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Everything posted by eagle90

  1. What if....What if....My God have we become so overprotective and politically correct that we can't have a little fun in scouting without having to analyze everything to death and research the long term psychological effects? Time to let some of these kids grow up and get some real world experiences. You won't have someone there to protect you every day of your life from every obscure threat that may happen. In my 25+ years as SM I haven't seen any scout that I know of become traumatized because of some innocent fun. Let's lighten up and have some fun!!
  2. We attend a camp not in our own council. Our scouts who have been officially elected under our own lodge's supervision are allowed to be MENIONED during the camp's call out ceremony, but cannot be officially called out nor can they do their ordeal at the camp. They must be called out and do their ordeal at our own council's OA Fall fellowship.
  3. I agree this is not a situation to be handled locally, but through your DE and CE. we had a situation a few years ago where an ASM became inebriated on a campout. This could have been a big safety concern, but he saw nothing wrong with his behavior. We informed the CE and his membership was temporarily suspended through the regional office until he could prove rehabilitation. Unfortunately this never happened before his son (an eagle) turned 18 and also resulted in a divorce. The Council and Region has very good policies regarding this kind of situation and should be informed. Kind of a tough love situation, but it is for the best. Good luck.
  4. Our PLC meets the third week in August along with the SM and ASMs and has abrainstorming session about what they want to do during the year - where to camp, what other activities (skating, auto show, climbing wall, skiing, etc.) do they want to do. The Troop Committee meets the following week and set the dates for these events after evaluating them for cost, travel feasibility, safety,etc., and coordinates them with school and personal calendars. we plan the calendar for the entire year, and usually do not have to make too many major adjustments.
  5. We are heading to Laguna Station on South Padre Island, Texas and then to northern Wisconsin for a week of Summer camp. Hope all of your Scouting trips this summer are safe and exciting!
  6. This seems like a timing problem to me. Too many last minute changes and decisions. In our troop weekend campout rosters are set ten days before the event. This gives me adequate time to check on meals, transportation, and leadership (both junior leaders and adults). If anything needs to be adjusted there is adequate time to do so and inform the members as soon as is practical. Tour permits must be in well before the event in any case. If you feel you have inadequate leadership and/or supervision it is your responsibility to either get additional help or cancel the event. Did the CC who encouraged you to go join you? I wouldn't be pressured if I felt my troop was not adequately prepared or led. I see no reason for your removal. Instead of using their energies in that direction, perhaps these fathers should have been at your side trying to provide a better program for their own sons.
  7. Sue the Troop! Sue the Council! Sue the leaders! Create havoc. Make it hard for the troop to survive! Come on. And some lawyers wonder why they suffer a bad reputation. I'm totally disgusted by any Scouter who would advocate this method of solving the problem. I surely don't think they have the best interests of the organization, the troop, or the boys in mind. But boy, the legal fees will mount up!! This whole thing could have been avoided by just having a line saying if a scout leaves the troop all money reverts to the troop. Of course this is hindsight at this point.
  8. Thanks for the advice, guys. Our outfitter in Kankakee called this morning and cancelled us. The entire river is closed to boating until probably late next week. So we will having a land-locked campout at the State park.
  9. I agree with Eisley. The first hour will be a comedy on the water with a lot of zig-zags and circles, and the canoeing partners doing a lot of yelling at each other. But they will catch on before too long. Relax and enjoy the show! We are going on a six hour trip on the Kankakee River this weekend. So we will endure the same scenario. At last week's troop meeting a senior scout and I did an entire meeting on canoeing - paddling, packing, safety, procedures, etc. Did they learn anything? I hope so. We'll see on Saturday!! Have a good time!
  10. Sctmom - What is Scouting Way? Never heard of it and am always interested in finding inspirational stories, etc. for newsletters and SM minutes. Thanks!
