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Everything posted by eaglemetals

  1. thank all of you for this valuable advice. i will report in 6 months with results
  2. i am currently not the asst sm handling the den chief program. this is a role i am assuming in sep. i have scheduled to meet the previous leader next week to discuss the position. he has expressed some unhappiness with the way current leadership has handled certain decisions and has fowarded his concerns to our unit comm. i want to learn as much as i can about the program so that i may assist in the most effective and fairest way possible. so i thank all of you for your help. my statement on equality in advancement had nothing to do with rate of advancement, that's clearly up to the scout. It was in reference to adequately fulfilling the req, that are interpreted the same for all in the troop
  3. we have several scouts, who intend on using the one mom's den for all of their leadership positions. i feel they are not experiencing all of what scouting has to offer, our younger scouts are not benefitting from the change in leadership, and it creates an uneven advancement situation for the scouts who are calling upon an adult stranger with an unfamiliar den.
  4. is there a national policy on den chiefs serving in the scouts mom's den and can den chief be used for a leadership position in more than 1 rank. if so can the sm restrict this behavior?
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