pockets. If BSA is trying to tell us that they want Venturing to be a "seperate" entity, (which they are and always should be) by changing the uniform, then they should start by motifying the uniform guide and drop the Boy Scout stuff from being worn on the Venturing uniform and unclutter it. Remove the giant white venturing patch from the right sleeve, don't allow OA flaps to be worn but instead wear your universal arrow ribbon, don't allow B/S rank patches to be worn, including Eagle, only the knot. Make the knots with a spruce green background...nothing stands out more than a tan backed knot on a spruce green shirt.
  14. OGE is right, sadly, that's the industry standard....although you can walk into a Brooks Brothers and pick up a 100% cotton Oxford Cloth button down made not too far from national supply in North Carolina. And when they're on "sale", I can pick them up cheaper from Brooks than a new long sleeve Centennial Supplex shirt. Again, sadly though, those are some of the few shirts from Brooks still manufactured in the USA.
  15. BTW, I took a look at the shirt again, this time I zoomed in....no pocket flaps. So does National not want us to wear OA flaps?!!!
  16. BTW, I took a look at the shirt again, this time I zoomed in....no pocket flaps. So does National not want us to wear OA flaps?!!!
  17. Yes, I think they're ugly as well.... and I just re-read my previous post and it sounded a little misleading...I needed an "older" XL shirt and had to have it shipped in...our scout shop only has XXXL and XXXXL's.
  18. As expected, based on the lack of avaliable sizes of the "old" shirts...the new Venturing Shirts have arrived online at Scoutstuff. http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=UNIFORMS&C3=USHIRTS&C4=&LV=3&item=VENTSHIRT&prodid=VENTSHIRT^8^01RTL& And of course...they're more expensive. I needed an XL and since our local scout shop didn't have one, I had to call around and have one shipped for a couple extra bucks. What do you guys think? We can't get enough folks to purchase uniforms as it is and national keeps coming out with more and more expensive ones...we serve some pretty low-income youth...and I know the uni is up to the Crew, but if they want to attend council trainings or events, they're suppose to have the "proper" uniform...including the now $50 Venturing switchbacks...even though there are $18 shorts and pants that are available in very tiny or very large sizes...
  19. Wayne Brock was our long time SE in Central Florida Council (about 13 years), and did a lot for the Council. I remember seeing somewhere when he left about 5 years when he was promoted to Regional Director that the number of youth served tripled in the time he was there. I really liked his style and he loved Scouting and the voluteers and youth in CFLC thought very highly of him.
  20. Subcamp Food Distribution...we'll be staying in Wilcox.
  21. Our council had a council-wide encampment this past weekend and while I was working as a sub-camp commissioner, I saw first hand why closed toed shoes are important. An adult was brought into the subcamp hq because he was runnind round camp with sandals on and dislocated his big toe. I have always followed the closed-toed rule in camp...but that being said, I don't understand the adversion to Crocs. My brother bought me a pair a few years ago as a joke, and although I think they are ugly as sin, they are some of the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. I don't wear them often, but I do while at the campsite (not camp-wide) and for the trip to and from the latrine. The heal strap keeps them on my feet and after spending about 14 hours a day on my feet Friday and Saturday at camp, it was awesome to walk around the campsite with my Crocs on before heading to bed...my feet thanked me in the morning!
  22. Our council had a council-wide encampment this past weekend and while I was working as a sub-camp commissioner, I saw first hand why closed toed shoes are important. An adult was brought into the subcamp hq because he was runnind round camp with sandals on and dislocated his big toe. I have always followed the closed-toed rule in camp...but that being said, I don't understand the adversion to Crocs. My brother bought me a pair a few years ago as a joke, and although I think they are ugly as sin, they are some of the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. I don't wear them often, but I do while at the campsite (not camp-wide) and for the trip to and from the latrine. The heal strap keeps them on my feet and after spending about 14 hours a day on my feet Friday and Saturday at camp, it was awesome to walk around the campsite with my Crocs on before heading to bed...my feet thanked me in the morning!
  23. NFLC might mention this one to you, but try Mayport NS as well (I don't have their contact info). We stayed there a few times as Scouts in the mid-90's when I was in CFLC and we were given a lot of tours of the ships. You have to go over to Jax Beach, which is a little farther off 95 than NAS Jax is off of 295, but with the completion of 9A a few years back, it's no big deal.
  24. The key to a clean "dirty" sash, is Scotchguard. I Scotchguard all my sashes, and they do get dirty from lots and lots of service, but when washed, they come out nice and clean.
  25. We also have the 75th Anniversary Award (Gold turtle and arrow suspended from a red and white ribbon), and I'm the only person I know who earned it back in 1990 (as a brand new Ordeal member). My father still wears his 50th Anniversary Award on his Sash, and instead of changing the them, we should just have a 100th Anniversary Award that you can wear above your top bar on your sash.
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