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Everything posted by Eagle732

  1. China only allows one child per couple, we should be more like them.
  2. "The Boy Scouts discriminate against people who don't believe in God and who are gay and lesbian," Woodmansee said. "The city in effect subsidizes that form of discrimination, and we believe it needs to stop."(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  3. We all have to set our own priorities, if you're married your wife will help you with that;)
  4. Hmm, some school district allow teachers to carry now and several states have legislation in the works to allow it. They all must be "nutters" My son's high school has two armed "resource officers", I don't see any reason why a few volunteer teachers couldn't come under their supervision and assist in time of need. Every school probably has at least one teacher who has a CCW but I guess it would be too much trouble to send them for some advanced training. I bet very few of our high school parents would have a problem with the principle carrying. Maybe while we're at it we could recruit a few teachers from each school to take an industrial fire brigade training course (like the ones given to businesses) in case there's a fire in the school. Then they would be able to safely help out until the FD arrives. I'm sure there's a few teachers who are also volunteer firefighters already trained and willing.
  5. Basement, I remember the North Hollywood shoot out. Isn't that the one where the cops went to a local gun shop to borrow some high powered rifles to stop them?
  6. Ann Coulter doesn't speak of me. I don't believe she is an expert in firearms or even knowledgable of the subject, but I guess she can say whatever she wants, for now. There are far more knowledgable experts out there to get your facts from than her.
  7. Or if your community has a crime problem you could do this: http://www.paragoulddailypress.com/articles/2012/12/15/top_story/doc50cbbb312e241511092932.txt "[Police are] going to be in SWAT gear and have AR-15s around their neck," Stovall said. "If you're out walking, we're going to stop you, ask why you're out walking, check for your ID." No Constitutional issues here! Sliding down the slippery slope.
  8. "I wonder if it wasn't scouting would it be some other activity" You think Scouting is bad, I wonder if any of you belong to a volunteer fire department. I've seen people ruin there marriages by hanging out at the station more than at home. As far as the time goes, try keeping up with the continuing ed required to keep a paramedic license. So yea, it's not just scouts.
  9. My CSE make $250,000 plus bennies. A full time camp ranger makes $15,000 a year plus he gets a shack to live in. I'd gladly donate to pay a ranger's salary, they are way over worked and underpaid! Council takes 25% off the top for "expenses" from our district day camp. Any you wonder why we have no respect for the "professionals"?
  10. jblake, we don't need to ban fast cars, that's too hard. They already have black boxes so the government could just program them to shut down if you exceed the speed limit and send you a ticket. However banning low mpg vehicles is valid since they take precious resources from everyone else and they pollute the air. Of course if you really feel the need to have a gas guzzler than you can buy offsetting carbon credits from Al Gore! I think NYC beat you to the ban on super-sized meals but we could make it nation wide. The light bulb limit brings to mind all these CFLs I now have in my home thanks to the Feds. They're suppose to last 7 years but they don't. I'm replacing them after about two years and the mercury laded dead bulb goes in the trash. How's that for being Green? You know during the war we had rationing of pretty much everything including gas, tires and sugar. Maybe if we banned unlimited availability of these items we would all be healthier and it would be better for the environment.
  11. Crackpot ideas? How about some specifics on why my ideas won't work? All my points are valid and implementing them would go a long way towards solving the violence problems in this country. We won't need an armed guard in every classroom as soon as we get all the guns off the street. Think of all the money we'll save. My son's high school has two officers assigned to it. (I can't understand why they still have a drug problem in the school though). Oh and I'll that we should institute mandatory prayer and saying the pledge every morning in schools.
  12. So since we're on the ban things kick lets talk about some other things that should be addressed. Violent video games: These games desensitize kids to the reality of killing someone. They are extremely graphic and put the gun (literally) right in the hands of the child shooter. There is no need for a game that contains any violence. No one should have these. We should push for legislation so that all these games are destroyed, every one should turn them in to be destroyed. They should not be allowed to be bought and sold on the open market including on eBay or at flea markets. No one NEEDS to have access to these games and they are doing harm to our children. Let's ban them now! Violent movies: Same as games. Why do people need to see violent movies? They serve no useful purpose in our society. Children see these violent acts and think it's OK to act that way. And remember what happened at that Bat Man movie. If that movie had never been made people would be alive today. i saw if it just saves one life it's worth it. Violence in TV: All these shows showing graphic murders like NCIS wherever and Hawaii Five-0. None of this is necessary. Do we really need to see all of this. And while we're at it lets knock off all the sex stuff too. Too many young girls are getting pregnant (sorry for going off point). And add to this what you see on the news, all this violence being shown to children needs to stop. I say we should have a government board censors review all these movies, games and TV shows fro approval. Swords and big knives: Why would anyone need a sword? Some guy in China hacked up a bunch of kids a few days ago. Should we be taking the chance that something like that could happen here? And who needs a big knife? I'm talking a machete, KaBar or one of those Rambo survival knives. They should be removed from society. No one needs a big knife so turn them in! There's a start please add anything else you think we should ban!
  13. I think we reduce the discussion to pure silliness when we start talking about impressing women and making fashion statements. Of course that might just be the intent.
