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Everything posted by Eagle732

  1. We just started using the Soar web host, http://www.mytroop.us/ Check our website out at www.troop400delta.com
  2. That would be enough to make me stop attending the camp. Our camp has a policy of giving units using a specific camp site first choice on reserving it on the same week for the next year.
  3. I wouldn't recommend trying to skirt the rules by going on an unofficial trip. It sends the wrong message. "A Scout is Trustworthy"
  4. Our pack had a problem with getting new parents to volunteer, especially at the Tiger level. To help solve the problem I assigned an experienced leader to help the Tigers get started. This leader is only temporary (one month only) and plans and runs the meetings. They are also there to evaluate who will be the likely candidate to take over after they leave. Each new den is told from the beginning that they are responsible for a DL, ADL, and MC. I also let them know that they have to attend all meetings and since they need to be there anyway they might as well take a leadership position and have some say in what's going on.
  5. Matt, Our troop had not done backpacking, bike hikes or canoeing for years before I became SM. I suggested that we could do these things if the Scouts wanted to. My belief is that if its at all feasible and they want to do it then it's my job to make it happen. Are some of these repeats, yea, they wouldn't miss winter camp, and really like canoeing. I wonder if some of these activities are too physical for some of today's kids.
  6. Maybe a small board for knots through first class. The if you want to get fancy do one for pioneering knots.
  7. I can even begin to count how many uniforms I have collected over the years but I know I have an example from every style since the 30's. I even have a complete 1930's Cub Scout uniform, socks and all
  8. The decision was based on what BSA felt was trademark infringement with using it's name and logo improperly.
  9. I do agree that the wording is causing confusion. Typical.
  10. 92, that's not how I read the requirements. I read it as 30 minutes from EMS access. From the FAQ: "whatever the mode of transportation take you more than 30 minutes off of an accessible roadway where in an emergency vehicle can reach you, you will need to meet the height/weight requirements."
  11. Sounds like you and he SM need to have a talk. I would think that if you explain why you want to make changes he might be more receptive. The SM might have reasons for not wanting to change the patrols. I know from experience that these types of sweeping changes create a whole lot of problems and unhappy people.
  12. 1. For the last 3 years we have attended our council camp. 2. As the SM and a firm believer in supporting Scouting in my area I believe in supporting our camp. If we don't support and attend our camps we will loose them. 3. I ask our Scouts if they want to come back at the end each summer camp, so far they've wanted to. 4. The adults have more to say about this than just about any other decision made on camping. The camp is about 5 minutes from our meeting place, in fact I can see the camp from my home. The parents who come and help during camp week appreciate being able to go home when they need to or go to work during the day and help out during the evenings. I have a good friend who is the SM of my old troop, the one he and I were in as kids. From 1967 to the present they have gone to this camp and stayed at the same site during the same week every year. That's over 30 years! I asked the SM if they had ever thought of going somewhere else. His answer was yes, they had thought about it and discussed it with the Scouts but every time the decided that this camp had everything they needed and so they keep coming back.
  13. Some questions about deciding on a summer camp. 1. Do you always attend your council camp for summer camp? 2. Do you feel obligated to support your council camp by attending summer camp there instead of going out of council? 3. Do your Scouts decide on which camp to go to or is it a given that you will attend your council camp? 4. Do the adults in your troop have a say in the decision? If so why?
  14. No one needed to teach me how to throw rocks, it just came naturally. I was pretty good at it too. Broke a few windows but I never expected to earn a belt loop for it!
  15. Yes, we have been working on completing the C&O Canal, 184.5 miles long. http://www.nps.gov/CHOH The Scouts decided on this at their annual planning meeting. We have been working on completing the trail and earning the C&O Canal Medal so yes we've been there before but on different sections of the trail. After this trip the troop will have completed half the trail. Also for this year we are doing or have done the following camping trips: District winter camp, a winter cabin camp at the local Scout camp, 2 backpacking trips (one local and one on the Appalachian Trail), canoeing/kayaking trip with an overnight on an island on the Susquahanna River, a local camp out at our private campsite and tubing on the local creek, camping at Antietam and hiking the battlefield, caving with a guide/naturalist, snow tubing this coming winter. We camp every month with a week long summer camp. All planned by the Scouts. So why do less than 1/2 attend?
  16. 92, My point was that the restrictions have been used for Philmont for years, so this is nothing new. Its just being expanded.
  17. This is a great site for information on the US Flag: www.usflag.org http://www.usflag.org/foldflag.html "This custom of special folding is reserved for the United States Flag alone."
  18. I still say the CM would avoid a lot of problems by adopting my policy of always asking the DL if they would be willing to accept a Scout into their den before assigning them.
  19. Stosh, Our troop does 6 out of 7 from your list. Still our next camping trip, a 30 mile bike hike, will have only about 25% attendance. I have no idea why. Our scouts choose their camping trips.
  20. "Then there are those boys, old and new, that see their world in a 'what's in it for me' fashion. Those boys that are just downright lazy. Those boys that suddenly get 'sick' when it's time to work, but magically are cured when the fun begins. Those boys that have no respect for their junior leaders and are very happy telling others what to do." I think every troop has a few of these "special" Scouts, mine demand my "special" attention. If laziness is not addressed it will spread. I liken it to cleaning up after my own kids, if I do it for them they will never do it themselves. However if I interrupt their fun and make them do what they need to do then they get the idea that it's easier to do what they need to do than to have me come down on them. On our last camping trip I interrupted an intense game of Capture the Flag because dinner dishes weren't cleaned up and food put away. The good news is if you stick with it most will come around and be productive members of the troop.
  21. Lifesaving. back in the day when you had to complete it to make Eagle.
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