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Everything posted by eagle90

  1. What is the old saying - Don't give a hungry man a fish - teach him how to fish. One of the high points of my summer camp experience every year is seeing a patrol fumbling and bumbling their way Monday and Tuesday at camp in meal preparation, cleanup, etc. And then seeing a well-oiled machine on Friday getting everything done on time, everyone doing their jobs. It's a great teaching tool. And if the scouts are properly trained during the year, cleanup should take no more than 15 minutes or so.
  2. I am one who fully endorses patrol method cooking at summer camp. It is the best way for a patrol to learn that they have to work together toward a common goal - getting the meal done right and on time. It is the epitome of the patrol method. And it doesn't take much time out of your day. Our scouts still pass their share of MBs and take advantage of all camp programs. If the camp plans the meals correctly, they are easy and quick to prepare and very nutritional. And what great experience for a new scout to serve as head cook and have the meal turns out delicious. I have visited numerous camps with dining hall style and was not impressed with the quality of food or the fellowship. It was get in, eat, and get out. We will stick with Patrol method. It just teaches more.
  3. OGE - We have a Committee of 24 members. Of these, 3 of us do not have, nor have we had scouts in the Troop. 6 members had scouts previously in the troop and are still active even though their sons are now over 18. In addition, we also have 6 former scouts who are now in college and are active when their time permits.
  4. If I'm not mistaken, the present uniform was indeed designed by Oscar de la Renta. I remember this from when the uniform first came out.
  5. No, sctmom, we do not give any special privileges as a scout advances other than the natural ones that come from the normal chain of command. The older and higher ranked scouts are normally the PL's, SPL, and JASM, and in the course of their repsonsibilities they may request a lower ranked scout to do something. But it is in the vein of leadership and not special privilege.
  6. True story - I had a new scout several years ago who could not swim. He did NOT attend summer camp his first two years because of this and did not advance. He was even seriously considering dropping out. But he finally enrolled in our District's Swim Class. He learned enough to pass his second and first class swimming requirements, went to camp every year after that, earned his Eagle award and now in college and an active ASM.
  7. Boy, sctmom brought back memories of thousands of hours spent playing baseball in the street in front of the house with the sewer covers as bases, and if you hit the ball in Mrs. V's front yard, you'd better run! The same street converted to a football field in fall with the curbs being the sidelines. I don't think kids even think about things like that any more. Sad!
  8. Sounds like the right decision to me DDH. I wish there were more dedicated young men like yourself. Good luck!
  9. I agree with Bob and NJ. You sound like you enjoy working with the boys. If so, stay at the grass roots level. I became a SM at 23 years old, and have been there ever since. I have been asked several times to work on a district or council level but I would much rather work with the boys than the adults on the district or council level. It's where Scouting really happens and the rewards are much greater. And besides, It keeps you young!!!
  10. Whatever the outcome of this unfortunate situation, please do not abandon the Scouting program. We need dedicated families like you! And above all, do not let your son drop out being so close to Eagle. It can make a difference in his life in future years. I'm sure there is another troop near you that would be very welcoming. And my prayers are with your son battling the health issues.
  11. Scout Person: "Show me that and you'll have a heck of a Scouting program" Well, we do have a "heck of a Scouting program" and without knowing details, and I resent the implication that since we don't follow your program we can't run an outstanding program. We just had 24 of our 30 scouts attend a Summer program and have travelled throughout the country every year for High Adventure, and have had 16 Eagle in the last eight years. Please get some facts before you criticize other dedicated Scouters' programs
  12. I would never restrict the amount of adults on the troop committee. In some of our lean years we have even registered more adults than scouts. We do have quite a few men whose sons have aged out of scouting, but still enjoy the program so much that they want to remain involved. Restrict them? Tell them they are not needed any longer? BULL!! Their experience and expertise in invaluable. They are very willing to do what they can when they can to assist. We also have a number of young men 18+ who have aged out, but still participate when college permits. Restrict them? They serve as role models for our present scouts. Our Committee is about 50/50 men and women. Our CC has been female for about the last 25 years!
