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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. What I saw done when the Leadership Corps program was replace with Venture Crews, now called Venture Patrol, was that the ASPL was also the PL of the Venture Crew. Usually SPL was doing their thing with the troop. On those special activities just for the older scouts, SPL usally sat back and relaxed. If ASPL had to assume SPL duties, then someone fom the ranks filled in as PL. From what I've seen and experienced, the group usally ran by consensus. These were guys who who usually grew up in the troop and had no problems.
  2. Eagle92


    August 89 was when they changed the policy towards the World crest. I was in Canada on my first 50 miler. Leader's knew about the policy change, but didn't tell us until after the trip. To make it up to us, they gave us the Canadian version of the WC, which is on a velvet background. Luckily I earned it the year before when my troop sponsored some Canadians at summer camp.
  3. Eagle92


    Actually Sea Scouts has the limit: six. Why they want to limit leaders' knots, I haven't a clue. I personally think it's ridiculous, but it doesn't effect me yet as I only have 5: Eagle, AOL, Youth Religious, Key, and Training. As for the limit on knots on other uniforms, that's incorrect. You can either A) move the WC higher on the uniform, or B) not wear it as it is optional. I wear one because I remember the time that you had to earn it, and I did.
  4. Not only did one guy I know not want an ECOH, he almost didn't have an EBOR b/c of his own wishes. Young man had a challenging situation at home and wanted to leave badly. Busted his butt to get all the work done before 18, but district couldn't schedule a EBOR before he left to go to FL. Fortunately we were able to talk him into talking to the DAC to squeeze him in. He got Eagle, but no ECOH. Another young man I know has not had a ECOH. He had to appeal to national to get the EBOR, district couldn't send a rep before he left for bootcamp, got the appeal and had his EBOR, but by that point he had to report for active duty since he was originally delayed entry. One of my SPLs did the same thing. Had his EBOR, then left for the USAF. THREE YEARS LATER he shows up for his ECOH, after serving his time.
  5. Kudu, In reference to the troop and scouting activities, the troop is small, growing from 9 members in october to approx 16 now, with a lot more growth expected b/c their feeder pack is huge. They go camping at least once a month, and they have been creating a troop campsite at a local park, reminding me how my Finnish friends do their camping. Leaders are getting the troop completely boy led. They are growing by leaps and bounds because they are active campers and do their scout craft. To be honest I hope that my sons like the pack and troop as both remind me of the units I grew up in. While other troops in town are larger and do big activities, I really think that this troop has its act together. I know scholarship and reading are what my old troop would call "paper pushing" merit badges. My purpose in recommending the MB was to 1)let the scout know that scholarship IS just as important as scoutcraft 2)let mom know Scouting has her son's best interest, and 3) give her son a goal that combines both Scouting and school. For the straight A student, the MB was a cakewalk, but for those having problems in school, that MB is a challenge. From the limited contact I've had with this scout, seeing him at district functions and when I visit the unit, he reminds me of myslef at that age. I know that I had a problem with swimming. When my mom said the only way I could continue in Scouting was to learn how to swim because I would miss out on many scout activities, I saw it as a challenge to learn how to swim. I thought that by incorporating the book stuff into the outdoor stuff, it would motivate him. But every perosn is different Again everyone thanks for the advice, and please keep the young man in your prayers.
  6. THAT WAS FUNNY!!!!!!!!! yeah I might be in the dog house as I got her a complete 1950s uniform in time for her birthday this year. She wanted it spread out over a year or more. But finding the pieces is pain in the buttocks, so as I saw them, I go them. She is also getting a nice little trip to Lowes to get her rose bushes, another thing on her wish list.
  7. Technically you wear it until you earn a newer one. that's why I do not use Badge Bond, glue, etc on my uniforms, I sew them on, even if it takes me a year or longer to update all my uniform shirts Man I still only have 2 shirts done and 5 more to go. Hopefully Once I'm finished with the wife's vintage uniform for her birthday, I'll get back on board with mine.
