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Everything posted by eagle90

  1. We have been going out of council for 15 years now. We saw our program and leadership going down hill and made the change. We are extremely happy with the out of council camp and are treated like family. We also saved over $8,000.00 in camp and adult fees over our council camp. Enough said. Dale
  2. We participate in May in conjunction with the US Post Office drive.
  3. What did your Wilderness Survival campout consist of? Our PLC wants to do one later this month. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Dale
  4. You can never figure them out... I had two brothers in the troop a while back. One is now a professional photographer. Never passed the photography merit badge. The other has an MBA in Music, and is the High School Band director. Yep - never got the Music merit badge. Go figure!!!
  5. AS was stated in a few posts previously, HIPPA does NOT apply to the BSA and Scout camps. We are not a health care provider, a health insurance plan, or a health insurance clearing house. I agree - no health form, no camp.
  6. Noted outdoorsman, canoeist, and distinguished Eagle Scout Cliff Jacobson recommends using the ground cloth INSIDE your tent. He says it's not a floor protector, but rather a way to insure dry gear inside your tent. Sounds logical, but I've yet to try it....
  7. We have been attending an out-of-council camp for 16 years now, and did receive the cold shoulder from our own people when we made the change. Now I just point out that by attending out of counci, with almost 50 scouts and 15 adults attending, l we are saving our families over $8,000.00 in camp fees. And its a better program. That usually shuts up the critics quickly!
  8. Why are we regressing? Now the Issues and Politics AND the Open Discussion Forums are not appearing. Other than that, things seem to be OK.
  9. Why are we regressing? Now the Issues and Politics AND the Open Discussion Forums are not appearing. Other than that, things seem to be OK.
  10. Why are we regressing? Now the Issues and Politics AND the Open Discussion Forums are not appearing. Other than that, things seem to be OK.
  11. Why are we regressing? Now the Issues and Politics AND the Open Discussion Forums are not appearing. Other than that, things seem to be OK.
  12. Last week all was well. Now I again cannot get the Open Discussion forum. Only get the sub forums. It was working fine last week but regressed once again
  13. For our 50th anniversary a number of years ago, we had a celebration dinner at a banquet hall. inviting as many former members as we could find. We eneded up with almost 200 in attendance/ We had a few speeches, some skits, a DJ, and had a great time reminiscing. We also had a slide presentation of 50 years of actibvities playing continuously and that always had a large group of old scouts and scouters watching.
  14. Still cannot access the open discussion forum. ALl I see are the two sub-forums.
  15. But we continue to go backwards! Now again, I cannot access the open discussion forum, only the sub forums. Unbelievable!
  16. I still cannot believe we cannot even get a comment from Terry about the forum sitiuation after almost THREE MONTHS of this crap. What was once an outstanding forum has become a joke. I miss the give and take between some very knowledgeable scouters wh, while never meeting, have become internet friends. It's time to get a response from the forum owners already!
  17. Well, I thought things were improving, but now all the posts for the last three weeks have disappeared. What a cluster****
  18. My deepest sympathies also. A voice of reason and calm has been lost. Dale
  19. My deepest sympathies also. A voice of reason and calm has been lost. Dale
  20. I realize this forum is free, and a labor of love for the owner(s). But some of us have been loyal users for 10+ years, which is an eternity in internet years. ANd we have been critical of the new system for well over a month now. I would think we are at least owed the courtesy of a reply from Terry about the changes, the bugs, the likelihood of this system EVER being fixed so that the use resembles the old system. We have been loyal, it's time for the owners to be helpful and friendly!
  21. I went from a senior member with well over 1,000 posts, to a junior member with less than 1,000 posts. What happened? Still can't get into the Open Discussion forum. Dale
  22. What happened to the page change buttons that were on the bottom for like a day? They are now gone again! What a cluster****!
  23. Well, I see some slow improvements like the page button on the bottom. Still can't get into the Open Discussioin Forum. All I see is the two sub forums.
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