  13. Idaho - Sounds like you had the perfect summer camp. The most important thing is that the kids had FUN. Too many times that is lost in the hub-bub of merit badges, first year programs, etc. You can bet these boys will be back and will be the best advertising you will have for next year!
  14. The only time we ever limit adults is on High Adventure trips when the base involved limits the crew size or in the Boundary Waters where Federal Law limits the crew size. Even then we give scouts the first option after covering YP issues of 2 deep. If there are still openings after the scouts sign up then we will open them to any adults willing to attend. Our adults pay full fare for High Adventure activities. On weekend trips the adults only pay in winter when there is a substantial cabin rental fee involved. For regular weekend outings, they are already giving of their time, gas,and wear and tear on their vehicles so we do not charge them a camping fee.
  15. I would never, under any circumstance, limit the number of adults who wish to camp with us. From these parents come your future committee members and leaders. This year we had 19 scouts and 9 adults at summer camp. A few years ago when we were in a down time we had 9 scouts and 8 adults at camp!When you limit the adults and do not invite them to share the Scouting experience you will eventually be cancelling activities due to lack of parental participation. I also think it helps the boys as they get to know more adults who may have new ideas and new talents to share with the group. THE MORE THE MERRIER!!
  16. I'm so glad to hear your situation was righted. And I'm proud that you persevered and handled this in a mature, scout-like way. Good luck on your tap out and ordeal and let me prematurely welcome you to the Order!!
  17. We allow electronics only in the vehicles at the discretion of the driver. They must remain in the car during the event or willbe confiscated and returned after the event is over. We do NOT allow them in tents. The adults do have cll phones, but we ask them to use them with discretion. I see no problem with books, being an avid reader myself. I usually "wind down" before bed by reading for a few minutes.
  18. No, the SM does not HAVE to be present during the eagle Project. As SM I will go to an Eagle project only if asked by the eagle candidate, and then only as another worker.
  19. Our council is adjacent to this boy's council, and our summer camp, which we just returned from last week, is about 2 hours north of Camp Napowan. I had the same reaction of sadness. I am happy to hear that the families are in no way claiming negliegence (so far) on the part of the leaders, camp, or council. I don't know how my troop or I pesonally would react to such a situation. I just hope we all never have to deal with that.
  20. As SM I do not do BOR's myself, but like to have my BOR members ask the Eagle candidates what changes he would like to see made in our troop operation, program, policies, etc. How can we improve scouting for the other scouts in the troop. I do like shemgren's emphasis on the future. Too many boys get their Eagle award and then "fly away"!
  21. May I ask where your Scoutmaster is regarding this situation? Were this my troop and my candidates had not been tapped out in three years I would be up in arms and in someone's face. Im also confused about the Lodge itself not allowing the tapout. OA members are elected by their own troop members, with the Scoutmaster having approval of the candidates. I have never heard of the lodge itself then voting on candidates.
  22. Sctmom - The Digital Cam idea is terrific. Will have to look into that for next year. I normally have an older scout who is into photography or is working on the Photography MB and assign him as the Troop photographer for the week. The troop will supply film and developing and he takes slides of all areas and aspects of camp and then we show them at our intial Family Nite in September. We also invite our Webeloes so they can get a feel for Summer Camp.
  23. While I am all in favor of good manners and civility, I would think our boys would be put off by such a merit badge. In spite of our good intentions, that is NOT what they have joined scouting for. I was recently at a High Adventure base talking to a female staff member who was a Venture Scout about the differences between Girl scouts and Boy Scouts. She was a girl Scout for a year, but quit and joined the BSA Venture group. The straw that brok her back was when she went to three meetings in a row where the topic was "How to apply make-up" and "How to do your nails" and "The right hairstyle for you". She said she joined for the outings and adventure and wasn't getting it thru the girl scouts. I would think the same thing might happen with our boys.
  24. I have never heard of such a situation. The OA members are elected by troop members. Unless the entire election was deemed invalid for some reason, the Lodge has no right to deny membership. I would contact the Lodge Advisor or if that doesnt work, the District or Council Executive and ask for an explanation of why I had been denied membership when elected by my troop members.
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