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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. I know there was a survey on myscouting about this topic that inlcudied a pole and alot of folks thins it should be taught via the BSA, and it sounded as if the BSA would may be looking into creating such a program. After all,we got our own ropes course and lifeguard certifications, why not WFA And yes there was a suggestion to incorporate some aspects of WFA into the FA MB.
  2. Someone mentioned the OA,. and I like the idea. Closest we have to that is the SCOUTREACH mentoring program. That's where an Arrowman works with and additional troop that needs some mentoring fora period of time. It sounds great, and in some larger areas I bet it works, but it has its challenges in my neck of the woods as the same folks seem to do evrything. But that is an idea. Another idea: how about some of this info being presented at RT.
  3. The purpose of the HB is to give the basic information, enough to whet their appetities on the outdoors and meet advancement. The Fieldbook was to be strictly for the outdoors. I have mixed emotions on the Fieldbook. Lots of great info, but it is pricey. I lucked out in that I got a 2nd ed. before I became a CS ( Eagle Cousin was finsihed with it and wanted to pique my interest along with his HB) and wifey got the current one form a book sale.
  4. EMB, One reason for a new change would be the centennial uniform. Anotehr reason would be to make a centennial edition of the FB.
  5. Haven't heard, but more than likely yes. Funny though, the current handbook isn't on sale.
  6. In reference tot he Lanape language, yep there are challenges with pronunciation, and spelling for that matter. if you look at the origins of our modern pronuncuation of Lanape, there were three separate indiviuals involved in the process, 1 Englishman, 1 German, and 1 I forgot. Anytime you try to translate a language, your own language will play a part. Latin is a good example b/c Roman Latin is different than modern Latin. Latin non est mortalis, est immortalis!
  7. John-in-KC said There is not a knot for the Webelo award Actually if you are refering to the old Weblos Award that became the AOL, then you are authorized to wear the AOL knot. Sorry don't have the policy in front of me, but it's out there. Possibly the SCOUTING magazine article has the info. BUT if you are referring to the current Weblos badge, that replaced the old lion badge, then you are correct.
  8. Most of the troops, and a few of the packs, help out the VFW and AL to put up flags the saturday before Memorial Day, and then we take down at 5PM on Memorial Day. That's what I'll be doing this year for the first time with TC son.
  9. As an Eagle, i say this to every one else....(making funny faces) nanny nanny boo boo Seriously though, ANY accomplishment in scouting is to be recognized and celebrated, especially in today's age where Scouting is not "cool." Yes Eagles get the recognition, and yes it's an accomplishment. BUT scouting is so much more. As the Skipper lifted from elsewhere, we need recognize the accomplishments of those non-Eagles as well.
  10. If the ceremoniealists are uncomfortable, I now advise a ceremony team ( at least until the end of the month), I 'ld let them continue using reaglia as the term of choice.
  11. E, Actually from what I remember, the name tapes are a real money maker for the various scout associations. Each unit has to have a custom name tape, and place a minimum number. Also if memory serves, in the UK each unit has a specific color background based upon program level, i.e. Cubs and Scouts were green to match uniform, leaders and venturers, now explorers, had mushroom to match their shirts. Now some of the units did have older name tapes, and I do have a collection. Now if we could only get scouts to wear unit specific neckers!(This message has been edited by eagle92)
  12. Duct Tape Patrol motto; "Can't fix it, Duct it. Can't Duct it, chuck it.." That was a camp staff motto one year when duct tape was used to make repairs throughout the camp.
  13. Jblake, BSA tried the two uniform approach in the 1990s when they came out with the "Activity uniform" which consisted of khaki shorts and polo shirt that was either red for boy scouts, tan for varsity scouts, and maroon for older scouts in a then venuture crew (now venture patrol). That was the uniform that was supposed ot eb worn in the outdoors and during activities, while the Field uniform, aka ODL, was for meetings and ceremonies. Not very popular, pricey, and discontinued. Although I have one, it was a gift from an eagle who knew I collected uniforms. I admit I like the bellowed pocket, but wifey says no way she'll wear one. And I have mixed emotions on the ipod pocket. Yep I used it a few weeks ago for a compass since son stole my compass pouch. One thing I have heard no complaints about are the new pants. Everything I hear about them is that they are great. I take that back, they are a little informal for COHs is the only complaint I heard. I admit I got a pair of knockoffs, see a post I wrote on that, that are exactly like the new issues and made by the same company, ChiComs, and I like them. Now if they would only bring back knee socks.
