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From the comments above, i.e. not meeting percentages, that is not allowed and Appealable. Also as stated any time after getting Life the 6 mos POR rule works, whether it was 6 months immediately following the Life BOR 4 years prior to the EBOR or withing the last 7 mos of the EBOR.Appeal to the Council BOR. Also the He Said Shee said is spot on. In cases like this, national errs onthe side of the Scout, so if council doesn't approve, appeal to National. Again go to council appeals board! Good luck.
Actually from the G2SS found here: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/GSS/gss02.aspx 4. Lifeguards on Duty Swim only where there are lifeguards on duty. For unit swims in areas where lifeguards are not provided by others, the supervisor should designate two capable swimmers as lifeguards. ... Provide one guard for every 10 people in the water.... So to answer your first question NO he doesn't need to be BSA Lifeguard, although most currently certified guards usually do duel certification, esp. since the BSA Lifeguard course is the toughest of the three I am familair with: BSA, YMCA, and ARC. Also looking at the BSA lifeguard link from national here: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/MeritBadges/lifeg.aspx a certified lifeguard from another agency can challenge if they can do the following 25 things listed. In reviewing the 25 items, there is no boating requirements now, so it should be no problem. As to being a BSA lifeguard Counselor, sorry you cannot do so as you need to get BSA Lifeguard AND do some extra training. I can't remember the exact requirements, nor can I find them online, but ask the waterfront director at Summer camp. I can tell you this, I was a YMCA lifeguard instructor/BSA lifeguard, and I wasn't certified to teach BSA Lifeguard, but I could teach Swimming, Lifesaving, Rowing, and Canoeing MBs. But that was when BSA Lifeguard required those skills.
I know this thread is old, but since someone brought it back to life, I'll add my $.03 worth ( inflation ya know) Someone suggested a "Emeritus" strip similar to the trained strip. There is in existance a "RETIRED" strip that was identical to the old trained strips sold by national and authorized for uniform wear. Don't see to many of those, and I do not know if they make them to the current specs of the trained patch.
I not only had problems with the password, mine did have numbers and letters, that took several times to get in, I am now having problems event gettign to the community pages.
Basement I have to agree with the above poster, if an accident happens, I do not believe the liability insurance will cover you, or the charter organization. It's in the G2SS and the unit is expected to have a copy of that document and follow it.
Actually this was my old council. I have no idea about the current council I'm in. In fact when I asked a SM I was camping with this weekend about NYLT, he didn't know if the coucil puts it on still or not. Troop is a young troop and could use some of the stuff NYLT has to offer.
Maybe I should start ebaying Program Helps? They were awesome and yes a "foundation for successful Cub Scouting." And before they remove this link: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34409.pdf
On another note, maybe they will come out with something like the old Woods Wisdom: a book with 5 years worth of planning information that the packs can implement?(This message has been edited by eagle92)
i also hope they are joking. I know that the Program Helps are now online, and that may have cut into SG sales, BUT that was the #1 support I encouraged ALL leaders to get. And as a new TCDL, I was looking forward to getting next year's PH to help me out with my meetings!
One of the things we requested from all the SMs who were sending scouts to JLT was that they 1) participate with the scout and his parents the Orientation meeting that discussed all the expectations and went over the basics of what we were doing and 2)to come the day of the feast/graduation ceremony and see what the scouts have learned in action. Those that did both usually got an idea of what the JLT course provided and did buy into it.
I have to second the idea that you need to send 2 scouts to NYLT. In addition you need the SM to BUY INTO NYLT ideas and allow the scours to incorporate them into troop planning. One thing I liked, but only seen once, was a district level TLT. The staff consisted of nothing but BS22 graduates, and they used TLT format with a little BA22 info to emphasis. It was a great weekend and wish we could have done another one. But Yes a SM needs to buy into the ideas and allow the SPL to implement them .
One thing about Walmart's goods, they are made by the same "company" that makes the BSA unforms, and are cheap knockoffs. They may look VERY similar, the the goods are even poorer quality and fade faster. EBAY is your friend
When two distant cousins of mine got Eagle, I was not only invited to attend in CS uniform, but was challenged to continue in Scouting until I could 'reach the summit that is Eagle." I say go for it.
BadenP said "One group is going to reorganize as a venturing crew with emphasis on small sailboats and kayaking, but I it looks like the days of traditional sea scouting is over in our council. The skippers of both ships were going to step down in June, both of whom were avid seamen and Navy veterans. We are going to miss them and their sea scouts at our council and district functions." BadenP, They can still be a Sea Scout Ship. My old ship used small sailboats, and one sea scout ship I worked with in the UK, 4th Deal (Sea Scout), used kayaks exclusively.
