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Everything posted by Eagle81

  1. Hey Wingnut, I love this post!!! I remember to this day that on the first scout meeting I ever went to was a program on citizenship and respect for the flag. I still get misty eyed when they play the National Anthem and even stand at attention in my living room when it is played. The aclu defending Patriotism, respect for the Flag and National Pride certainly would not generate headlines and certainly not any laywer fees. I visit the BSALegal site often and wonder how these people sleep at night. I have gone off on this subject sseveral times much to the chagrin of my wife who usually takes the brunt of it. Anyway glad you enjoyed the parade I enjoyed mine as well. I am former Air Force and Army and boy do I love a parade. Even trying to get some of the older boys to get together to practice being an exibition honor guard for sporting events and Memorial Day, Flag Day and 4th of July events!! I hope it will be a great way to show off Scouting and provide service to the Community. Thanks Again YIS - Eagle81
  2. I am new to these forums so please forgive my naetivity, but here goes. Seems to me you can't survive in this day and age without being a multitasker (Husband, Father, Son, Worker, Scouter Knights of Columbus, School Board member, girl Scout leader....). The secret with anything is moderation and knowing your own limits and capabilities. In a town called Perfect there are always enough Scout leaders for every position. Living in reality, for scouting to exist in many areas unfortunateley people must wear several hats. I remember when I was in High School, I had several Scout meetings a week up to 5 for my troop, OA meetings for both the chapter and the Lodge, district Roundtable(SPL's were invited and ran the training program while the adults went to the business side) I could not get enough of it then or now. I am now a Unit Commissioner and I am costantly bugging my DE with what I can help with next. Sometime between my youth days and when I walked back inth the scout office to volunteer I graduated college(took 18 years but I did it!!), spent 8 years in the military and started a family,7 kids so far and hopefully counting. Here is my point if I have one: You have to realize your limitations, Communicate constantly with your Spouse, Family, other Scout Leaders, Bosses and coworkers, ask for permission at times and forgiveness others, Know when to say yes and more importantly when to say no. My wife is Brownie leader for my 3rd grader with 2 more girls ready to join GS in the future and I have become a UC. these jobs help us find balance between family and work. I encourage her and she me. When my 2 youngest boys become scouting age I pray that I can be their den leader, cubmaster and scout leader. If they dont want to be in scouting then I will still do those things and still attend the events that they are involved in. All in moderation. I think that a UC can also be a unit leader but not for his own unit, my district tries to recruit new UC's from our larger and successful troops committees and also talk to the parents of prospective eagle scouts when they come to BOR's. The better you are at recruiting the less the number of people who need to wear multiple hats. Ok Enough rambling, hopefully one day all parents will find the willingness, time and energy to be involved in their kids lives again and volunteer to be their scout leaders and we can all live in a town called perfect.. YIS - Eagle81
  3. Hello, I am new to this forum and would like to introduce my self. My name is Bill and I have gotten back into Scouting after a long absense. I started in 1977 when I saw 2 scouts walk into my 5th grade forum covered in patches and I wanted to be just like them. Since then I have earned the rank of Eagle, earned 2 religious awards, participated in th 83 World Jamboree, Camp Staff, NJLITC at Philmont and I am a Brotherhood menber of the OA. I have 2 older sons that live with their mother in Denver, one is a Bear cub and the other is newly frocked 1st Class Scout. Let me tell ya I am one proud Papa. I have 2 other sons that live with me but they are 2 yrs old and 6 months and not quite Scouting age. I decided to keep in touch w/ my older boys by re joining scouting so I walked into my local council and asked if I could volunteer. I asked to be a Unit Commissioner and have been assigned 2 Packs and 2 Troops. It has been great so far. It is a lot of work but so far I have already got more out of it than I put in. Putting on the uniform again is one of my greatest pleasures and I have made a firm commitment to never again let my membersip lapse. I am looking forward to the next few years to train up so that when my younger sons are Scouting Age I can help to provide them with a Scouting experience that was even better than the one I had and that is one very tall order Indeed. Hopefully when I present them with the option of joining scouting they will want to, even if they dont the aims of Scouting are to important not to give my time to. Anyway, If you couldn't tell yet I love to talk Scouting and have told people in my assigned units that it would be tough for them to talk about scouting to a point where I would want to end the conversation, much to my wifes horror I could talk 24/7 about the subject. Hope to get to know a few of you out there and possibly share ideas on how to improve what already is the greatest game for boys ever invented.. YIS, Bill- Eagle81
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