  8. Thanks for all the input. Again I have limited info as I am not affiliated with the unit. But some additional things I should have mentioned. 1) While the scout said it would be OK to tell everyone, the leaders thought it best that if he wants people to know, then he tell them. It's a privacy issue with the leaders. All the scouts know is that he had some school issues and wasn't participating until rectified. 2) The scout was a patrol leader in the troop. Since he was inactive the APL took over and I believe new elections occurred while he was gone. He knows he won't go back to being a PL as before and is ok with that, but I did advise the SM to talk to the SPl to appoint him to another vacant leadership role, i.e. quartermaster, librarian, etc. This is so that 1) the scout knows the unit does respect him and trust him, especially since he was doing a super job i'm told, and 2) he does need a POR for Star. 3)I advised a meeting with the mom and/or stepdad. The SM and leaders need to know what is going on and how best to help the young man. Especially since the troop does alot of work with wood tools and conservation work at one of the local parks. That was a big concern with the SM 4) I advised a Sm conference with the scout. 5) I sadvised the SM to challenge the boy academically by earning Scholarship MB, and see if scouts form the troop can help him out. this would help him out in school and in Scouting. I think this would also be a big moral booster for him, and show mom scouts do care about school. Thinking about it, maybe reading MB would be another good one. From what I've seen and heard, the scout already has very good outdoor skills. 6) I also advised having a steady buddy or buddies to keep an eye out on trips. That's kinda of a challenge in my opinion as the troop is a young troop with most only one scout over 13. The scout in question WAS one of the role models for the rest. 7) In reference to the family. I do not know how long the parents have been divorced, but he is the oldest child in the family. SM thinks that he does shoulder some adult responsibilities at home. Sm stated that whenever they are finished scout work, he's always ready and eager for game time. between what I have seen of the young man and this statement, i think that Scouting is his only fun time. Again good advise and thank you. Please keep it coming and keep him in your prayers. Eagle 92
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, I need advice to pass along to a friend. One of his scouts, attempted suicide. Fortunately he survived, and will be coming back to the troop next week. Only folks who know are 3 leaders in the unit, and myself. Background on the scout. He's what would be called a "super scout" in my old troop in that he eats, breaths, and loves scouting. It is literally his life. There are some challenges at home in that his mom recently remarried and had a baby. Dad is not in the picture. When his grades started falling, mom pulled him out of the troop. He called his SM informing him of his mom's decision, and within 30 minutes of the call, slit his wrists. I've given the SM some advice, but want others' opinions in case I overlooked something. Thanks in advance.
  10. I agree with Kudu on this one, we shouldn't dumb down scouting. Do we need to make in roads with the Hispanic community, ABSOLUTELY. Do we need to understand and respect their cultural absolutely. BUT they have decided to join our society. What better way to become integrated than to join Scouting.
  11. great advice already given. My advice is simple: EAT A VERY HEARTY MEAL ON YOU WAY TO THE ORDEAL
  12. Jcanter, Ask your DE who the chapter adviser is and ask them for a ceremony team. The chapter may already have the REGALIA (please do not call them costumes, that's a whole other thread )in their possesion OR may have access to the regalia. As a former ceremonialist who now dances and is the adviser who stores the chapter's gear, I can tell you the regalia is not cheap. I don't trust just anyone with the chapter's regalia, let alone my personal stuff. Good luck
  13. Hope the new direction of teh CSE does NOT affect my local SE. New SE is program oriented and is trying to EXPAND the use of our council camps. He's got staff that are program oriented, new DE I'll hopefully meet at RT tonite is a "Program Freak" or so I'm told, and he's made it known that he wants more "Outing in Scouting" by asking the OA to raise more camperships, creating coupons for scouts to use to attend summer camp, daycamp, and the high adventure base, creating programs specifically for CS at the high adventure base, and again increasing the eprograms and use of the 6 council camps.
  14. My troop use the old Woods Wisdom Book, basically the 3 volumes of program features in one book. It was successful. SPL or ASPL used ti to plan the meetings, theoretically one could do 3 years of different meetingings before repeating, but in practice some were repeated yearly.
  15. not happy about taking Outing out of Scouting. After some reading of the forums and thinking about the conversations I had with my cousin, I now know why 1) he pushed himself to get Eagle as fast as he did so that he wouldn't be starting all over with the new 1972 requirements and 2) why he got bored with scouting after getting his eagle at 13. he was surprised when i would tell him baout all the activities I did. Hopefully when my sons are Boy Scout age, I can find an old style troop for them to join.
