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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. That's a new one. I had no personality tests, at least not that I'm aware of. A few things, #1 Make sure you are on time. I had to drive to one interview and I was about 30-45 minutes late due to an accident on the interstate. And that was with plans to arrive 30 minutes early to change into my coat and tie #2 Focus on the interview. My first interview did not go well at all. I had a personal crisis that arose just prior to the interview and all I could think about was the crisis. I was very distracted and it showed. #3 BE YOURSELF!!! I think one reason I didn't get the job after the second interview was because I was nervous. I know I made a good impression as when I saw the SE at NLTC a year later, he remember me, and said he was sorry I ended up working for who I did.
  2. Yep IOLS and WeLOT are 90% identical, in fact the WeLOT book I have references the old BSHB and IOLS syllabus. We did a combined IOLS/WeLOT in January. To My knowledge it was the first time WeLOT was offered in my council. Luckily we got a dsitrict training chair who is not only as bad as I am in my addiction to Scouting, but also understands the importance of Cubs and already has created a loose plan with me to get some training done for new CS leaders in the fall.
  3. Somewhere on the net, sorry being lazy this morn gin as I have a 4 day weekend, there is a site that has the uses of the necker. It's may be KUDU's site. I also found a SM Minute on why the neckers went from square to triangular: To save money 'cause a scout is thrifty and do be a reminder that a Scout needs to do his Duty to God and Country ( the longer edge that is rolled and goes around the neck), Duty to Others, and Duty to Self ( the smaller edges). PM me if anyone is interested in a ceremony script I made using the above. At the last Pack meeting in May we give out the new neckers and we use that script.
  4. You do what you feel comfortable with, BUT PLEASE DO NOT EBAY THEM. (caps for begging I met a gentlemen just like you, he was a Heritage or Founders level, who did not like publicity and actually threatened me and my boss with retracting his pledge if we publicly honored him. He didn't want any attention. The council finance VP basically said "Leave him to me" and went off to make his plans. With this VP you not only cannot say "No" he won't accept it. Fast forward a few weeks to the FOS dinner. The donor's friend the VP calls him forward, says how he is a very generous Friend of Scouting who is making a contribution to the community, and give him a framed Norman Rockwell print, and a package with the JE West stuff in it. I remember seeing the Rockwell in his office later, but never saw him wear the know, pin, or put up the plaque. When he died, he left money to take care of the camps, and more importantly IMHO, created a campership program that included everyone Cubs Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Venturers as the existing one was for boy scouts only. Another gentleman I met was shocked and honored to get the West Award. He was a long term scouter, and a bunch of parents of his current scouts' parents and troop alumni got together to raise the money for a fellowship. He wears the knot with pride. But I've also seen it abused. I know of one gentleman who donated $4000 so that he would be the first family in the council to have everyone in it a West Fellow, including his Cub Scout. I also know of one council that received a very large donation, so large that every member of that Eagle Class and all the full time office staff became West Fellows. Sole purpose of splitting up the donation ws so that the council could be #1 in West Fellows in their council category in the region. So I understand where you are coming from, and do what you feel is best. OH and thank you for your support of scouting.
  5. OUTDOORS, I know of only one precedent for an Eagle to be awarded years after the Scout turned 18 due to the situation you described: Col. Mitchel Paige, USMC (Ret.) From http://www.nesa.org/paige.html Mitchell Paige When Mitchell Paige completed the requirements for Eagle Scout in 1936, he didn't hound his Scoutmaster to make sure the paperwork went through�he had more important things to do. On his 18th birthday, he walked 200 miles from his home in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, to Baltimore, Maryland, to begin a Marine Corps career that included his receiving the Medal of Honor. For years, he referred often to being an Eagle, but decades later Paige, now 74, discovered that his paperwork had never been completed. He told his story to a friend, who helped him piece together the missing paper trail, and then to North Florida Council Scout Executive John Reesor, who helped him complete the 67-year-old paperwork. Paige received his long-awaited Eagle Scout Award at a council banquet the following spring, and was recognized in May at the BSA's National Annual Meeting, when he received the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award. Col. Paige passed away on November 15, 2003.
