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Everything posted by eagle90

  1. What are your hopes, dreams, fears, etc. about the coming year, Scouting-wise? I'll start: Our council is in the midst of a four council merger (Des Plaines Valley, Chicago, NW Suburban, and Calumet) into a mega-council. I fear how this will effect the programs and traditions of our individual councils and units. Also I worry about the logistics of offices, scout shops, camps, etc. They have already introduced the most God-awful council strip with a space module on the moon, which has nothing to do with our area!
  2. SSScout, THAT IS THE POST OF THE YEAR! Give the man a prize. Not only does it make sense, I agree with every point, and it is how we try to run our Summer Camp. Thanks for a great post! Dale
  3. A very Merry Christmas and Good Scouting in 2015 to all my Scout Forum friends! Dale
  4. Our troop has "adopted" a section of forest preserve and do woods cleanups three or four times a year. It's remarkable the amount of trash we pick up, and the variety! Bowling balls, lawn chairs, credit cards, etc.! A running/biking trail runs thru the area and we are constantly thanked by the runners and bikers for cleaning up the area. The FPD did install a sign saying "This area adopted by Boy Scout Troop 90" so it's some publicity for us too!
  5. When it stops being fun AND I don't get the continued help from parents and veteran scouters.
  6. Don't treat me like a twelve year old Tenderfoot. Don't teach me how to tie a square knot. Rather have the units sit down at a true Round Table and discuss. Where did you go camping last month? How far was it? What did you do? How was the campsite? Cost? Any nearby places of interest? You went Rock Climbing? Where? How much? Did your kids finish the merit badge? etc. This would be useful information all units would like to get. Helps your program to hear what others are doing and get the details.
  7. While at the Grant Pilgrimage in Galena last spring one of our scouts found a digital camera inside one of the port-a-potties. We looked thru the pictures and got the unit number, but they had already left, as this was Sunday morning. I found what council they were in and got the unit leader's address and sent her the camera. Turns out is was a 11 year old first time camper who was devastated that he lost the camera. We received a very nice Thank You note from the Scout. Makes you feel good!
  8. That was well before Exploring went co-ed!
  9. When I was an Explorer in the late 60's we had a yearly basketball tournament with about 6 posts competing in a round robin tournament at a local junior high school gym. It was a good time. And perish the thought today, we all showered and changed clothes together!
  10. Our troop did a backpacking weekend at Kettle Moraine State Park (South) a few years ago and were very happy with the venue.
  11. Welcome the Pathway to Adventure Council. This is the result of a merger between the Chicago Area Council, Des Plaines Valley Council, Northwest Suburban Council, and Calumet Council.. That is one big council in area and numbers. We'll see how it goes.
  12. If you email me I can send you a "script" I use for this very thing, emphasizing the major differences betwen Cubs and Scouts. I emphasize that the parents usually have more trouble transitioning than the boys do! eagle90bsa@att.net Dale
  13. We charge $60 total. $24 to National, $36 to the troop for dues. Boy's Life is optional. Dale
  14. We enjoy going to the same camp (out-of-council) each year. We like renewing friendships with the staff and other leaders. Our scouts like seeing the same counselors each year.
  15. We cross over our Webelos in February at the BG Dinner. This way the new scouts have the entire spring camping season to become acclimated to Boy Scout camping on weekend campouts and become familiar with their troop and patrol leaders and members. This makes for a much smoother Summer Camp. You don't want the new scout's first camping experience without mom or dad to be a whole week in the woods. It helps avoid many problems. Dale
  16. Run, Scoutmom, Run! There are so many things wrong. The SMC is NOT pass/fail. The requirements are to "take part in a SMC". It should not be a re-test of previously passed items. Nor should the BOR be a re-test. A complete uniform is NOT a requirement, so the socks should be a moot point. This seems like a bunch of stuffed shirted egotists getting off on harassing and holding back a deserving young boy. God only knows what other violations of policy are taking place. I would search out another troop quickly! Dale
  17. I have the Eagle Scout plates from Illinois. Dale
  18. Campmor also offers a 10% discount to scout units (not individuals) on purchases.
  19. Ed - Long time no see! Glad to see you alive and well! Dale
  20. It's also not safe driving 6 hours in the dark after a full day of camp activities. We check out by 8:00 AM and are home by 2:00 in the afternoon on Saturday. Still time for a nice dinner out or a delivered pizza!
  21. Returned home after a good week. Our 42 boys earned 101 merit badges and 18 partials (Most the new cooking MB); ten progress awards; earned the Super Troop award, finished 2nd in the camp wide game. Five adults took leader training. Weather was cool all week, but no severe weather. But for a few glitches from the commissary, the meals were good, and the staff very friendly and accommodating. All, in all a great week of Scout camping.
  22. What memories! I learned to canoe at the old Region 7 Canoe Base on White Sand Lake in the late 60's as a scout and took our troop up there four times as SM. Great water, lots of mosquitoes, and a wood burning sauna that felt heavenly after a long week's trip! I do have some pics (all slides I think) and could dig them out of the attic if you would like. Dale
  23. The car is packed. The alarm is set for 4:30 AM(!). Medical forms are all accounted for. Prayers have been said for good weather. We are ready to take 42 scouts to Lefeber Northwoods Camp in Laona, Wisconsin. Supposed to be a cool week in the north woods. Hopefully that means fewer mosquitoes! Catch you all in a week! Dale
  24. We have a scout with severe nut allergies, and yes, I do now read all the labels, and it has been an eye-opener. One bread brand is OK, the one next to it on the shelves is not. Surprising what foods contain nuts or were manufactured in a plant that MAY have processed nut products. I go over the campout menu with the scout's mom on every campout and she supplies whatever he cannot eat off the troop menu. Mainly pancakes and snacks. He also carries the epi-pen and we have all of our PLC members trained in how to administer it. It's a little problem, but not something that can't be overcome with a little understanding.
  25. Our camp takes a group picture just before the opening camp wide dinner. The troop gets a free copy upon leaving camp. We have them also take one with one of our cameras and one of our parents duplicates and laminates one for each scout. A nice keepsake. Dale
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