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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. Don't get me started on the new health form. I love the misinformation about the SSN that is in national's FAQ. Requiring the SSN to receive medical care is a violation of the FEDERAL E.M.T.A.L.A. law. I have attempted several times to make this known to no result. trust me no hospital will violate that law with the penalties involved. Heck the losses my hospital suffers b/c people use the ER as a doc's office and never pay is cheaper than the penalties for violating this law.
  2. 2 things. 1) Glad someone picke up on the late, great Paul Harvey quote, may he R.I.P. 2) Is anyone else having problems downloading the G2SS? I realized I had an older copy and threw it away, thinking I could print ht updated one at work doublesided. Tried to do it an it didn't happen.
  3. Got to double check the G2SS's definition of tomahawk , but according to Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia TOMAHAWK, light war hatchet of the North American Indians. The early tomahawk consisted of a sharpened piece of stone or deer horn inserted in a handle of wood or fastened to the handle by sinews or cords of skin. European traders later supplied the Indians with hatchets of steel. The tomahawk had important ceremonial connotations of war and peace. The phrase "bury the hatchet" come from the use of pipe tomahawks. Tomakawks as menioned above are a symbol of warfare, but when a pipe-tomahawk is "buried" only the peace pipe,or calumet, portion of the tool is shown. And now you have the rest of the story. (This message has been edited by eagle92)
  4. Not trying to pick on anyone, but part of the problem as I see it is that people are trying to express their opinions as fact. Then when court dramas appear, that does sound belittling to those expressing a contrary opinion. And the argumentum ad absurdum in reference to water baloons (the watergun argument can be seen as a technical violation of G2SS since it IS a simulated firearm, but that is an argument for another thread. By logic if a toy lasertag pistol cannot be used, neither can a waterpistol.) also add to the fray. Now I admit I don't have the current handbook, I have my GBB that I grew up with and the 2nd ed. field book. both have good sections on wood tools on them. got to look at the current 4th ed. fieldbook. Me personally I think we are doing a diservice to the Scouts and Venturers if we do not teach them how to properly use all wood tools. I know that as recenly as 5 months ago, I had to use a hatchet to get some dry wood for an OA function, and another time I had to use a throwing tomahawk from an OA fellowship event for firewood purposes .
  5. Not to be the wet towel, but eagle is based upon what YOU do and how hard YOU work; it can be done. It will be a challenge, a very hard one at that, but if you bust your butt, you will get there. I wish you the best of luck in the endevour. Another option would be to join a Venturing Crew, and go for the Ranger Award and Silver Award. These are two awesome awards that I wish were around back in the day becasue I love challenges. You have until 21 to get the awards. The key is that no matter what you do, HAVE FUN.
  6. I also prefer the flint arrowheads and real feather fletching. Instead of the fletching that come with the kit, I use hand painted imitation Golden Eagle feathers,the black and white eagle feathers, for the fletching.
  7. Eagle92

    NOAC 2009

    Yep it's worth the money. It may be cheaper if he works staff since all they would need to do is pay the fee and transportation. I remember my 1994 NOAC vividly and it was worth every penny. As to the three year rotations, that b/c of national jambo and the BSA centennial. They gotta do something to get tot eh WSJ, NOAC, NSJ, NOAC rotation. BTW anyword if BSA is really putting in a bid for the 2019 WSJ?
  8. Do you think it was a misprint? I would give the guy a call or email and double check that he didn't make a mistake. When you asked him on the spot, he may not have realized the mistake. We had something like this happen with my OA Lodge this past January. Luckily the mistae was caught in time.
  9. As a former national scout shop employee, I can tell you that they don't get much advance notice on uniform stuff. Heck look at some of the misinformation that has been handed out, i.e. CS Leaders still wear red number, etc. BUT once the info does come out, they are some of your best resources!