  6. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's the regularly scheduled meeting of the council commissioner, the district commissioners, and other commissioners. I know that as part of our Commissioner's College, during and shortly after lunch, one was held so that all in attendance met the requirement.
  7. 2Cub, Moose is right on. Here are some relevent quotes form the article in BSA's TRAINING TIMES found here http://scouting.org/Training/TrainingUpdates/Archives/201111.aspx and orignially published Nov. or Dec. 2011. Outdoor Training Update There is a lot of discussion in councils and on on-line discussion groups about changes in Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills and Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders. There was some talk here last year about combining the courses. As was noted in an issue of Training Times earlier this year, we have backed off on that. There are too many differences in the outdoor programs across the range of our program, and there are too many differences among youth. We are working on updates to IOLS and OLSWL along with the Outdoor Adventures team... In addition to other prescribed training, Scoutmasters and assistants should attend an Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills course to be considered trained....
  8. 2 comments. 1) My council has modified the form above. The person conducting the Swim Test MUST attach a copy of their certification, or the form is invalid. 2) Swimming in lakes is what I fear will be gone. An aside: Read the funniest thing. In the state of NJ, a certified Lifeguard Instructor is NOT considered a lifeguard under the law b/c it is primarily a 'teaching" position. Luckily NJ recognized BSA Lifeguard. I know of some places that won't.
  9. I don't know what the current process is since they merged the regional offices into Irving, but I can tell you how it was. When I was going about it, I had to fill out a ton of paperwork that was forwarded to the regional personnel director. They did the checks on you and then put you on a list of eligible to be hired. I know I was told to call around by friend in the profession and I did. BUT I was also told that once a council contacts me and sets up an interview. I need to stop further contact with any other councils until after the interview. I was also told that councils get a list of eligible with a brief summary of your resume. If they are interested, they request a copy of your records, possibly the only copy, and no other council is allowed to have your records until the council with your records are finished with them and returns them. I think national is slowly starting to realize that they need outside professional on staff. SCOUTNET is a fiasco, and part of the blame is national's since the SCOUTNET director who implemented it had NO IT expereince. Heck my friend going through PDL-1 when he met the director had more IT experience.
  10. How are ya wearing the necker? if you're wearing it under the open collar, West's incorrect way I might add , then yes I can see the constriction. But if you wear it under a tucked under collar, and ware it so that the necker covers the "V" you don't get the constriction
  11. Quick question, how old are the lifeguards on the waterfront? Also are there age restriction on BSA Lifeguard classes? My old camp has a manmade lake that is spring fed. This was evident when the the dam broke, the waterline was uberlow, and you could see part of the bulldozer that got left in the lake. Anyway it has a great waterfront and was where I learned to swim, did mile swim, and earned BSA Lifeguard. A lot of good memories. Anyway I go to the camp's facebook page and see pics of the new pool. I'm thinking why did they waste the money building the pool when you have the lake, and I asked one of my friends still in the area, and on staff. I was told that OSHA does not allow under 16 yos to work on bodies of water that you cannot see the bottom of fit. I thought it was a joke, but it's real. From this https://www.osha.gov/pls/epub/wageindex.download?p_file=F9419/Fact%20Sheet%2060.pdf Youth under 16 years of age may not be employed as lifeguards at natural environment facilities such as rivers, steams, lakes, ponds, quarries, reservoirs, wharfs, piers, or ocean-side beaches. So there goes some youth staff. And since you cannot have under 16 on the waterfront lifeguarding, you can not teach BSA Lifeguard to under 16 yos on the waterfront since part of the BSA Lifeguard course, at least when I went through it, had you working as a lifeguard as a practicum. If your camp has a lake, AWESOME ( and yep I'm shouting)! But I see that going away.
