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  1. We now have some of the sides up on the website. The national Order of the Arrow Logo has been done (Arrowhead motif). Also the Arrow of Light logo is done. Both will be added soon. Other sides priority will be done on a pending order basis. Two custom sides add $150.00 to the cost of a ring Four side options add $200.00 to the cost.
  2. Billy F, We can certainly make the ring for you with the arrow of light logo on the side. The rings can be seen live at C. Kirk Root Designs Arboretum location, in Austin, Texas. The cool thing about this design is we can computer design just about any BSA logo and have it deep stamped (Milled) into the side of the ring. We are officially licensed by BSA and would love to talk with you further regarding the project.
  3. Yes, we have been working with BSA for over four months. The licensing process is rigerous and complete. The national Scout office does an incredible job making sure all licensed products are top quality, manufactured properly, and made of products that are safe and environmentally friendly. It may also be of interest to you that every licensed manufacturer must sign a pledge to operate his/her business according to the Scout Oath & Law. Of two owners of the company, one is an Eagle Scout, the other (me) never quite got there (Life Scout). The rings we are manufacturing with be made only in proven safe metals, sterling silver, golds, and palladium. All have been used in jewelry for at least 100 years. We verify the standard of our metals using XRF technology, measuring parts per million.
  4. There is a new eagle scout ring coming... It is a whole new design style and was designed by a 17 year old eagle scout. It is a signet style ring with a carved eagles head on the round shaped top. The top side of all the rings features the word "HONOR" thus the ring is called the "Eagle Honor ring". The sides of the ring will be available with either a polished finish or a really cool Pine Bark finish. Custom sides will also be available with options such as the Philmont brand, Order of the Arrow insignias, year eagle attained and troop numbers. The rings will only be available to eagle scouts and is designed specifically NOT to look like a school ring. More information will be coming soon..... The website will be www.eaglehonor.com (but is not launched yet). We expect it to be up in the next 10 days.
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