  10. A few things. 1) Talk to other museums about idea for improvement. Yes you are competing for the same grant dollars, but everyoen is in it for the same purpose: to preserve our history and andeducate the public. 2) Are there other museums and/or historic sites within walking distance? I know that in Baton Rouge, LA the Capitol Trail has stops at various museums and historic sites. While there is a charge to get into the museums, it is usually discounted for those groups on the trail. Trust me I went into 3 of the museums on that trail. 3) Gift Shop is where themoeny is at! I worked at two museums/historic sites and the gift shop was where our income for projects and maitnence came from. And dealling with a WWII Fletcher Class Destroyer is HIGH MAINTENENCE, but worth every penny. 4) LAST but not LEAST establish a relationship with any local college with a history department, especially those with MA programs in Public History, Museum Studies, and Archives and Records Administration; as well as library Schools that have programs in Archives and Records Administration (Archives and Records Admin folks have two choices for advance degrees to get jobs: MA or MLS). The professors may be able to give you great advice, info on upcoming grants, and provide you with FREE volunteers in the form of grad students who need to do internships and projects for grades. Working on my MLS, I had to do a pacticum and an intership: so for one semester I was at one place, the next at another. But it wasn't uncommon for folks to spend and entire year doing both the practicum and the internship at the same place.
  11. Shortridge, Yes NOPD also wore blue uniforms. But my friend and I were being watched, and he told me someone did have their handgun out. I didn't see it, but I saw everyone watching us. One of my more interesting times in Scouting.
  12. Trust me a Scout uniform will NOT be mistaken for a gang outfit. Now a police uniform... that's a different story! Trust me don't wear a Scout uniform in the New Orleans Housing Authority. Did that 13 years ago when I and a fellow staff member had to drop off a "scout" home.
  13. Never heard of any protocols. now I have seen some plaques with full CS diamond and AOL ( Bc, W, Be, and diamond W) in the proper formation.
  14. Actually everything I have I can wear today, if I changed the patches I hate sewing. Usually I give my old shirts and pants away once I out grow them. Heck one time I gave a brand new off the hanger uniform to one new scout who joined at 15. Supply issued it to me, but with the boatload of other uniform items I had (4 full new sets of ODL uniforms with current pants or shorts and one full Venturing Uniform all with all the supply division trimmings) he needed it more than I did.
  15. belts 1 blue sea scout with First Class Anchor buckle 1 leather belt, with Kingsdown International Campsite branded on it 1 75th anniversary buckle for above 1 Eagle Scout buckle for above 1 old style leather belt ( the one that one end can be used as a spoon and the other as a bottle opener ) 2 old green web belts 2 nylon High Adventure belts from 98 NLTC 2 nylon Centenary belts 2 nylon WSJ belts
  16. Being a young parent with a son who is about to join Tigers in June I think part of the problem is that parents today think they have to have their kids involved in EVERYTHING: sports, scouts, band, karate, 4-H, ad nauseum. they don't pick a few, or allow their child to decide what they like and don't like. My wife has a few friends that all they do is take their kids from one activity to the next. Most of these activities allows the parent to drop off their kid, thus the parent get a little free time, even if it's sitting in the car reading. But CS, especially TCs, requires parental involvment. And some of today's parent are a little selfish. As for CS leaders not wanting get involved in scouting, I've had the reverse problem. They see BS as a continuation of CS and try to continue the same job they did in the pack, i.e. run things. usually who have to tell them to slow down and let the kids do their thing.