  12. Not to be a wet towel, but a Cub Scout is a BEAR from whenever they got outta 2nd grade last year or June 1, 2011 (whichever is first) until they get outta school this year or June 1 2012. Internet Advancement won't allow you to enter the data for levels they haven't met yet, i.e. you cannot enter Webelos advancement while they are still a Bear. Trust me, we have a Cub listed as a Tiger still, and IA won't let me put in his Wolf Badge. I have to contatc council to do make the changes.
  13. I'm getting old. Yes a kick or two can be done, or at least I've seen that doen during a swim test. Again the administrator needs to know what is up as qwasze suggests. I know the last time I did a swim test, I was asked if I really wanted to do it as they just saw me rescue someone. Also no more lakes and ponds for swimming at scout camps, gotta have pools. Apparently it's against some federal law to have under 18yos work in lake and pond environments. That's why all the camp I've been to recently have pools, even the ones that had manmade lakes made specifically to be used for swimming areas.
  14. OK see the problem the form is now 430-122 .Check out this link http://www.scouting.org/filestore/Outdoor%20Program/Aquatics/pdf/430-122.pdf here's what it says about the test requirements and all caps and bold are in orioginal, not shouting TO THE TEST ADMINISTRATOR The various components of each test evaluate the several skills essential to the minimum level of swimming ability. Each step of the test is important and should be followed as listed below: SWIMMERS TEST: Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth, level off, and begin swimming. Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating. BEGINNERS TEST: Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth, level off, swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming as before, and return to starting place. Hope it helps.
  15. SP, ROTFLMBO. It's so true. I show up this weekend to do some commissioner work and promote CSDC at a district event. No one realized I was a commissioner, except the 3 or 4 who show up at RT, until I told them. And yes I had my commissioner patch on.
  16. Yep NAVMC 2961 is the naval services manual for drill and ceremonies. One enterprising Sea Scout actually took that manual and edited it for Sea Scout use. Also the BSHB has some good info on flag etiquette.
  17. In all my time I have never heard of 'doggie paddling" instead of floating. Now while I did not see this with BSA, I did see it with another organization. One of the requirements to pass lifeguard certification was to float. We had one guy who was 280-300 pounds of muscle as he was a wrestling coach. I can't remember the body fat % he had, but it was single digits, I think 8 or 9% but may be lower. Try as he might, spreading out arms and legs, arching back, tilting head, ever single trick to float would not work. His mouth would eb out of the water for a few seconds, and down he goes. And of course he was my partner to do all my passive and active rescues
  18. My responses. #2 Probably the same folks who think Webelos are not Cub Scouts but Jr. Boy Scouts. They are PREPARING to be Boy Scouts, but still wear CS insignia, are part of a den, have a den leader etc. #1 Your council is screwy in regards to the April activity. they cannot become Webelos until A) School ends or B) June 1st, whichever happens first. National pu in the arbitrary June 1 date b/c some schools finish before Memorial Day, others not until the middle of June, and still others are now year round. As for working on the next rank now, no can do. that's what electives are for. Belt loops and pins are filler. As for using already earned loops and pins for Webelos and AOL rank, unless the requirements specifically say you cannot use a previously earned loop or pin, I do not see the reason for sandbagging. That would be like a First Class Scout using all Eagle Required MBs to meet the Star requirements, and then having to earn additional eagle required MBs for Life, #3 The Cubs are in their current program, Bear in your son's case, until either School ends, or June 1. I'm willing to cut a little slack though if they start wearing the next level stuff Memorial Day Weekend or therabouts. long story short Most pack in my area have the promotion ceremonies just before Memorial Day as that was when school ended, and we have a major service project that weekend. BUT a few years back the state changed when schools can end, and the kids don't get out until middle of June.
  19. Pappa, Thanks for the reminder on Scout Spirit, DDDDDUUUUUHHHHHH! I've been with Cubs to long and forgot about scout spirit.
