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Everything posted by eagle90

  1. It's a gray, gloomy rainy day here. Perfect to do the new YPT. Not bad. Took an hour and fifteen minutes, but could they have found any more boring and dry professionals to do the video sections? I was yawning throughout the presentation! Dale
  2. The difference nowadays in contrast to when I was a youth is the length of seasons for these sports. Previously Little League ran from April till July. Now there is fall ball. Hockey is a 12 month sport now. Football just isn't fall anymore, with year long conditioning and mandatory workouts all spring and summer. Plus I've heard many parents saying Johnny will get a college scholarship and become a professional and they see $$$$$$. Unfortunately that happens very rarely. I tell my scouts "You have 20 practices and 8 games a month. We have one campout. Give Scouting the priority once in a while" Doesn't always work.
  3. I wear the white NESA neckerchief at all Eagle Courts of Honor. Kind of like a brotherhood thing. Hopefully it inspires younger scouts.
  4. Wow! That sounds fantastic. I'm sorry we are not in Omaha!
  5. The camp we go to offers a jet ski and ATV program for scouts 14 and older. They also have a pontoon boat that can be used (with adult supervision). Of course you can still do the merit badges you don't have and work on getting some palms as you still have time to do that.
  6. We use one cabin for a winter camp-in that has only one large room, probably holding 50 people. There are no accommodations for separate adult and youth. We do keep the adults in one corner. I can't see a YPT violation since there was no one on one contact, no tent situation. I'd be careful about reporting this and possibly ruining the adult's reputation and future for an innocent situation.
  7. I remember taking a Cub Scout trip to the Nike Missile Base outside Chicago too. Had to be late 1950's
  8. Our Round tables have evolved into a night out for the old guard former unit leaders. And at times I have felt like an 11 year old, being lectured to by the RT commissioner. To me the ideal round table would be the unit leaders sitting around (a round table?) and discussing what their unit is doing (Where did you camp, what did you do there, what other activities is your unit doing, etc.) What problems are you havcing in your unit (helicopters, bullying, crossover procedures, attendance, dealing with sports conflicts, etc.). An open discussion .
  9. I remember the hardest requirement from that time had to be to learn the Morse Code. I think it took me months to memorize it. Of course have never used it since!
  10. I sympathize with you. This has been our biggest problem this year. Fortunately, the two biggest crossover rabble rousers have transferred to another troop. God help them!
  11. Our troop was on a Houseboat trip in Kentucky, near Burnside, and came upon that Historical Marker!
  12. Our troop has "adopted" our local forest preserve and do a cleanup two or three times per year. We also are in the midst of a Christmas toy drive for a local children's organization. Our boys also serve as "waiters" at the library's fund raising "Taste of......" and assist with a "Meet the Creek" day, giving and supervising canoe rides on the local creek.
  13. Our PLC meets once a month on a separate night from our troop meetings. We meet for about an hour.
  14. Try a Rummage / Garage sale. Virtually no expenses other than a few classified ads in the local paper and a few flyers in the neighborhood. Members also love to clean out their attics, basements, etc. All profit.
  15. We had a discussion at a recent troop meeting as to why our scouts liked to camp. The three top responses were 1) To be out with my friends; 2) to get away from my parents. and 3) to get away from my siblings!
  16. In cleaning out my dad's attic after he passed away last March, I found my old campaign hat I received as a member of the New York World's Fair Service Corps in 1965! And it still fit! The rest of my body has grown tremendously since then, but the head is still the same size!
  17. All I see is another patrol method camp going by the wayside. They are getting rarer and rarer. Pity.
  18. I have a scout coming over for a SM Conference soon. It is regarding some things he got into at Summer Camp. Nothing serious, but just boys-will-be-boys mischief. Like using insect repellent as a fire starter, harassing some of the first year scouts, etc. Dad wants him to confess and learn something. I give the scout credit for being willing to do this to do this. What kind of questions and comments should I discuss with the scout? I don't want to punish him, but rather turn this into a positive. Thanks for your help! Dale
  19. We have removed garlic mustard and buckthorn in service projects in the past.
  20. I think Outside Magazine should go back to reviewing over-priced camping gear and telling us about treks and trips the normal Scouter cannot afford instead of telling the BSA how to run its operation.
  21. I am extremely curious as to how this troop raises funds for these world wide trips. We schedule a $600 high adventure trip and are met with complaints about the cost.
  22. Don't tell your scouts, but Hand Sanitizer is extremely flammable. Caution - it burns clear, with no visible flame - just intense heat!
  23. This is our first group of crossovers since Scout became a rank. Does anyone have any suggested questions to ask the new scouts at their first SM Conference? Dale
  24. We have a large troop (50+) and a large Committee (20+). At least ten of our committee members no longer have scouts in the troop. These people are invaluable due to their experience, expertise, and impartiality. They stay because not because they have to, but because they want to, enjoy it, and have fun! That said, you still have to engage parents with scouts and get and keep them active. Our committee members not only do "Scouting stuff"" but also socialize outside of Scouting also. Dale
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