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If I've gone into too much detail, I apologize. We had a sexting incident at work with a coworker's son and the library computers.
Here are a few links to new articles about sexting, child pornography laws, and other consequences: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/01/15/national/main4723161.shtml http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/WorldNews/story?id=6456834 http://www.usatoday.com/tech/wireless/2009-03-11-sexting_N.htm http://media.www.roundupnews.com/media/storage/paper474/news/2009/04/23/News/Sexting-3722261.shtml http://www.whiotv.com/news/18968170/detail.html http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29546030/
77, I think the reason why adult training gets pushed more is that it is the adults obligation to TRAIN the scouts under him. CS leaders DO have to do the leading, and Venturing are there to train and advise. Theoretically having more trained adults will ensure the youth get trained in the local level. One problem with youth training is that overtime you lose the youth. They age out, move, or just drop. It's a constant process. Also I know how difficult it is to get enough staff to host a JLT, and I am going to assume the same challenges are encountered with the new NYLT. At least my neck of the woods WB is a joint venture between two or more councils, so you can draw in more trainers and participants, making it easier to get both. Maybe that's why national now allows WBers to get their extra beads via staffing NYLT? Grant you that should not be the reason, it should be to train youth to have the best possible program when they return to their units, but thta is unfortunately how some adults think.
A definite call to the parents is warranted, SM conference also. I might add that the youth, depending upon jurisdiction, could be committing a felony for storing the sexting images, it fall under kiddie porn charges from the cases I've read about, so that they will have to register as a sex offender for a very long time. Reviewing the Scout Oath and Law is also in order. Hopefully the scout{s} parents won't take it as lightly as the ones I had to deal with. They thought it was funny.
"Bounty hunters, we don't need their kind of scum." Hey Mandalore welcome to the forums. Great post and I forgot about the synthetics melting. That would eb a major problem wiht my old troop
Verbal altercation w/parent at meeting
Eagle92 replied to curtis's topic in Open Discussion - Program
if you are trying to do a one man show, ie be CM and a DL, and you have no support, talk to your committee and tell them they need to do their job and recruit parents to be leaders. otherwise you may need to fold shop and move to a pack that is working. -
Nolesrule, Good luck with getting them to wear thei medals. We have a few folks in my district who have lost their medals. Also have a few who believe, incorrectly as we all know, that since they are adults, they cannot wear their eagle medal. Silver Beaver adn Adult religious, no problem wearing, Eagle, won't wear it.
Policies do change overtime. One example is that at one time, adults could earn Eagle. Also all Eagles could wear their patch. I have mixed emotions on wearing the patch. yes it would be nice, especially since I got Eagle after my 18th birthday. My troop didn't have a problem with Scouters wearing it for a year after their ECOH. At the stage of the game I am in, and Scouting is a game, I don't care one way or the other. I know I will continue to get asked about my eagle no matter what, and hopefully inspire a few scouts along the way.
Now is the vision statement an actual part of the NYLT Syllabus, or is it something added by the council? I ask b/c my old council did something like this at a post conference meeting. Problem was, only about 1/3 to 1/2 of the participants attended. Once they completed the week long course, they got their certificate, received their smokey bear, and they were gone.
Prior to JLT there was Brownsea 22. Way my troop did it was that 1 person could go for free, but anyone who met the council's requirements, I believe they were First Class and be in a leadership role(preferably SPL) or have the potential to be SPL, could go with SM's approval. When I went, two of us split the troop's payment. As for how the course was put on, I am told that it was identical to WB except you don't do the ticket. When I did JLT staff, all adults, save me, had completed WB or were working their ticket. They counted the BA22 course as meeting the adulot qualifications. Youth staff had to go to the Philmont Course to get trained since my council hadn't offered it. Again JLT mirrored WB, minus the ticket. Heck oneof my youth staffers, who turned 18 and attended WB a few month later said he learned nothing new as ti was the same course minus the WB ticket. I am told that NYLT also mirrors WB21C. All staff, both youth and adult, must go through EDGE now. Also for those WBers that qualify, theycan now get their 3rd or 4th bead. That just confirms to me that NYLT is "WB Lite."
Actually we did TDC for the JLT staff back in the day.
732, Understand that PSR and other high adventure bases have the requirement. But the problem is that now ALL activities more than 30 minutes away from a hospital require scouts to go by H/W guidelines. So if your local scout camp is more than 30 minutes, you can't go to a weekend trip or summer camp. Worse if you live in the boonies like some folks out west do, if your meeting is more than 30 minutes from a hospital, you must go by the H/W guidelines. My problem is not the FAQ, but the wording on the forms. I'm not a lawyer or a physician, but I am on my job's forms committee. Using that experience, I think the current wording does not adequately express the intent of the policy. With the current wording, if anything were to happen at, say a meeting more than 30 minutes away from a hopsital, I bet there will be a lawsuit.
I'll think Sea Scout and Scouters will like Keith. Knowlegable, dependable, and extremely hard working.
Not to be a pain in the buttocks, but aren't Sea Scouts still Venturers or have they now been split off as many have suggested?
Gern, Probelm is that it doesn't state 30 minutes by litter, it says 30 minutes by ground transportation. What's ground transportation? A car is ground transportation. So is an ambulance. Like I said the form is not very well written.
