Thanks to all that have replied. I was deliberatly vague, but maybe too much so. This is a contensious issue before the troop committee (which I'm a member of)
Two issues: One is with the writer - for this the parents consulted a lawyer. Second, is with the troop leaders who didn't inform the parents (yes they did find out accidentally). Does BSA policy require and/or expect leaders to inform the parents in such a situation.
CalicoPenn has some very good questions:
Letter was written to a DAC. Letter writer is a ASM. Select group was SM,ASM, and committee member. No investigation was made, even though the most libelous part was admittedly hearsy. Apparently the SM, ASM, CM told the letter writer he was out of line but didn't ask him to retract or appologize. Now the parents have found out and want to know why they weren't informed of the written attack on their child. That's really the only beef the parents have with the troop. They are worried that they can't protect their child from further attacks (from the writer who has never liked the scout's family) or damage from the first one unless they are informed.
Personally I can't say I blame them, but does anyone know if the BSA has a policy on this type of situation?