  16. yep making your own gear. I had a scout who bought the wrong bag for camping, a waterproof dry packsack, that he needed a framed pack. Told him to look at 2nd ed. Fieldbook for directions to make his own.
  17. I was also thinking about Kudu. My personal thought was that on a CS fine I can see not camping, heck I went campingonly 2 times as a CS. But BOY SCOUTS? SCOUTING IS OUTING. Another thing is that yes we have to be respectful of other peoples beliefs and customs, but when you decide to move to another country, you have to adapt your beliefs and customs to the culture you decided to move into.
  18. I remember a time when CSs got their advancement at the pack meeting as they earned it, and the BnG was a party. Don't know why it's so important to get advancement at BnG. Ahh the days of old. Yep it's bene a while since I was a CS or worked in supply, but if memory serves the program helps were designed to 1) help leaders organize their meetings and make life easier for them and 2) work on advancement. HOWEVER the parents are the primary ones who sign off on advancement. Advancement is important, but it is not the only thing. One true story, while workign supply, I had two GS leaders come in and buy the program helps. they said that the GSA didn't have the support literature like the BSA and they got the idea to use Program Helps from a mom who was a CS leader.
  19. As an active scouter with no kids int he program yet, I can tell you it's very difficult to give up the time. I've missed some great weekends with my kids, and missed some storytimes before bedtime. I've had arguments with the wife over to many activities/ meetings. I've had to say no to activities I've been asked to participate, and I've had to use other leaders to run activities. And yes I've asked several folks to take my place as OA adviser, especially since my oldest will be joining CS in the summer and I plan on being a unti leader with his pack, and unable to find a repalcement. It's challenging. there are a variety of ways of handling this situation. The easiest being to fold the troop, but who would that hurt? There are variety of ways of recruiting leaders, from the book to adapting to your specific circumstances. My recommendation is to have a meeting with just the adults: parents, committee, ASMs, and SM. Discuss what's going on and have it so that every leader takes a little responsibility.
  20. Ok folks a few things. 1) Sorry I couldn't get the book. I've been asked to do a major literature search and spent the better part of the day trying ot find the info for the physician. Hopefully I can post thrusday as I will be busy with this lit search and another tomorrow. FYI the book is called The EMTALA Answer Book. by Mark Moy. 2) It's my understanding that the new health form is replacing all the current health forms, i.e. Class 1&2, Class 3, NSJ, Philmont, etc. and that is the reason why the height weight chart was put in.
  21. Close teh visit to the press? Is that b/c he's ashamed of the BSA, or he doesn't want hte BSA to get some good publicity?
  22. I had one young man get an extension because a district rep could not make the EBOR before the he went to boot camp. Boot camp put him pass the 3 month extension rule. very long story short, he appealed, was granted extension, passed EBOR, ok'd by national, but never had ECOH due to military obligations.
  23. My lodge has a First Year Arrowmen Award that incorporates doing a unit camp promotion. I've always seen the unit election done in conjunction with the camp promo. usually the election first, then whilwe ballots are being counted, the camp promo is being done.
  24. Good question. Here is the link to the actual law http://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/ssact/title18/1867.htm#t (h) No Delay in Examination or Treatment.A participating hospital may not delay provision of an appropriate medical screening examination required under subsection (a) or further medical examination and treatment required under subsection (b) in order to inquire about the individual's method of payment or insurance status. Since SSN's are used for insurance purposes, especially now tht the expanded SCHIP has passed, it's my understanding that section h applies. Now I should clarify, that is EMERGENCY CARE. In my experience the three times I've taken scouts or leaders to the hospital was for an emergency. If the scout or leader would be admitted, then yes a SSN would be needed. but emergency care no. I know that there are legal precedents in reference to this matter as well, I just don't have access to the book with that info at this time. Give me some time to try and get the book back from my hospital's ED.
  25. yep My troop also had a bank, but it was voluntary. However almost all of us used it b/c the money was locked in one of those portable firesafes and stored in a leaders car. When I went to Canada we also had a trip bank. Again a leader kept a firesafe in his bag and followed the procedures mentioned elsewhere. Since we were gone for 2 weeks, and travelling in another country, all of us put our money in the bank.
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