HICO, The 21 YO rule for SMs and committee members actually goes back to the federal charter. I was reading about this in the 3rd ed. SM HB and it gave the exact section on the leader guidelines. Now grant you those guidelines have been amended, i.e. women can now serve on committees and as SMs, ASM, Webelos leaders etc., but the age policy hasn't been amended.
OK, talked to the employee health nurses today who manage the weight lose program at work. Basically they said that H/W guidelines from CDC are just that GUIDELINES. They stated that there are ways to get a more accurate BMI, including the electric pulse scale they use. Apparently this scale send a small charge through the body and can measure the BMI more accurately than any H/W guideline. the 30 minute rule will cost us alot of volunteers. Heck it may even cost us a few professionals.
Hal, What the FAQs say and what the actual form says do not coincide. The form says nothing about When your travels take you more than 30 minutes off of an accessible roadway, fire lane, camp road, etc., where you float, walk, hike, bike, or otherwise go into the backcountry. Depending on the terrain and local conditions, this might be a couple hundred yards or a couple of miles into the backcountry. Most BSA high-adventure camps that include a backcountry component (ask them about their requirements before you go). Philmont Scout Ranch has this standard in place as an example. When your lodge, unit, district, or council requires it as part of a program. The height/weight chart generally would not apply (unless your lodge, unit, district, or council says it does) in the following: The majority of BSA resident camps, as most Cub Scout/Boy Scout resident camps (not high-adventure camps) have drive-up campsites and dont require packing in or out. Cub Scout programs. (Backcountry and high-adventure are not age-appropriate for Cub Scouting/) Wood Badge courses in a typical resident camp setting. Again, Philmont Scout Ranch has this requirement in place. The 2010 National Scout Jamboree. (However, please review the Be Prepared link to review all medical risk factors, including excessive body weight.) " THE FORM SAYS THE FOLLOWING It is important to note that the height/weight chart must be strictly adhered to if the event will take the unit beyond a radius wherein emergency evacuation is more than 30 minutes by ground transportation, such as backpacking trips, high-adventure activities, and conservation projects in remote areas. AND LATER Individuals desiring to participate in any high-adventure activity or events in which emergency evacuation would take longer than 30 minutes by ground transportation will not be permitted to do so if they exceed the weight limit as documented at the bottom of this page. Enforcing the height/weight limit is strongly encouraged for all other events, but it is not mandatory. (For healthy height/weight guidelines, visit www.cdc.gov.)
Mc, While I do not own one, I've ordered and inspected them when I worked at ascout shop. They look like your standard HS/ college ring.
I must concur with most of the posters with taking the new boys in. However I would even it out so that each den has a total of 9. Do leaders go the extra mile. Heck yeah. I've helped scouts in th past who couldn't afford to do some activities or get needed equipment. Why, b/c I'm in it for the kids. I remember what is was like gorwing up and the outstanding yuouth and leaders who helped me on the way. So I give back. I'ld talk to the treasurer, they may be ways to assist in finances for those havign difficulty wihtout you having to foot the bill.
Reasons to wear uniforms - convincing other leaders
Eagle92 replied to mdlscouting's topic in Uniforms
Req, There is a VERY good SM minute that can be modified for CS use on the importance of a necker on MACSCOUTER.COM I've modified and embellished it and used it this past monday to explain why a necker is so important for the uniform prior to all the CS getting their new neckers for summer. Got a lot of compliments on it from the adults, and the CS thought it was cool. Also every time you see me, including in venturing uniform, I wear a necker. Get's people's attention and starts up conversation about scouting, especially the European ones I've traded for or been gifted with. Got a bunch of the adults thinking about creating a pack necker for the adults to wear. I think I am starting to be a corrupting influence As for the necker being hot, that's b/c most folks wear them UNDER the collar. Need to wear it "old school" over a tucked in collar, then it protects the neck and keeps ya cool. (This message has been edited by eagle92) -
Yep what John said. This is an awsome expereince and one that you will remember for the rest of your life. tell us how you did next week.
Qualifications to be Lifeguard for Cub Scout events....
Eagle92 replied to johnnylaw101's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Short, Yes and no as it depends upon the MBC. When I teach Lifesaving, I expect those skills to be mastered to the point that it is instinct. Lifesaving MB covers the BASICS, i.e. different types of rescues, holds, releases, etc. BSA Lifeguard reiterates that to a higher level. In addition, it goes boating as well. Additionally you spend time as a lifeguard candidate dealing with the day to day stuff a lifeguard does, i.e. buddy checks, manning the lookout, etc. As I stated, I have taught and seen people who completed Lifesaving MB that I feel would be better than some of the people who got certified via a national agency I worked for. While I tried to nor pass these folks, I got overruled and they got certified. -
I thought CS in the 30s and early 40s had a gold diamond wiht blue numbers?
Qualifications to be Lifeguard for Cub Scout events....
Eagle92 replied to johnnylaw101's topic in Open Discussion - Program
This is opinion now, so take it with a grain of salt. Lifesaving MB is a tuff one and use to be a prereq for BSA lifeguard. If you have a good MBC they will teach it as if it is a 'guard course, expecting the same standards. Heck I taught guarding, and I would trust some scouts with the MBC over folks I had to certify! Howeer the MBC doesn't teach boating rescues, except the basics. Since youe really need swimmers to deal with boat rescues as everyone does play a part, maybe that's why BSA madwe that rule?