can i paraphrase what i think i am hearing?
because of some bad experiences i had in scouts when i was young,i dove in head first in volunteering at district and council level,to see if paradigm i grew up with was still appropriate for patrols and troops.would it be fair to say,with the "safey" concern for youth today,in our global environment;that "US" based Scouting prefers adults to be silent and let kids direct the action?
I have some criticisms of that method of leadership,
having come from municipal job and Guards structure,where initiative has been mostly rewarded.
1)what i am close to seeing is linkage of "kelly" services option for kids,like an employment service,run like a busy local restaurant.many people come in and out,maybe those with chevrons like a captain or colonel.all while valuing more specific skills necessary to the running of any organization well.could that be apositive end goal?
2)is everyone saying,the meeting of adults and youth in "american" Boy Scouts is more like the NASA game we played in Group Communications class in college?
Are we valuing just survival,or are we all beyond establishing "safety" in a new age to have many separate troops and patrols function exchanging information to the betterment of a greater whole,like other groups and some nations cooperate?
3)my guard boss met with others running similar departments on a night just before drill.that monthly meeting made most tasks and overall unit goals go off seamlessly,like a pod of dolphins or similarly highly equiped and coordinated creatures cooperating as one vast organism(like a human cell,operating as a city,with all services going well and more towards being highly coordinated)? am i missing anything in this hypothetical scenario?
4)i mean if kids had fought like when i was at Basic Training for AF;if they fought about having different coats,(he has mine!!)the DI onsite would just have ordered both of them to exchange coats with each other,then inform their specific dorms as to a number change on the coats their charges own.effectively ending the conflict,and banishing wining,as a vocal pursuit.
5)if a former employer of mine tied into a county rescue squad(much like volunteer firemen may be)having achieved many competencies in one classification successfully,can i approach him to form more of Scouts "Lite" Toastmasters kind of organizational structure;with empowered kids and adults sharing "CQ"(being gopher/runner)to those whom don't quite "get it";like helping a "baby flight"at Basic training when i would have been there several weeks?i'm pushing the definition of veteran vs.rookie as in what cops use and professional sports teams.does anyone specifically know if a mix which can be controlled locally by needs and rules,is approved by BSA National,not unlike a Union National Office telling many specific councils and locals which rules they will follow? i went to one troop where Eagle Scouts should have had their photo albums all codified as presentable means of making an Eagle project,but a new shift in einthusiams energies.i had never seen that before.several kids highlighted their travels in photo album form to me.i didn't help with much in way of activity at that was nearby to where my parent's house was.and helped me fill in gaps as to what kinds of activities my son might encounter going for Scouting today the guy watching the weekend SuperBowl,and the active adults more like the football "widow",being expected to be off to the sidelines? some disputes seem silly and a waste of energy.i made the comparison to a friend of a guard base of 1000 people having 50 "troops" of 20 people each.and none of them would communicate on levels of leadership,and task specific to reinforce the whole.the whole group could never deploy,thus muting all the substance of their that what many are asserting here?
thank you,