  20. A few reasons. 1) Some idiot in the 1970s thought of the idea to make Scouting cool for more urban kids and made the necker optional for Boy Scouts. While some older troops do, many don't. Venturers don't wear them either, if they even wear the field uniform since they can choose their own. So the Cub leaders see folks not wearing them and think why not. Cubs see that and they think why not. 2) Same idiot decided to cut costs and make all neckers CS size, not realizing all the uses a necker can be used for( see #3). Only way to get a properly sized necker from 72 or therabouts until 2009 was to have them custom made. 3) People don't know why the necker is so useful. So at 6:30PM and 95 degrees, why don't you wet it down a bit so that it not only protects your neck from sunburn, but cools ya down. See an accident that needs first aid done? Bob's your uncle your necker chief can be used as a bandage (just don't use one with Green Bar Bill's signature as it will be ruined ) Need to get out of a burning building, wet it and cover your mouth. Shall I go on? 4) Some folks think it's a women's fashion accessory. Gotta remind them that cowboys wore them way before the ladies did. I wear neckers, and glad national started making them the right size for Boy Scouts and leaders. I had to wear some European ones and custom ones for a while.
  21. WOW! I gotta be the Devil's Advocate, even though I wish we could do what the SM wants done, but according to BSA policy, a SM Conference is not pass fail, but a conversation. So no matter what the SM thinks, if they talked, then it counts. I hate to say it, but the SM needs to sign off and allow the scout to the BOR. Now the info you are citing is for EAGLE BORs. This may help as it is the link to the GtA. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf In regards to SM Conferences, this is what the GTA has to say Unit Leader (Scoutmaster) Conference The unit leader (Scoutmaster) conference, regardless of the rank or program, is conducted according to the guidelines in the Scoutmaster Handbook, No. 33009. Note that a Scout must participate or take part in one; it is not a test. Requirements do not say he must pass a conference. While it makes sense to hold one after other requirements for a rank are met, it is not required that it be the last step before the board of review. This is an important consideration for Scouts on a tight schedule to meet the requirements before age 18. Last-minute work can sometimes make it impossible to fit the conference in before then, so scheduling it earlier can avoid unnecessary extension requests. The conference can provide a forum for discussing ambitions and life purpose and for establishing goals for future achievement, but work left to be completed may be discussed just as easily as that which is finished. If appropriate, an object lesson on delayed effort could prove valuable. Ultimately, conference timing is up to the unit. Some leaders hold more than one along the way, and any of them can count toward the requirement. This section may be of help When Responsibilities Are Not Met p23 If you have talked to him about what he is not doing, an he hasn't listened, then it's possible that the BOR can deny Life. But the book recommends removal form position so it doesn't get to the BOR, Good luck.
  22. my answers So, has something like this ever happened at your RT? Yes, but on the BS side. Had folks telling how the advancement process works, especially at the Eagle BOR stages. problem was A) they had been doing things wrong for a long time, B) they misinterpreted the old Advancement policies, and C) Didn't read the new GtA, despite having a copy on them. Thing is he should know better as he was a trainer! A well meaning individual spread the wrong info due to themselves being trained wrong? KINDA, not necessarily trained wrong, just given the wrong info. One RT staffer said the OA was no longer using lodge numbers at all, but instead only uses council numbers. That's partially true. National only uses council numbers as it's too confusing to them. So all paperwork has the council number instead of the lodge number. HOWEVER local lodges are still given a number and can use it locally. We had a "conversation." I tried to be polite and explain the actual policy since A) I was the chapter adviser and wasn't in the OA at the time and B)I was at the lodge executive meeting when all this came out. But he told me: "NO, YOU'RE WRONG." so i dropped it. Should I feel complimented, or be kicking myself, or both? BOTH
  23. Yep, but the challenge is that Exploring is no longer part of the BSA, but is instead part of Learning for Life. It would be like someone showingup in an old Air Scout uniform. Trust me, I had someone jump my case b/c my Sea Scout uniform still had teh Sea Explorer strip on it.
  24. Emb, You and I know that, but most people don't. That's why I explain what's required after saying "equivalent". Most people I've talked to say "WOW" when they hear some of the requirements.
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