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Everything posted by Eagle732

  1. Sounds like you want to be CM, be careful what you wish for. FYI, there is no ACM training, only CM training. Good Luck!
  2. What's the alternative to copies? At least you can prove you had them. Maybe have whoever you hand the documents over to sign for them or send everything by registered mail?
  3. I've seen people pool donations of $1,000 and do the James West Fellowship Award in memory of someone.
  4. Here's what I would do if I was dealing with service that bad: Allow adults to function in whatever position they chose but only register them at recharter. Have the DE come and pick up your recharter and applications personally. Make copies of EVERYTHING. Write the check for registration for the exact amount and keep 0 funds in the unit's account. I have had problems with council TAKING funds without authorization. I consider this stealing when the mistake is reported but not addressed for months. Last year I told my UC that we had our recharter ready to turn in at the first turn in time but that we would not be paying until our account issues were addressed. Sure enough everything was taken care of in less than a week. Money talks!
  5. They change staff around here so much it's hard to figure out who to go to when you need something. They never last long enough to bug me. Now council management, that's a different story. The only way to get rid of them is to promote 'em and our guy apparently just missed the Chief SE job so I guess we're stuck for a while longer.
  6. It all stops when you can't make the house payment or put food on the table.
  7. All that and no professionals to provide guidance? Hard to believe!
  8. The councils would still exist, there's too much money involved for them not to. I can't imaging a SE who would allow his quarter million dollar salary to go easily.
  9. The COR doesn't want anything, he makes no demands other than to meet with the DE. He wants them to know what happened. The perp went to the DE when he found out he was under investigation telling him who knows what but it probably wasn't the truth. The perp gets a seat with the DE but the COR of the unit that was victimized doesn't. I think that's what ticking off the COR.
  10. OK UPS discriminates against the deaf because they would not hire them to drive their trucks ( I googled it). They lost a court case and paid out big bucks over it. UPS drivers must have a commercial CDL drivers license. I have a Class A license and I have to take a hearing test with my DOT physical every year. Wondering how this is discrimination.
  11. I'd rather not discuss the particulars of what happened other than to say the troop had a crime against property, the police investigated and someone was charged and convicted.
  12. How does UPS discriminate against the deaf? Do they not hire them?
  13. Funny how I got a letter from the DE the other day informing me of a new policy that the unit needed to appoint a designated FOS representative, notify him who it will be and make sure the designated FOS rep holds at least one fundraiser. Oh that's gonna happen!!!!
  14. The COR likes to deal one on one and is not comfortable speaking in front of a group. He is almost 80 years old and has over 40 years in Scouting in our District. The incident was serious. I'm concerned that if I get too involved the SE will put me in the Ineligibility file.
  15. It's called humor Sentinal and it can be funny until someone wants to be mean spirited about it, then it's not funny. Now if moose would have said the SM ® would not encourage 47% of applicants to join because they don't pay dues, then that would have been funny because it's based in truth (or at least a real statement). But saying anyone would insult or make unwelcome someone because of their color is not funny because it's wrong and not based in any truth.
  16. I don't think you throwing out the race card is appropriate or funny. (This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  17. So even though it's in the agreement it's not enforced or apparently even encouraged. So why are we paying a DE if he doesn't do his job? (This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  18. The agreement says "discussion between the professional Scouter and the executive officer of a chartered organization" and "The meeting must be a face-to-face discussion, since the concept of working together is central to our mutual long-term success." How does a volunteer UC fulfill that obligation? I guess the Council gets to make up it's own rules?
  19. Yea, we wouldn't want an evil Republican being Scoutmaster. He might want to lower dues, curtail wasteful spending of troop money and ask the boys to actually earn their rank. Of course he would be accused of trying to "suppress the vote" during troop elections by only allowing actual card carrying members to vote. Better to have a Democrat Scoutmaster. He would raise dues only on the rich parents ($200,000 and up) and encourage non-members to vote in troop elections because they would vote for the SPL that he supports. He wouldn't allow his Scouts to go to the rifle range during summer camp because "Guns kill people". He would however promise to provide everything you want or need including free camping and food, and free cell phones for all Scouts. The Democrat SM would just charge all of this on the troop's credit card then he would leave the bill with the interest piling up daily for the next group of new Scouts to deal with. Of course we know that any Scoutmaster needs to be a US citizen.
  20. Yes as in "I will not meet with you". In fact I talked with the DE in an effort to reinforce the importance of a meeting and his answer was "It's not happening". I believe the DE should be willing to meet with any COR upon request. Do other units out there have annual meetings between the COR and DE?
  21. For the last 9 months my COR has asked for a meeting with our DE over an incident involving a District volunteer. Even though our COR has made several requests even going up the chain to the 2nd in charge at Council, the DE has refused to meet with our COR. So now it's time to recharter and we have the Annual Charter Agreement, a contract between the CO and the Council. The agreement states in part "The discussion between the professional Scouter and the executive officer of a chartered organization is an opportunity that should not be delegated to anyone else. This annual visit should be scheduled at least 90 days prior to the renewal date of the units charter. If problems in rechartering the unit are anticipated or there is significant corrective action to be taken, the discussion should be held early enough to allow time to take positive corrective action before the renewal deadline. The meeting must be a face-to-face discussion, since the concept of working together is central to our mutual long-term success." So how does the DE and Council refusing to meet with our COR meet this contractual requirement?
  22. I don't want David Duke, Reverend Wright or Barney Frank being the Scoutmaster of my son's troop. I also would not want to be part of a troop sponsored by the Black Panthers or the Westboro Baptist Church. I don't believe any of them have the moral standards I want my son to be exposed to. How hard is that to understand? The people who are beating the drum for gay men to be SMs would be jumping made if a Klansman was running a unit.
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