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Everything posted by eagle90

  1. eagle90


    Our troop does have a custom neckerchief. We had a contest among our scouts, parents, and siblings to design the Logo. The neckerchief is black with orange piping. The Logo is a campfire in red, yellow, orange and brown, with "90" in the flames of the campfire. We insist on neckerchief wear at COH's and other formal activities, and summer camp. They are not usually worn at regular meetings, except by me. I love neckerchiefs and have a collection of over 200 of them! ANYONE WANT TO TRADE??
  2. Amen, EagleInKY! I was gonna post something similar, but you said it best!
  3. We are expecting 10 new Webelos later this month. They are extremely welcome, as we lost 7 scouts to High School graduation last June, and were running a little lean in numbers this year.
  4. I must be one of the strange ones: I NEVER HAVE QUIT!! I just received my 45 year pin at our District Awards Dinner last month. Started at age 8 in Cubs and have been around ever since!
  5. I would suggest finding a youth who was at the previous jamboree to talk to the units. Word of mouth is always best, especially by one of their peers. If you have anyone who was at the last Jamboree and has their own slide, pics, etc., show them. The promo videos are fine, but personalizsed pics are always better.
  6. Interesting topic, and one I can relate to personally. Silver Beaver Class of 1995 here. I think both Two Cub and Eammon have good points and I think the answer is a combination of both. In my case I was a unit scouter for almost 25 years and earned the District Award and SM Award of Merit, but was not really considered for the SIlver Beaver until I got involved in chairing and working on some council events (Scout-O-Rama Chairman for 4 years, Jamboree SM, etc.) While unit service is extremely important (and my true love), council activities must be considered when giving the Silver Beaver. Look to the Scouters who have done both. And I agree, money raised and/or donated should NOT be the main criteria for the award.
  7. Thanks for the great suggestions so far! Any more ideas?
  8. This past year our troop was camping and hiking in central Illinois and came upon the gravsite of William D. Boyce, the gentleman who got lost in the London Fog and thereafter brought Scouting to the USA. There is a Scout statue at his grave, and we paid our respects. Dale
  9. Our Troop is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year, and we are planning a reunion style banquet at the end of February. We have a banquet hall reserved, and invitations are going out this week to over 200 former Scouts and Scouters we have located. We are really looking forward to a great evening! Now I need some help and ideas. Now that we have everyone there, WHAT DO WE DO? We need some suggestions for program activities for the evening. We plan to honor the oldest member, one who traveled the farthest, one with the most kids, etc. And we are contemplating a slide presentation of events thru the years. Any suggestions you may have would be helpful. We are having a planning meeting on Wednesday. I'm sure we will get some good suggestions with all the normal expertise we have on the forum! Thanks in advance DALE (This message has been edited by eagle90)(This message has been edited by eagle90)
  10. Congratulations to you AND your Scout Leaders. You all accomplished a great deal. Eagle Scout Class of 1964 here! DALE
  11. Mike - We were down at Laguna Station in 2002. It was a great trip, with lots to do and a very laid back relaxing atmosphere. The staff was top notch and very accomodating. Watch out for the sunburn! One piece of advice - blow off a day of the planned activities and spend it at the Schlitterbahn water park located next to the base. WHAT A BLAST WE HAD!! DALE
  12. Last week I got one of the greatest gifts I could ever receive. My former SPL returned home safe and sound from eleven months in Iraq! Many prayers were answered. We have exchanged EMails, but I haven't spoken to him yet, as I want him to get reunited with his family first. What a great way to start 2004! Dale
  13. In addition to the Scouting stuff - Bowling, Golf Reading Watching any and all sports I collect (what else?) Eagles of all kinds
  14. So where is everyone going for their High Adventure trip in 2004? Always interested in getting some new ideas. We will be returning to the Boundary Waters of Northern Minnesota in August. I can't believe it's bee 8 years since I've been there! North Country Canope Outfitters will be used as our outfitter,
  15. About the only Scout-related gift I got was a new set of thermal underwear. This will indeed come in handy on those cold weather campouts!
  16. Troop Thorns - Had two committee members disagree with our policies and program and started their own troop, and took 5 scouts with them. (I understand they are having a world of trouble) Saw 7 scouts graduate from High School. What a loss of leadership in one fell swoop Roses - The 14 scouts we are left with are all very active and into this Scouting thing! Had a great summer camp and High Adventure trip and two very successful fundraisers Our younger leaders are taking over to fill the void. It's great to see! Presented two Eagle awards We have an estimated 10 Webeloes joining us in February! THINGS ARE LOOKING UP!! Have a great 2004!! DALE
  17. "Although it's been said many times, many ways, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!!" A happy Holiday season to Scouters everywhere! DALE
  18. How many boys registered - 14 How many active - 14 How many patrols - 2 Out of council summer camp We do support FOS We do sell popcorn with the profits being reserved for High Adventure We also do a Pancake Breakfast and Rummage Sale We do not use NSP, we do emphasize FCFY No venture Patrol We do have a feeder pack We attempt to recruit non Cubs We have an excellent commissioner and see him oftem (Monthly at least) We do not attend roundtable, as it is normally on our meeting night We have a Committee of 25. Yes, that's correct! We are attempting to become more boy led DALE
  19. I admit I have been addicted to Survivor from the beginning, and thought this was one of the more entertaining editions. While I wasn't exactly pulling for Lill to win, I think she did an admirable job for her age and gender against the younger, stronger contestants. I do have one question though - She was out there for 39 days and her uniform still looked pretty darn good. I go out for a 3 day weekend campout, and most times my uniform comes home trashed. HOW COME??
  20. Our troop camps outdoors 9 months a year, usually has two cabin camps per year, plus a week at Summer Camp and a High Adventure trip of 7-12 days.
  21. Our troop has an annual dinner during February which is catered and we have some type of entertainment (Guest speaker, jazz band, magician), then at the end of the year we have a picnic where the troop supplies the main course (usually fried chicken) and families bring a side dish. Our attendance is usually very good at both events.
  22. 10 years as a youth, 35 as a Scouter. Time flies when you're having fun!
  23. HAving just finished 8 hours behind a pancake griddle at our Annual Pancake Breakfast, I feel like I'm 103. Yet in reality it's only 53. And 45 of those in BSA!
  24. I don't have anything to add to the "Yes it's allowed" or "No it's not allowed", but I know for a fact I would have a hard time selling a patrol campout with no adult supervision to the parents of my troop, especially the 11 and 12 year olds (an I'm sure some of the older scouts as well). Unfortunately in these times parents are becoming more and more protective and it seems harder to cut the apron strings. Many of them want to know how many adults are going, which adults are going, etc.
  25. GO FOR IT! I attended the 1997 Jamboree as an SM, and it was the highlight of my 40+ year Scouting career. I had Scouts in my Troop from ages 12 to 17 and all enjoyed it tremendously. It is indeed Scouting at its best. You never know what will happen in the next four years, so I again say, GO FOR IT! Dale
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