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Everything posted by eagle90

  1. Sure sounds like this would negatively impact the Scouting program and the scouts attending the camps. We go to get into the woods and away from all the hub bub of city life and traffic. Having RV's driving thru camp would sure be a downer. And do you think that none of those campers and RV's would have a frig filled with their beverage of choice?
  2. Did you go through a private outfitter or through the scout base there?
  3. Ed Bryant Scout Reservation (Glacier's Edge Council) near Mauston, Wisconsin offers a patrol cooking option. Patrols cook breakfast and dinner, but eat lunch in the dining hall. Seems to work out just fine. Dale
  4. We allow cell phones but they can only be used for "Scouting purposes". i.e. as an alarm clock, camera, requirement fulfillment, etc. We will confiscate it if we find them using them to play games or as social media. We also let them no there is no way to charge them so whenever the battery goes dead, that's it for the week.
  5. Our camp offers jet ski and ATV classes for older scouts and also has a pontoon boat troops can rent and have a couple hour's cruise on the Lake.
  6. We have always liked the Lake One, Two, Three, Four, Gabro, Bald Eagle, Kawishiwi River routes. I do use paddling gloves to keep0 the blisters away. Our outfitter (North Country) supplies waterproof maps in zip locs. One per crew, not one per canoe. Dale
  7. Back in 2010 our scouts, avid Black Hawk Fans, brought a life size replica of the Stanley Cup for display in our campsite, complete with lights. They carried it to all the camp wide events, much to the chagrin of our Wisconsin hosts.
  8. After opening the program go to the "Scouts" tab, then "Scout Management" and then the "Add New" tab on the right hand side. That should do it. Dale
  9. I always looked at each medical form to make sure the right signatures were present. It's unbelievable how many came in without parent's and scouts signatures. I would also look for anything that stood out as a potential problem - allergies, medications needed, etc. To me, that is what the form is for. Always better to be forewarned. Remember "Be Prepared"?
  10. Congratulations Brian! Welcome to the brotherhood!
  11. When my dad passed away two years ago this week, my troop came to the wake en masse in full uniform. It was a great tribute to my dad and me, and brought many int he room to tears. I would recommend it.
  12. We do a very similar ceremony to the one above. The candleholders we use are probably over 50 years old! Dale
  13. I am stepping down at the end of the year after a long tenure as Scoutmaster. I have been SM longer than all my scouts have been alive, and some of their parents too! I plan to stay active with the troop in any way that I can, but it will be a difficult transition for me. I don't want to impede the new regime, but still want to help out. Any advice from anyone who has been thru this situation or had their troop go thru it? Thanks for your help!
  14. Very well said, Eagle 94A1. I'm going to use those words to my troop! Dale
  15. Problem is they will get lost. This happened to our council when merged with a much larger council. We are the red headed step child. Three camps were closed, and all leadership at the council level is from the big council.
  16. 35-mile bicycle trip along the Illinois & Michigan Canal Trail Combined campout with Webelos II Indoor Rock Climbing Orienteering campout at a state park First troop meeting is tonight
  17. I thought it was just me. Glad to hear I'm not alone. The majority of the photos, no matter what the topic had girls in them too. Overkill is the right word. Kind of like shoving the concept down our throats.
  18. Ed Bryant Scout Reservation in Mauston, WI, run by Glacier's Edge Council in Madison is within an hour.
  19. Sounds like a wonderful trip. What did the trip cost per scout?
  20. Hundreds of memories, but the one that stands out is the 1997 Jamboree closing ceremony after the unbelievable fireworks display, with 40,000 people holding lighted candles, repeating the scout oath while a recording of Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA was playing. I was crying like a baby! Dale
  21. Help! I washed my uniform shirt and tossed it the dryer. Unfortunately I left a ballpoint pen in the pocket, which exploded in the dryer, staining the shirt quite a bit. Anyone have a suggestion for removing ballpoint pen ink. especially after it has been in the dryer? I sure don't want to have to purchase a new uniform and have all the patches sewn on again! Thanks for any help. Dale
  22. I'm envious! We leave Thursday for a week's houseboating adventure on Lake Cumberland in south central Kentucky Dale
  23. Before moving to Dallas the National Scouting Museum was in Murray, KY, on the campus of Murray State University.
  24. "God gave us Memory so we can have roses is December"
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