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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. If the parent is a registered leader, i.e. DL, ADL, CM, etc. then there should be no problem. Heck I know of one adult who signed him and his son up for a fun event, and OA conclave, at the end of the month. Son got a progress report from school and dad said if he doesn't see improvement within the next 3 weeks, son aint going to conclave. Also as has been posted elsewhere, you don't have to have a child in scouting to be a leader. That's my case. I've been in for 27 years now, from CS to eagle Scout, tobeing on the district committee, adn my oldest won't be a CS until June 1. Now if it's an unregistered parent, that would raise my alarm, bells. I know YPT is online now, but do they still have the video available? If so I would have ALL parents watch it,just so they know the rules.
  2. A few things. 1) if he is refusing to give you a copy of the letter he is either A) doesn't have a copy himself, B)will somehow use this against your son, or C) Both. 2) If he is already stating that records will be forwarded to the district, it sounds as if the meeting is already against you. I would immediately get a copy of your COUNCIL records ASAP (and pray they are complete as some council do have record problems), AND get all the pocket certificates, blue cards, and any other documentation ready to go. Sounds like you may want to call the DAC at the meeting. Also a copy of the ACP&P ASAP. 3)You may want to look at another troop for son #2./ As soemone pointed out we are not getting the full story from both sides. However I have a bad feeling that this troop will make life miserable fro son #2. (This message has been edited by eagle92)
  3. Well what really irks me is that I just purchased a new uniform shirt with most of the trimmings. As i stated earlier, I am about to say the heck with it and just use what I already have. After calming down and thinking about it, why do I have a feeling red numbers will be back after jambo, if not earlier?
  4. So let me get this straight, there is now a newer trained strip that is red based for Cub leaders to wear on the new uniform. Also for those of us (future) cub leaders who have the new long sleeve shirts, we are supposed to wear trained strip on the little Swiss tab thingie. WHO THE HECK CAME UP WITH THIS CRAP! Ok need a breath and back away. Me thinks I am gonna use what I already have and let the patch police fine me. they can take it out of my pay.(This message has been edited by eagle92)
  5. Can anyone provide a copy of the shooting sports standards fro CSDC, especially diagrams if available? I ask b/c I was informed that the district's day camp may be held at old summer camp that is in the district. MY OA chapter is going to be working on the old rifle range for OA purposes, but I would love to help prep the rifle range for use at CSDC. The camp has been neglected, but the new SE want to change that and have the camp used more often. Please PM if you need my contact info. Eagle92
  6. ho fast do you need info? My dist. chair want a district cookoff and the rules will be published within a month.
  7. Voyageur, Love the cook kit. Is that a roachbelly knife?
  8. NO MARSHMELLOWS ON CAMPOUTS. Please tell me this is a joke. PS reread and realized there is no ban, YET.(This message has been edited by eagle92)
  9. there is no national prohibition against it, but most units will have their own local prohibitions, unless the parent has a very specialized MB skill, i.e. atomic energy, and then usually other scouts are involved int he process. I personally like the PLs and older scouts signing off on T-2-1 requirements. i also wish they broght back youth on BORs for those ranks, I still sitting on those as a youth. Since our troop's protocol was for the youth to be the chairman of the T-2-1 BORs, I was the one you got to say, 'We want to see you come back in X months...for Y rank Congratulations."
  10. With a first cousin as an Eagle and hearing some of his stories, I was pumped to be a CS when I got into 3rd grade. But I was ticked off when TC came out when I finally was old enough to be a CS. Anyway the first den didn't go very well, so I switched dens the second year and had a blast. The CM kinda creeped me out, and when I found out he was going to be the new SM of the troop I crossed over to, I transferred to the troop some 2nd cousins were in. Glad i did as that SM was later arrested for molesting his two daughters. Stuck with that troop, got eagle, and stayed with them as an ASM until I turnded to the darkside and became a pro. I did so much with the troop or becasue of the troop: 50 miler in Canada, going to a jambo, working summer camp staff, and participating in the European camp Staff program, although I was an ASM when I did that. Now I'm getting ready to be a TCDL with my oldest. heck I got the applications for both of us filled out except for the unit stuff. Hopefully he'll like the pack we are visiting Monday,a nd I can turn those apps in.
  11. "What's a Varsity Scout Coach?" Ok couldn't resist. Yeah I should have remembered those two PORs as well, especially skipper since I got Shanghied into being listed as the skipper of a ship once.(This message has been edited by eagle92)
  12. ASM stole my thunder, I was also going to suggest inviting the DAC to the meeting. And ASM is correct in that having a DAC mention "Appeals Process" does have some psychological shock effect. Plus in the appeals process the benefit of the doubt is given to the scout, at least my limited experiences.
  13. ASM 411 Did you get a chance to do a round up at an association's meeting/open house. The homeschool association wife and I belong to has an open house every year and some of the different actities, groups, classes, etc do have displays to get people involved. Sheldonsmom, While a MBC can refuse to work with a youth. Also they are not allowed to modify the requirements, except when modifications are approved via the official process, for any reason. If that does happen, contact the DAC and notify them.