  14. A few other challenges besides losing patches (SOLVED, but that is a neat rick with the wire tie) and the location of the Swiss tabs ( on the elbow, gonna see if seamtress can up the pocket and the tabs) include. 1) Collar. It's way to big and makes it awkward to wear a neckerchief inthe traditional manner with the collar rolled under. heck even if you wear a necker under the collar, i don't think much would be seen. 2) Cuffs on the long sleeve, Is it me or do the cuff seem big enough that even when buttoned, your hand is slipping through? Luckily I was abel to move the button myself.
  15. Regi, I am stunned. Just checked and not only is it used on page 7, but an additional 12 times throughout the document. I can tell you from personal experience, Native Americans do not like the term. All I will say is this: if you are a dancer, do NOT call it a costume at a Native American Powwow!
  16. DG, new training will be needed in addition to SSD and SA in the very near future.
  17. My friend showed a trick that I did. I took the button off the flap and made a buttonhole instead. The I sewed the button onto the pocket, and covered the entire flap with an OA flap. No one can tell it's modifiec. Yep i too had problems with the button.
  18. If you are using the latest ed of the MBP, it may be referring to the new water skills training that will be mandatory next year I believe. Best place to ask would be on the Health and Safety group on MyScouting.org as one of the health and Safety pros from national resides there, only comig her to tell us to stop playing jokes on April Fool's day . The new trainings are gonna get interesting for some of us old fogeys. I been through and taught various water related MBs because A) I was both a BSA and YMCA Lifeguard, and YMCA Lifeguard Instructor, and B) I have 3 Fifty Milers under my belt allof which have been afloat. I've asked about looking at a syllabus and how folks not going to summer camp can get trained, but no answers yet.
  19. I also heard the same thing, but the way national has been changing things, weekly it seems, I wouldn't hold my breath. I regret getting the new uniform I bought, even though I did it to save $10, because it looks like I will be spending the money on alterations. Those Swiss tabs are to low on the arm, covering the elbow, and are a pain when rolled up. So I got to get see if I can get the pocket and the tabs moved up. I should have just broke down, got into my uniforms box up in the attic and turned one of my Scout shirts into a Cub shirt.
  20. Gunny, I hear ya, understand, and agree. While I admit I have discouraged a parent from coming once, okay twice, I did go through everything so that she would feel comfortable. I also mentioned leaders in in her troop who have been or are active in the troop. That hleped ease her fears. Now that second time, the mom wanted to come, not for concearns of safety, but to see her son and be part of the expereince. Vigil daddy wasn't going to say no to wifey, so safety issues were not a concern. both father and myself didn't want her there b/c 1) it does take a little out of the ceremony and B) there is talk of among the troop's leadership of nominating her in the next 2 years.
  21. Every unit is different and runs things differently. In my old BS troop, parents were defacto members of the committee and could vote. In another unit I was a leader with, parents could attend the meeting, voice their opinions, but could note vote UNLESS registered with the committee. Still in another unit, a very large CS pack, only the committee, CM, ACM, and all DLs attend and vote, no parents. The CC can veto any decisions made by the committee, and no one save the Charter Organizational Rep. (COR) and Institutional Head (IH) can overrule the CC. N ow if you have alot of dissatisfied parents, then there is a major problem happening. I would talk to them and try to come up with a compromise that is acceptable to all parties AND within BSA guidelines.
  22. WAhooker, Welcome to the forums. The color of the numbers has been a problem as there has been no-to-conflicting advice on the matter. First it everyone in the khaki uniform went to green, then only those who are registered with a Scotu troop where khaki, then they were coming out with red on Khaki numbers, not back to white on red numbers. If you haven't sewed on the numbers yet, and the shop you bought them at is nearby, exchange them for the white on red. if you sewed them on like I have already, don't worry about it as the guidance from national has been poor on this matter. I persoanlly went against my gut feeling and got green numbers and trained strip. I have a feeling that EVERYONE save Sea Scouts will be goign back to White on red numbers after jambo.
  23. can I have chocolate with lots and lots of whip cream?
  24. Chief, I feel ya, I've been involved with the BSA for 27 years, did SM Fundamentals, Attended Brownsea 22 and staffed a JLT conference, and organized and ran CS events. BUT I had to attend BALOO. While I didn't learn anything new, except a new knot, I need get to spend time with other new CS leaders, esp the ones in my son's pack. So ti wasn't a total lost. Again try talkign to staff. Maybe they will let you on staff, that way you are killing twobirds with one stone.
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