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Everything posted by Eagle732

  1. I would support an independent organization that helped youth in Scouting directly. That would be any organization, not just a SB association. I have not been awarded the SB nor am I ever likely to. I'm just a unit leader not deserving of a District award.
  2. Mass. Democrats out number Republicans 3 to 1. Basically it's a one party state.
  3. One was a state program. If you didn't want to be a part of it you could move out of state. The other is a federal program. If you don't like it you can move to another country. And since businesses are paying the tab the "you" in my comments refer to businesses.
  4. Maybe the scout complained to the parent who went to the CC. Maybe the parent went to the CC without the scouts knowledge upon learning the scout wasn't approved after the first meeting. I don't think we know from the information provided. The SM and the scout need to have a discussion on what is expected of the scout when he takes a merit badge. Of course since it was an anonymous complaint that can't happen.
  5. If your proposed SB assoc. is affiliated with your council will the council take a percentage of any donations off the top for their own use? I would support an independent organization that helped youth in Scouting directly.
  6. We communicate and interact with other units, just not with the district leadership. I don't consider us a small troop at just over 30 boys. We've doubled our membership in two years and not because of anything the district has done. Boys come to us because of our outdoor program that is led by the Scouts (at least that's what I'm told). When the current district leadership leaves we will go back to participating at the adult level in district activities. This was the agreement I made with the CO in order to keep us in the council. BP you don't really understand the situation, but there were legal issues that I don't want to get in to. The scouts have the option now of doing camporees etc but they choose not to.
  7. I don't see it that way BP. We don't have time to do Camporees and such, we do our own activities. We do trips with other units and we have a small troop (3 boys) attend summer camp with us. We do Philmont through the council so were with other troops on the treks. And we have several of our boys active in OA that attend events (6 of use are going to Fall Fellowship this weekend). If you recall I posted a while back about changing councils. Our DE refuses to this day to meet with our CO. The result is that we don't communicate with the district any longer. Wonder how they're going to get our recharter check?
  8. Won't be long before things get rough on this thread, someone goes crying to a moderator, and the thread gets pulled. Some people never learn!
  9. I don't attend district meetings or roundtables. No one from my unit attends them either. My unit doesn't attend district events. We went years without ever seeing a UC. I served on the Cub Scout Day Camp committee as a top staff member for 10 years and enjoyed it, but no more. I served on the district training team for years and enjoyed it but no more. They are lucky that my unit will even recharter in our council, there's been discussion that we move to a neighboring council. I had to convince the CO that in the long run that was a bad move. They bought it for now. The Good 'Ol Boys Club would be a nice way to describe the Key 3.
  10. "What if you are wrong? Why is it parents and scouts are always wrong until proven right and MB Counselors are just, always right? " This is why I disregard all anonymous complaints. How is the MBC suppose to respond if he doesn't know the specific situation that caused the complaint?
  11. Not a question but the most interesting comment I got from a scout was from an eleven year old going for Second Class who told me I was "adding to the requirements"! Wonder where that came from?
  12. First of all I think the CC should either tell you who complained or should have totally disregarded the complaint and not even brought it to your attention. Then the CC should have informed the parent that the MBC / Scout relationship is between the two of them and doesn't involve the troop committee at all. I do Hiking, Backpacking, Canoeing and First Aid MBs. I'm really hard on the scouts I counsel, I actually expect them to read the merit badge book!
  13. You believe incorrectly NJ, I believe in following the current BSA policy.
  14. "Among some populations, those views are normal." Yes Callooh I'm sure some societies do believe those things are normal. They would be the same societies that believe in chopping off the hands of thieves, that unmarried couples having sex be stoned to death, and that homosexuals be executed. I guess they don't believe in the "local option".(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  15. He denies the Holocaust happened. He denies the hijackers were really responsible for the September 11. He has said Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth. Sounds reasonable to me.
  16. Your son made a group that meets the same night as scouts. You don't mention what the group is, how long the commitment to the group will last, if it is related to school grades or how important it is to him. I have scouts that play high school sports such as football, and I don't see them for a few months. All I ask is that they let me know. I'll assume your son knew when this group met and decided to join it anyway (although I realize that at least in my area Scouts joining a sport often don't know when practices will be until after they have registered and paid). I do expect some type of commitment from my Scouts, after all I and my other leaders make a huge time commitment to them. And the scouts have obligations to their patrol and troop, they may hold a position or just by being a member of the team (patrol). Has your son though about the obligation he has to his patrol and troop?
