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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. Looking at the pic form the link, why is a ceremonialist wearing dance bells, harness, and carrying a sacred object, the calumet? I hope this is an old pic.
  2. around my neck of the woods, "a-hoe" (trying to spell it phonetically)is the equivelent of "Amen"
  3. Ceremony competitions are supposed to be used as a learning tool to improve a lodge's ceremony. yes some lodges do go overboard with the competition aspects, but ideally it is supposed to be a learnign expereince to improve the cceremony, and thuse the candidate's experience.
  4. It depends upon what the award is. fromthe insignia control guide Scouters occasionally receive awards from Scouting associations of other nations, and it is important that they know how these awards should be worn. This does not include jamboree patches. Following are the regulations for wearing such awards: 1. They are always worn when visiting the country whose Scouting association presented the award or when attending a meeting or function attended by Scouters from that country. 2. Medals awarded by other associations are worn above the left breast pocket. As for me I've hosted Canadians 4 times, gone to Canada once, worked an International week one time, and did 3 months in the European Camp Staff Program. While it is the BSA, we are a member of the World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM).
  5. Question since I've taken IOLS, does that mean I DO NOT have to take the Webelos Leader One? Yeah I should know these answers having been the training chair for my district a few years back, but the way it was organized is one person and his staff covered the CS end, while I and others covered the BS end.
  6. Are you having the MBC sign onto the district charter as they are supposed to do? Even if they are already registered with a unit, or district for that matter, they must fill out an adult leader application AND MBC survey form (at least in my neck of the woods). MBCs are considered district level scouters, even if they choose to work with only one unit. Also have the MBCs gone through the MBC trainign video, if it's still out there?
  7. Well the challenge I am goign to encoutner is that momma wants to see her son do the Pre-ordeal Ceremony. Dad isn't a problem, he's a Vigil, but he doesn't want to upset momma. So I get to play bad guy Seriously though I am discouraging her b/c 1) she is oneof the active unti leaders, and therefore may get nominated in the near future, and 2) don want to set the precedent of havign parents attend. OA in my neck of the woods already has a probelm b/c of stuff read ont he internet.
  8. SR540, While i'm not Lisa, I can asnwer the question becasue she posted about it a few weeks back. Basically the VP wants todo things with minimal adult involvment b/c the adults are not allowign them to do things as they see fit. in other words it's adult run and the youth want it youth run.
  9. Also in reference to REI shorts, when I was looking at short prior to the offical one coming out, I went to REI to look for shorts. For whatever reason the only gray pair short I could find had elastic in them. So I went elsewhere. When the officai shorts did come out, they were identical to the ones at REI I turned down. Also I remember that when I went to conclave in 2000, one of the "uniform police" I was friends with was giving me a hard time for being 'out of uniform" for wearing REI shorts with my venturing shirt and he was going to tell my scout shop manager on me I had to inform him that yes they look just like the REI shorts, but mine had the Venturing tag on them making them official I actually like the oficial pants, except for the Velcro. For whatever reason the shorts have given me trouble, and I've had to hem them since they were getting raggedly.
  10. What printing of the books? I am actually willing to bet that while it's not a typo, it's something that should have been edited out of the original 1998 text once the official short came out, and then the pants in 1999. Me personally I will wear my "prototypes," especially the shorts as the are built better than the official ones. I just replaced the buttons on my shorts with scout buttons, as recommended to me by someone at the 98 NLTC. My pants didn't have buttons to replace.
  11. Actually the Venturing shorts came out in Aug orSept. 1999 and the pants a year later. I remember b/c I bought my wife a brand new Venturing uniform with the shorts as soon as they came out. I rember the pants came out a year later b/c I wanted a pair and asked the scout shop manage if I could be issued just a pair of ventuing pants instead of another full ODL uniform. No Dice.
  12. Ok I'm one of the participants. I get a laugh from freinds because I've done a bunch of outdoor training and have taught those courses already, have staffed and ran CS events on the district and council level before, yada yada yada. But I haven't done BALOO or OWL. Reason for the outline is twofold 1) to see what is involved and 2) get a copy of the syllabus for my district. The district's copy was never returned when the CS trainer left 2 years ago. not that it was used. As for faciltiies, small college campus. I hate to say it, but I think it's going to be in a classroom, especially since it may rain. Would have preferred it ot be at the local scout camp 18 minutes away, but that's where it is scheduled. As for the packs and tour permits issue DON"T ASK. Yes it's a problem we are trying to solve, but we have packs going camping without tour permits. Trying to change it is like herding cats. The unit that the 10 leaders are from had 1 leader BALOO trained, and he just stepped down as CM in December. They've complained for a while, but now that it's about to effect the largest and most active pack in the district, it got noticed. I htink that's one reason for the fast and furious approach to the course this saturday.
