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  1. Yes, we do have the option; there are just so many Boy Scout designs and logos that we are doing them on demand. Although, the design does have to be simple enough to be used on a ring. One thing we can do is with our CAD (Computer Aided Design) system, we can send you an image of what the ring would look like with the design before we even cast it.
  2. Be one of the first to see the newest officially licensed Eagle Scout ring. With all the licensing hurdles out of the way we can now debut the "Eagle Honor Ring". Not your typical class ring motif; this modern stylized ring was designed by a 17 year old eagle scout, and is made to be worn and enjoyed by Eagles of all ages. But enough with all the fluff check it out at: www.eaglehonor.com We are really excited about it, let us know what you think...
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