  17. Our troop did Railroading Merit Badge at the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum. The instructor was one of the museum's volunteers, retired from the railroad and a Scouter who did not get paid. He put on an all day program and covered all the requirements. The cost was the same as admission to the museum so in essence there was no additional cost. I have no problem with a program like this. Again, as a SM I would want to know the knowledge and level of expertise of the counselors . Take one of the counselors, Mrs Jen as an example. Now granted she might have multiple college degrees or years of work experience in American Business, Archaeology, Bird Study, Chemistry, Composite Materials, Public Health, Public Speaking and Medicine. And she might also have an avid interest in Coin Collecting, Geology, Nature, Railroading, Reptile and Amphibian Study, Traffic Study and Painting. But somehow I doubt it. The American Fork Fitness Center also offers classes for parents in Boy Scout Advancement and Eagle Planning/Paperwork. The description for the Eagle Planning / Paperwork course states "Need help with the New Eagle paperwork and the whole Eagle process??? This FREE class is offered to help parents learn what is required for Eagle and how to get through the confusion" I have mixed feelings on this. Isn't this something the District should be doing? Maybe they are.(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  18. Looks like a scout could earn all the merit badges for eagle for about $250. I would have to question the expertise of the counselors who are suppose to be knowledgable in the subjects. Counselor Edi has quite a background being so knowledgable in 13 different subjects. Jen has expertise in 17 different merit badge subjects! Just goes to show you how important it is for the SM to approve of the counselors Scouts use. To the SMs out there, would you allow or encourage your Scouts to take merit badges there? FYI American Fork is just outside Provo, Utah(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  19. Your first post made it sound like the boys just wanted to be together and were acting up because they couldn't. Now it sounds like maybe they don't want to be in Scouting and are acting up so they will get kicked out, maybe because the parents won't let them quit. I've dealt with this before, just sit down with Scout and parent and lay down your expectations. If they cross the line after that they leave. If they are causing enough problems that it starts to effect other scouts then it's time to ask them to leave. If you don'y you'll loose boys who want to be in Scouts but don't want to put up with the bad behavior.
  20. Well since FScouter didn't remove the thread he obviously can't answer as to why he did it. packsaddle explains why, seems like he didn't like the direction the thread was going. Merlyn starts the thread, feeds the fire and then complains when it gets too hot! Free (or at least fair) speech here is the ability to make reasonable comments and not have someone with more power (a moderator) delete posts and threads just because they don't agree with someone. Kinda like changing the rules mid game. That's a good way to loose members. At least I learned that Merlyn is not a Scouter. That makes me feel better. And by the way, I don't loath anyone here, I don't even dislike anyone.
  21. Sucks for them to have a patrol of 4 when all the other patrols have 7 or 8 scouts. Especially when a few of them can't make a camping trip. I doesn't hurt to let the troop choose up new sides (patrols) every once in a while. Don't cave to the pressure from the adults to combine them with another patrol when there's only two of them. Make them stay together as a patrol. It's natural for boys to form gangs (B-Ps words). You can't fight it. Embrace it. Besides, it's easier to keep an eye on one group of trouble makers
  22. Seems like what you're doing isn't working so it's time to shift gears. How about letting them form their own patrol? Boys should be allowed to form their own natural groups. Then you can hold them accountable for their actions.
  23. FScouter needs to site the rule that was broken that gave him the right to remove the thread. Unless of course we are suspending free speech. If that's the case it's time to move on. I participate in Scouts-L where discussions on gays is prohibited but that rule is stated up front. How do I access "restricted status" threads? BadenP, I notice your post was done at 1:53 AM, when was the thread removed?
  24. I think if the SM has an honest and open relationship with the parents then both have to give a little. If an opportunity came up to do another type of activity that what was listed for the trip and the SM thinks it can be done safely than I think it's OK. The parents should understand and be happy the boys got to do another activity too. If information on the activity is being withheld because the SM thinks it might not be approved by the parents then that's something that the committee needs to review. To answer the question "how much detail do you publish to parents on outings"?: We publish the camping schedule on our website for all to see. That lists the general activity. Permission slips describe where, when and what we are doing in brief terms. I always review the camping trip activities at the committee meeting just prior to the trip. If parents need more information they can ask me. I did have some new parents quite concerned about letting patrols hike in a large state park without an adult. The fact that that was the program for the weekend was put out to the parents a head of time. Some refused to let their boys attend but that was their decision. Too bad we can't let them camp overnight by themselves any more.
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