  14. No it is not. I have had many years of training in mass casualty/ CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) disaster response. I have received training from the best people in the country, initially from the DOJ and later from DHS. The ease of which a scenario could (and will) happen and our limited ability to prevent or mitigate it is astonishing.
  15. Unfortunately the clueless are the ones writing the laws.
  16. skeptic, then I see no reason why your school should be closed during the holidays. Maybe they could stay open that week and teach a little about US history and the Constitution.
  17. "Yeh might want to carry for fun, for fashion, for a political statement, to attract women, whatever. That's perfectly rational, and I support your right to do so. Mine too! But when yeh start talkin' nuts about safety and protection, it's time for someone to take away da key" Since by law your weapon must be CONCEALED it therefor is not going to impress anyone or be a fashion statement. Carrying for the reasons you state is NOT rational. The purpose of CCW is personal self defense and that is rational. You can call that nuts if you want to.
  18. The Zombie Apocalypse! Don't you know about it! get with the program man this stuff is for real! Even Homeland Security is in on it! http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-discovery-zombie-apocalypse-20121218,0,5239025.story Actually before I retired I was on the regional Disaster Response Team for the Baltimore / Washington DC area. When the CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) hit the fan it was our job to go in and decon large groups of people. Now that would be a real Zombie Apocalypse! I'm glad I'm retired, I never looked forward to getting that call because none of us expect to survive for long.
  19. "What some folks seem to be suggestin' is that da average civilian first aider should be carryin' IV clot-buster drugs just in case da 12 year olds they're with in da woods suffer an M.I." Who said that? I didn't read where anyone said that? Did I miss something? Or is making off the wall statements exaggerating what people are trying to say here your way of winning an argument? "In da mean time, if yeh can't wrap your brain around da notion that it's just a hobby and that you're not a reserve police officer defendin' da America that's da safest it's been from imminent collapse and criminal hordes, please do the rest of us who favor gun rights a favor and leave your gun properly secured at home." As if we're all just too stupid to understand anything! Again an over exaggeration of what I think people are tying to say here.The purpose of concealed carry (CCW) is for personal protection, not law enforcement. Remember who you're talking to here. You're not talking with a bunch of crazy anti-goverment types, your talking with patriotic, hard working Scouters who are, I'm sure, all trustworthy individuals who deserve a little respect and maybe even the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming the worst about them.(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  20. Just a little antidotal evidence, take it for what it's worth, or what you want to make out of it.
  21. Civilians do carry Epi pens and AED are becoming more available and are so simple to use anyone that can read or interpret a simple drawing can operate one. And how about all those fire extinguishers and fire hoses you see in buildings, are they just for the trained professionals? And the vast majority of those professionals fire and EMS personnel are really volunteers.
  22. Well Beav you might be the expert on Alaska but several years ago the outfitter who flew me and a buddy up river to our drop off point on the Salcha River for a 100 mile canoe trip insisted that we take his Winchester shot gun with slugs. We lashed it into the canoe in its case, unloaded for the 6 day trip. When we put out at the first road crossing and were waiting for our pick up the owner of the gas station we called from told us that a woman had been killed by a grizzly bear two weeks prior about a mile up the river where we had just been. I'm guessing very few people who spend a lot of time in the outdoors in Alaska do so without a firearm And the second week of that trip was spent backpacking the Toklat River and foothills around McKinley in Denali NP. Earlier this year someone was killed by a grizzly. Of course you're in a national park so not guns allowed. Just sayin'
  23. Some of these politicians that write gun control legislation have zero knowledge of guns or what they are trying to control. At least Tennessee is using some common sense: "State Sen. Frank Niceley ® told TPM on Tuesday he believes it's time for that to change. He plans to introduce legislation in the next session, which begins Jan. 8, that will require all schools to have an armed staff member of some kind. The current language of the bill -- which is in its early form -- would allow for either a so-called "resource officer" (essentially an armed police officer, the kind which most Tennessee high schools have already) or an armed member of the faculty or staff in every school in the state. The choice would allow schools that can't afford a resource officer to fulfill the requirement without having to pay for anything beyond the cost of the training and, presumably, the weapon. But Niceley said schools should use the wiggle room to train and keep on hand armed staff not in uniform. That's the best way to protect students, he said. "Say some madman comes in. The first person he would probably try to take out was the resource officer. But if he doesn't know which teacher has training, then he wouldn't know which one had [a gun]," Niceley said by phone. "These guys are obviously cowards anyway and if someone starts shooting back, they're going to take cover, maybe go ahead and commit suicide like most of them have." http://news.yahoo.com/tennessee-considers-training-arming-schoolteachers-protect-against-shootings-192556978--politics.html(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  24. AZ, this is exactly why those that argue only the military should have weapons are wrong. "How many rounds does one need for ... basic self/home defense?" My answer would be at least one more than is necessary.
  25. "I also reckon I'm not altogether comfortable with random folks of varied levels of trainin' comin' together without any chain of command structure" Then you would have very uncomfortable with the citizen soldier back in 1776 when the soldier was a farmer and an officer was usually the guy that had enough money to buy guns and equipment for the ones who didn't have any. (This message has been edited by Eagle732)
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