  11. We tell our scouts to turn their collar under when they wear the neckerchief.
  12. 2 Points - The saddest part is that at some times this wonderful sounding building is being used by NO ONE. No one is benefitting from it. If they want Cubs to use it, let them have priority in signing up and if no Cubs sign up, open it up to Boy Scouts. Why let this progrm tool sit idle. Second, the old "National Policy" rears its ugly head again. Any time there is a controversial decision made by a professional or executive board that is unpopular at the grass roots level, we hear that it is a national policy. That policy book must rival War and Peace by now.
  13. Our Summer camp instituted a new plan where on Wednesday evening, the SM's have an "ice cream social" with all of the merit badge counselors. The Counselors have their record there and the SM can review each and every scout's progress for the week. It gives the SM a chance to go back to his troop and congratulate the ones who are on track and give a boot to the ones who need to get going. It also helps to prevent any surprises on saturday morning.
  14. Congrats OGE! I'm sure this is a moment in both of your lives you will always remember. Now encourage him to use what he has learned to help others along the trail!
  15. We also encourage MB work immediately. In addition to 2 or 3 at summer camp I ask in my initial SM conference what the boy's hobbies are and then can steer him to Pets, Collection, Music, Reading, Scholarship, Sports, etc. These relatively easy badges can give them some confidence in their ability to pass some of the more difficult and required badges.
  16. Rooster - While some Mondays after a LONG weekend campout I may feel like I'm 90, the 90 refers to our Troop number!
  17. From the Eagle Class of 1964, Congratulations to Matt and also to you Ed! As a SM for over 20 years, I realize how much work the SM puts in to each Eagle! And I'm also sure you are working on the next one!
  18. I have worked on many district activities and committees, and never have I been aslked to change from my SM uniform with the Troop numerals. Being a little provincial, I like to show off my Troop numbers even while working district or council events. I can't hurt to advertise! The only time I changed numbers was as Jamboree SM.
  19. I also agree with the February crossover. This gives my ten new scouts an opportunity to spend four weekend campouts with the troop before summer camp. This sure helps them get acclimated to "Scout" camping over Cub camping and family camping at the KOA. I would also encourage feedback from new people, especially when there are personal experiences involved as you stated. But don't come in with the "You're doing it all wrong" or the "In training they taught us" attitude. Each troop has their own nuances and ways of doing things that may be a little bit sacred to the veterans!
  20. A lot depends on the commercial outfitter you pick. We use an outfitter in the Boundary Waters who is a long time scouter (silver beaver, vigil honor, etc.)He has special rates, gear, and trips designed especially for scout groups. And while the BSA has a base near him, we have used both and found the equipment, food, and service supplied to be much superior to BSA for only a few dollars a day more. We also have been Whitewater rafting on the New River through a private outfitter who also caters to scouts with special trips and guides who are certified BSA MB Counselors. That way our scouts can earn the Whitewater MB while there. You have to check around and ask about special scout packages. A lot of them do.
  21. I agree with evmori. We also integrate our new scouts into existing patrols. We find the new scouts learn faster from the experienced scouts. we did try the new patrol system for a few years and found too much of an "us against them" attitude from our existing scouts. When we integrate them into patrols, they seem to become more a part of the group. We do consult with the Webelo leader to see which scouts get along together and which ones to not put together in a patrol! Avoids some future problems.
  22. Our troop will be attending Lefeber Northwoods Camp in Laona, Wisconsin, operated by the Milwaukee County Council. Our older scouts will be attending Laguna Station, a High Adventure camp on South Padre Island, Texas.
  23. Bob - I had the pleasure of hearing Grenn Bar Bill speak at our Council's annual banquet a number of years ago. What a fascinating man. He had to be in his late 80's at the time and regaled us with stories for over an hour, and we were hoping for more. Also, it was mid January in Illinois, and he was the only one in SHORTS!!
  24. JM - Good points! Right now my SPL is in baseball, ane while I know he cannot be at our weekend campouts in spring, he still attends troop meetings, sometimes in the "wrong" uniform if he is coming directly from practice! By the way he is 17 and an Eagle.
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