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Everything posted by eagle90

  1. I would really appreciate some feedback from Scouter Terry to let us loyal posters know what is going on, why, and when things will be fixed to make this site useable again. It's liike he's dropped off the face of the earth.
  2. At least by having only registered members allowed in, any newcomers or outsiders won't have to see what an abomination this site has turned into.
  3. Why not just shut down the system totaly for a few days and fix all the problems. The re-start with a bang!
  4. Wow, this system is certainly f******d up. Now when I try to go to the OPpen Discussion forum, all I get are the two sub foirums, "Going to the Jamboree" and "Scouts with Disabilities" . The main forum does not show up. The counters show 2 pages when there are 7. The ten seconds reaction time when you hit a button. AH, for the good old days when this forum actually worked. And who was complaining about an outdated system???
  5. Has there been any corrections, changes, fixes, etc. made since the changeover was made? Seems we are all making suggestions and denoting problems, but nothing is being done!
  6. While I don't mind the new system, other than the slowness and my inability to use Forefox, it sure has slowed down the traffic here. No posts in the General Discussion thread in 6 days? Unheard of before the changeover. What's the reason? Any ideas? Dale
  7. If we have a scout who is thinking of joining and comes with a member, we give him about three meetings and then tell him you have to register and pay your dues, or stop coming. He can't just keep coming to meetings forever. As much as we like, we are not a social club. And how was the Internet Advancement used, since you have to load your unit roster each time you use it. If he's not registered, he's not on the council's unit roster.
  8. Seems like the problem I talked about a couple of posts ago is only evident when using Firefox. IE seems to work OK. Guess it's a BSA thing, as its the same with Internet Advancement and tour permits! Dale
  9. I cannot get into the New to the Forum; Open Discussions; and Issues and Politics forums. When I click on them, it reverts to the forums home page. Please fix!! Dale
  10. It varies from campout to campout. If a scout needs it for the Communications MB, he plans a campfire program. SOmetimes its just ad ad lib kind of thing as the night goes on. Other times the boys and adults just like to sit around the fire and BS. Of course some of the scouts are so tired from a super active day that they are in bed already! That is a good campout!!
  11. Leaders like this are what give Scouting a bad name, not the potential gay leader. We have done SMC and BOR's on campouts dressed in parkas, hats and gloves; and sitting on a rock on the side of a river in bathing suits on a rafting trip. It's what's inside the scout that counts, not the outside. Dale
  12. The knife puller is out. We had a situation similar to this a few years ago where a scout pulled a knife on his Patrol Leader at Summer Camp. He was sent home from camp the same day and subsequently dismissed from the troop. The safety of the whole group must take precedence. The other two can be handled thru meetings with the scouts involved and parents. Dale
  13. We had six Eagles this year, a full program of outdoor experiences, 51 scouts at Summer Camp, and an exciting High Adventure trip to the Apostle Islands. Our goal of getting more and more boy led is moving along very nicely.
  14. Christmas Blessings to Terry and all my Scouter Forum friends. Best wishes to you and your families from Illinois. Dale
  15. I have to laugh- We put out a brief questionnaire to gauge interest in a 2014 trip. Very vague. Just an approximate price and what activities are available. One family returned it and said it would conflict with their family vacation. Two years from now? And we didn't even give a date! Just say you're not interested or it's too expensive.
  16. We have a Raptor Patrol and use patches from Class B.
  17. In 1997 it was Barbara Mandrell and a Beatles cover band.
  18. BD- I agree 100%. I don't have the skills to deal with these kind of situations. Not in my pay grade, We had one scout a few years ago with Aspergers. Had to delay advancement too. One summer camp he threw a knife at his Patrol Leader. His dad was in camp, and we sent them home and subsequently asked them to leave the troop. When safety is involved, you can't be hesitant. Dale
  19. What fun! That is what Scouting is all about! Keep up the good work in 2013!
  20. In your own state, we have gone to Laguna Station on South Padre Island and also the Chisholm Trail Adventure at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch northwest of Dallas. Both were great adventures. We also have done our own thing and rented a houseboat for a week on Lake Cumberland in Kentucky, and Whitewater Rafting on the New River in West Virginia.
  21. Ea - I know exactly what you mean. I remember a number of years ago we had a great campout - perfect weather, great food, challenging activities, etc. When we got home I heard one scout tell his father, "It was great - we found a deer carcass in the woods!"
  22. It depends on the boy himself. Some hide it, others don't mind if others know they are scouts. Four of my high school seniors (three of whom are athletes as well) served as a color guard in front of the whole school for their school's Veteran's Day ceremonies. I was definitely proud of them!
  23. Do you have a copy of the release for parents? What does it cover? Thanks!
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