  13. Emb, Handbook also says as an elangomat in work attire and the professional dress uniform as well. My take on the Guide to Inductions is that elangomats wear teh sash in work clothes as well.
  14. if the summer camp staff is a Venturing Crew, then you have to follow their regs. Most summer camps will give a discount to staffers for uniform parts.
  15. Yeah I know, fast and furious. Like I said they decided to add BALOO training to a scheduled event. Everything seems haphazard due to the last minute nature of the event. Hopefully things will get a bit more organized. 3 of the folks, including yours truly, have offered to teach this course on the district level from now on, and we just got our DE finally, so that will help with the organizational process. Besides the notebook and pen, should I bring anything else, i.e. tent, backpack, cookgear, song book, etc. I've already done and taught IOLS, but never BALOO or OWL. District hasn't been able to get enough interest until this year for a course, and the 10 folks who've been complaining all come from the same pack. I just want to be prepared and have fun. Also is there a syllabus online for the course? eagle92
  16. Sash is OK on the BS uniform, Venturing uniform, and Professional Dress uniform ( blue blazer, white shirt, tie, and grey pants.
  17. Ok found out that the district is putting on BALOO training this weekend. No advertisement, no preregistration, nada. 10 folks from one pack complained enough that the powers that be added BALOO to a scheduled BS event and they emailed all CS leaders. Since I'm not a CS leader, I didn't get the email. Person incharge of the overall event says 'just show up" So I'm asking you folks what to expect and what to bring.
  18. As mentioned already, she has no authority to "hire and fire" unles she is 1) the Institutional Head or 2) Charter organization rep. As for the Eagle Project, once it's approved it's good to go. According to the 2003 Life to Eagle Workbook, no where is a unit's advancement chairman authorization is needed. You need the approval of the organization benefitting, the unit leader, a unit committee member , and the District advancement chairman. As for the eagle application, you need the unit leader's signature, unit committee chaiman's signature, and a council representative. now if she sits on the EBOR and doesn't pass him, then she need to have a written explaination AND he can appeal it. I have never heard of an appeal being rejected, and the appeals process gives the benefit of the doubt to the scout. good luckin this toxic situation.
  19. Eagle92


    Former Sea Explorer and Sea Explorer/Scout Leader, I became a leader in may 98 during the transition to venturing.. When I was both a youth and adult, ships could create their own uniforms. Didn't like my first ships uniform of polo shirt or hoodie and blue jeans. Didn't think it was uniform. Now my second's ship's uniform was nice. Sea base cover, white shirt with insignia, including lodge flap since the lodge came up with the idea of a sea base and all leaders were Vigils, and blue short or pants. As you can guess it was affiliated with the council's high adventure sea base. While I am glad that Sea Scouts are getting back into things with national uniforms. Some policies do make we wonder "what the heck?" Only six knots is one of them, which no one has gotten an explanation why. OA insigina is another one. While I can udnerstand why you wouldn't want to wear Wood badge beads while sailing, I don't understand the prohibition on them at Bridge of Honors. But that's me. What I find interesting is that supply doesn't sell, in addition to the uniforms themselves, some insignia that are proscribed on the uniforms, i.e leader collar pins, epaulets, Sea Scout buckle, etc. Also just noticed that they no longer wear unit numbers. What's up with that?
  20. Lots of good ideas. I like Beavah's about runnging them ragged and appling the Philmont height/weight standards this year. After all they become mandatory next year with the new form.
  21. Click, Thanks for all the hard work you do and for keepign us posted. eagle92
  22. Well if the adults are forcing the issue that they are comign along, I'ld recommend the following. 1) have the CC and SM talk to the parents and explain why it is important for them NOT to go. The Scout don't want them and it's their program. 2) have the VP decide if they think it's in their best interest to cancel any trips until the adults decide to act resonably or put up with the faldercarb. It may be time for the scouts as a patrol to step up to the plate, confront the adults with saying that they are destroying THEIR program, and that they will do NO programing until the adults decide to follow the rules. I know I love camping. And yes I want to do as much with my boys as possible when they get to Scouting age. But if they asked me not to come along a trip, I would honor their wishes.
  23. I strongly recommend that the SPL and ASPL NOT do any cooking and cleanup. the reason being is that problems can occur when they are supposed to be cooking or cleaning and their primary responsibility is supervising. Now if it's an activity with just the older guys, ok I can see that. BUT when you have the entire troop on an outing, no. just my $.02 worth
  24. Well the other half just got her today uniform and loved it. Not in the dog house YEAH!!! On another note, in organizing my patches last nite, I found the most current Quality District patch. looks like I back at the drawing board with up to date uniforms.
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