  14. Congratulations on the recruiting. Looks like your scouts have their game plan. One bit of advice, if you haven't heard from anyone else yet, it get some activities organized for those adults attending so that they cannot get int he way of the patrols. My old troop had the adults set up as a "patrol" in that they did their own cooking, slept in their own area, and had thei own activities to do. This was especially helpful on the Webelos overniter my troop did and the first campout as Scouts. Some parents have a hard time transitioning from Cub leader to Scout leader. Good luck and may your unit have a BLAST!!!!!!
  15. Desertrat, You forgot one, Crew Adviser. Yep those three positions are the most important. Eagle92
  16. As an Eagle Scout who had to endure bs similar to this, the DAC didn't want to pass me since he was not the DAC that approved my project 4 years prior to my EBOR, my advice would be to have the committee write it out then and there on a piece of paper, with the formal letter to be delivered within a specified period of time. I would then mention that per the ACP&P, which I would have a copy at the meeting, you are immediately appealing this decision to the District level for review. My experiences is that you mention appeals process, things get turned around fast. As a young scout, I never heard of someone being turned down for Eagle before and did not know there was an appeal process. When the DAC asked me '"What if we were to tell you, you did not pass your Eagle board because of your project" I challenged him on it and asked is there any appeal process, this really shook him up and after further deliberations with me outside of the room, he reconsidered. Also as a former pro, I can tell you that any benefits of the doubt go to the scout, adn they usaally pass them. BUT get the process started NOW. Lastly I would notify the FD about what is going on andgive him a heads up.
  17. No matter what the results, unless no one is elected on the first round (and there is a policy on that one allowing a revote), You should NEVER do revotes or "add" a few ballots. What does that teach our charges? As a CA I had a SM try and intimidate an election team one time. Tried to get one scout unelected and another elected. He said the scout elected was not any good, yada yada yada, yet he allowed the scout on the ballot by signing the form. It was a very heated discussion.(This message has been edited by eagle92)
  18. Can someone with access to the NESA book that came out last year check to see if LtGen. James Livingstone, USMC (Ret.) may be an additional Eagle with the CMOH? I know the book is not 100%, I met two NESA Lifetime members who did not get into it despite filling out the info at 2005 Jambo. When he was in New Orleans, he was super involved with the council.
  19. I think he means lazer tag. It was banned, then very breifly ok,and now the ban is back. What i find intersting is that in my council's coupon book that is being sold, there is a coupon for lazer tag!
  20. Too bad the price increases in Scout uniforms wasn't an April Fool's Joke.
  21. I was indirectly involved with a similar situation. My associate chapter adviser, who is also a part of the district's EBOR had it in for one particular scout. Something happened on an OA function just prior to me becoming CA, and the boy was involved somehow. Long story short the scout did the agreed upon punishment, but the the ACA refused to renew the scout's OA membership. When that matter was resolved to the ACA's displeasure, he said the scout would not be getting Eagle and he would see to that. Other folks heard it and it got back to the kid's parents. As soon as they heard that they, they went directly to the Field director and DAC stating that they wanted a council level EBOR. Your son played nice, now it's time to move up the chain of command as people have suggested. Start the appeal NOW while there is time.
  22. One of the troop's in my district has an unoffical policy that they don't want to see an Eagle candidate before he's 15. This decision was was made by the COR and CC. Both are Eagles, both have seen a few mills, and they don't want that reputation with the troop. Their opinion is that it;s very rare to see a 13 or 14 YO Eagle have the maturity, skills and leadership ability to truly be an eagle.Grant you they don't have the problem now as it is a young troop, but I see it in the near future. Since they are very active, they have an 11 YO First Class Scout who is smoking along. Me personally I think that every young man should enjoy themselves and get the most out of scouting. I like to see scouts get Life and their Eagle project completed before HS because there will be extracuirriculars and "da fumes: perfume and car fumes"
  23. Cimarron, I bought the XL LS spplex shirt on Tuesday for $39.99 b/c I heard that prices were going up on Wedneday. When I checked the online prices on WED, the shirt was $49.99. I called some supply friends and the local council shop to see if the prices going up was true. One said somethngs were, but wasn't sure what. The other said they didn't hear anything about prices going up, but they go by what's in the computer. ADAMSDWA, Thanks for the heads up!!!!! My opinion is that with the $120 price tag for the meeting's essential, let's not even discuss camping equipment at this time, the BSA is going to price out alot of boys. And if they keep focusing on SCOUTREACH and keep prices going up, we will not be able to attract some of those kids. Further with the economic climate as it is, more an more people cannot afford luxuries like scouting. If it's a choice between food on the table or a uniform, the food wins. At least in my household growing up. Has the exchange rate between the yen and dollar changed drastically in the past few weeks? Maybe another reason to go back to American Made products.
  24. back in the day when CS was only 3 years, graduation was in May as you were a Webelos your 5th grade year and it took all year to get AOL. If you were lucky and had a good WDL they started preparing you for the troop in october or so. Do a campout or two, yada yada yada. One thing my WDL did not do was inform us of the cost of Summer camp or when the troop we were joining was going. It may have been that most of the other kids came from money and that wasn't an issue, but for me finding out about summer camp in may was a bummer. Luckily I stuck withit.
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