Welcome to the forums. A few ideas. 1) Do you have weekly uniform inspections? My old troop did, and the points went towards a patrol of the year award. 2) Do the PLs, troop youth leadership, and SPL enforce uniforming? Do you constantly remind them to "tuck in the shirt," or "if you are going to be a Scout, you need to look like a Scout," etc. 3) Does your troop have uniform expectations or policies? In my old troop there were expectations given from the first day a scout joined the troop. It was reiterated at his Investiture, and every Scout Investiture we did. Also it was expected that scouts have the Field Uniform: socks, shorts/pants, belt, shirt, necker, woggle, troop totem, and a scout hat, on when we left to go on any trip. (Yes we gave scouts some slack, i.e. dark socks with long pants, any green shorts/pants). As for different levels of uniform, that's up to you and your troop. here is how my troop classifed them Class A was the Field uniform described above was worn going to and from trips, meetings from October through April, service projects, etc. A Full Class A uniform was field uniform above plus medals, MB sash, and OA sash (no two sashes at the same time), and was worn at COHs and BORs. A Class B was the troop or any scout t-shirt in the place of the khaki shirt. Worn at meetings from May to Sept., and once we got to the campground. Hope this helps.
In addition to not following the Scout law and liability issues, you can have your membership revoked. There was an incident a few years back in my council in which a leader did not follow G2SS guidelines and an accident occured. BSA insurance would not cover the event, don't know if it was the accident or liability insurance, and eventually the leader was banned permanently from Scouting, i.e. he's listed in the black books at national now. He did sue to be reinstated, and was reinstated while the court case occured, and lost the case. This was all before the Dale SCOTUS decision. But let's get back to the Scout Law. What are we teaching our scouts if we do the "it's an unofficial activity?" Wouldn't a better way to handle with the scouts is have them do some research on the matter, and contact national with their info and try to get the policy repealed? Wouldn't that be teaching a bit of citizenship?(This message has been edited by eagle92)
RJ, If memory serves when you are renting the council facility, you are paying the use of the range AND qualified folks to run it. If your council's usage permit is like mine, there is a spot for your to mark that you want to use the range, and you pay the extra fees accordingly. Since the shooting sports that day are run by the council, not the pack, it is considered a council event. Yep some council's do that, and East Carolina has a Cub on Demand program that includes BBs and Archery. BUT it is through the council. A unit with a qualified person could nto set up their own range, and do it as a pack activity. They would need to go through teh council still.
Plus if anything happens, you are on your own. Yes I agree that the prohibition against lazertag is ridiculous. heck my entire UK camp staff I worked with went out and used it as a team building exercise. But until policy changes again on the matter, I also advise against it.
I agree with 2cub, what was wrong with the red loops and why bother worrying about them? Luckily national said that you can mix and match with the centennial and ODL uniform parts SOOOOOOOOOOOO with 4 pairs of red loops, I'm set for a while. Also you forgot about the new venturing belt.
Had that problem at JLT. Guy taped a Playboy to his leg and got caught. SM of the course did a SM conference with him, confiscated the magazine, and did tell him mom when she showed up at the end of the week. Mom thought it was funny. We didn't try to embarrass the guy, in fact we tried to be as discreet as possible, but word did get around. He got the nickname "Hugh Hefner" for the rest of the course by his patrol. In reference o where they are getting the images. If it's sexting, then it's usually via their email or whatever program the phone uses, and the pics are usually their girlfriend, their friend's girlfriend, or a teenager not smart enough to realize what they have done. We've had problems with the computers at work, and even when you DELETE something, until the memory is fully swiped, it's possible to get that info back.
What are Sea Scouts? JUST JOKING. Problem is Sea Scouts are one of the least understood and underutilized programs. Also some of us have had bad expereinces where the ship is more of a babysitting service for CO. But yep these exist and people can simply google them.
Yep Emb is correct, you wear the uniform from home. You just have that nice Jambo staff patch. Also As Emb said, the 'Venture" strip above the BSA strip is for Venture patrol members of a troop.
No problem with disagreements, as long as they don't get unscoutlike, and this one hasn't yet. I hadn't thought about the lifetime skills learned. VERY GOOD POINT. I still sometimes look at things as if I'm with my old troop. My troop did look at BA 22, and later JLT as an investment b/c they did pay for it, and it was expected that we would continue with the troop and use what we learned to improve the troop. Although I sound as an apologist for having more WB than NYLT courses, I believe like you that there should be more emphasis on youth training. I was fortunate enough to go through it, and staff it. So I knwo what can be done and how motivated most participants are once completing the course. And we are supposed to be a youth run organization. Again not having gone through WB or WB21C so I'm expressing my opinion, but a SM shouldn't be trying to infuse what they learned at WB to the entire troop. Rather he's suppose to infuse the SPL and other youth leaders, with the intention that long term the youth train their successors, and the SM guiding as neeeded in the process.
One of the things I liek to tell any new leader, whether CS, BS, or vent., is that there is a world of resources to help them in programming, and that usually eases their worries and makes it more likely they will volunteer. bett still is if when talking to parents about volunteering, you have a few example. For CS you definitely want the HOW TO BOOK, SONG BOOK, LEADERS BOOK, and PROGRAM HELPS. best thing abotu the program helps is that they are available online for free, and you can print just what your den needs. Also mention RTs and training. Alsomention online sources like this site and MYSCOUTING.