  17. In addition to the shirts I have 12 pairs of old socks 2 pairs of old knee highs 2 pair new green socks 1 pair new hiking (the ones with BSA on the foot) 1 pair official venturing shorts 1 pair official venturing pants 1 pair "prototype" venturing shorts 1 pair "prototype" venturing pants (these last two I got after 98 NLTC when they were still looking at different designs) 1 pair sea scout blue shorts 1 pair sea scout blue pants (both from when ships could design their own uniforms) 1 full professional uniform (gray slacks, uniform tie, BSA namebedge, BSA cufflinks, and blue blazer) 2 smokey bears 1 Air Scout beret fromt he UK (looks good with the Venturing Uniform) 1 venturing prototype sweatshirt (national decided against that one) 1 WSJ sweatshirt 1 Sea Scoutu hoodie. 1 International nylon jacket 1 Kingsdown International Scout Campsite "jersey" aka sweatshirt 9 Golf shirts Don't know how many of the following Neckers I have at least 12 that I wear periodically throughout the year. A bunch more in storage. Bolos ditto Hats it seems like every event and year I worked summer camp, I got a different staff hat. I usually wear one of my Smokeys nowadays, but have worn my sea base and expedition hat in the past year. i know I'm forgetting something.
  18. Question is "What are the Cub Scouts Crossing Over to?" Webelos are still Cub Scouts, although we are preparing them for Boy Scouts. Yes they can and do take on some aspects of Boy Scouts, i.e. Activity badges instead of MBs, they can either use their CS den number or use a BS patrol medallion, they go camping more, etc. But they are still CUB SCOUTS registered with a PACK. They still have adult den leaders supervising them and organizing activities. A Crossover Ceremony, whether done by the OA or a troop is the CUB SCOUT crossing over into BOY SCOUTS. It is supposed to be youth organized and run. It's a symbolic progression, thus the removal of blue loops and webelos neckers and colors in most ceremonies. Also the new Scout is given items he will need in his scouting career: hanbook, new loops, troop necker, etc. So why should a Crossover Ceremony be done if the boy is not going into Scouts. If the boy decides later on to join Boy Scouts, most troops I've been affiliated with have some sort of Investiture ceremony for that purpose.
  19. I wouldn't cross them over as again it's symbolic of the progression. Give them just the AOL. recently I had just the opposite reaction. The Scout and family had moved and they found a troop nearby. But they returned for one last pack meeting to get the AOL. they didn't want a Crossover b/c the new troop wouldn't be able to be a part of the Crossover. I had to sit down and explain why the crossover is so important: Symbolic progression, and example to CS on the Trail. We got the scout and parent to agree to let the OA do a Crossover as well. As for why the two ceremonies are combined, well once you get the AOL, you move along to BS. Only reasonto hang around is to get all activity badges, and most folks arre ready to go on the BS.(This message has been edited by eagle92)
  20. I agree while they are Webelos they need to get out more. GET DEN CHIEFS as they and their parents cans see a glimpse of Scouting. I'ld also encourage multiple visits to troops.
  21. So how many do you have? I'll start 1 Sea Scout Whites 1 Venturing uniform with OA Chap Associate Adviser (not current position or council, but will be changing CSP soon ) 1 Exploring Shirt with OA Chap Adviser (i tried the Venturing strip, but it's a different color green, need to get it embroidered at somepoint 1 ODL with my last unit 1 ODL with District Committee POR 1 ODL with unit comissioner POR 1 vintage 1970s uniform with all my original troop's insignia on it.
  22. One troop I know of had the PLs bring in their menues and PLC voted on what everyone would eat. So every patrol had the same menu, and food was bought in bulk. A few thing for this method 1) You do get some out of the box and delicious meals. 2) Buying in bulk saves money 3) leaders get a chance to present their patrol's menu and discuss what to have disadvantages 1)Not all your meals will be be decided by the patrol 2)patrol is not responsible for shopping 3)very easy for adults to jump in and pick menu.
  23. Thanks for the posting. I gave my copy away a while back, thinking I wouldn't need a personal copy. Learned my lesson. Interesting in that I wonder how many camps follow the policy. I knwo that at the camps I've worked at and attended, there have been written and skills tests we had to do/give.
  24. I know that my old troop "died" after Hurricane Katrina for a few months. With scouts and leaders being all over the country, it was a challenge for them to remain in contact. But eventually the troop reformed with 7 Scouts last I heard. Also in the district I'm currently in, we are in the process of restarting a CS Pack.
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