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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. Having served as the district training chairmen, I can also tell you how messed up the training records were. I asked for and received a copy of the records. According to the records, I was never trained, my district commissioner who taught at PTC was never trained, and only three leaders in the entire district were trained. And those three were the new ones who just completed everything for scout leaders. It was a mess. One of the things I did was pass out a 2 page training survey with every recognized training from the District Training Pamphlet and also 3 or 4 additional courses from our council registrar. I collected them, copied them, and sent the originals to the council office. I did that 2 years ago and there are still a few problems. I suggest getting a copy of your personal record and reviewing it. I did that recently and my record still has a few errors in it. And when I did that form, national had codes for older courses like Scoutmaster Fundamentals, Bronwsea 22, JLT, etc.(This message has been edited by Eagle92)
  2. Longtime lurker, but first time joining in the forums. Website is a great resource and I am now going to get more active in the forums as I will soon be entering unchartered territory. I've been involved in Scouting for 26 years now as a youth and leader. I 've served as a leader in every Scouting program except Cubs to date and like to say "been there, done that, have the patch and shirt, now I'm part of the problem!" I've been a Cub, Scout and Sea Explorer, and loved Scouting so much that I kept going as a leader. I've been a ASM, Exploring Assoc. Adv., Dis. Comm. member, Venturing Assoc. Adv, Sea Scout Skipper (don't ask me how they Shanghied me for that one), UC, and a professional Scouter as a council DE and national supply geek until seeing the light. Yep I joined the darkside before seeing the light, LOL. Currently I am an OA Chapter Adviser. As I mentioned already, I will be entering unchartered waters soon as my oldest is Cub Scout age next year. While I've been kept up to date with the changes in the CS program since I was a Cub, i.e. Tigers, 4 year program instead of three years, etc, I've only provided support for CS activities instead of being actively involved. Also I am used to a totally different Scouting environment. I grew up in a city where 90+ member packs were the norm and CS day camp easily had 200+ Cubs attending with a nursery/day care for leaders with little ones. I am now in a rural area where 30-40 member packs are large, and day camp is lucky to get 30 people attending. So I will be asking a lot of questions so I can get the training I need and be prepared.
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