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Everything posted by Eagle732

  1. BD makes all good points. The problem is that whatever you do it's gonna cost money. You will probably need to accumulate troop backpacking gear over time. You can't buy it all for one trip, at least not for a troop of any size. I outfitted my Philmont crew with ultralight tents, stoves and dining fly for about $1,000, and that was for 8 people. If your troop has decided that backpacking is going to be a big part of their program than you start buying gear as needed. If this is a one time thing, (and it might be if they've never done it before) than you go with what you can beg, borrow or buy. Once the commitment is made to include backpacking as an important part of your program than you can start raising funds and buying gear on sale, buy used gear or even making your own. I don't see any other way.
  2. The letters go to whoever is chairing the EBOR. They remain unopened until the board convenes so the person submitting needs to make mention of that on the envelope so they don't get opened accidentally. At least that's how we do it. Here the Units do the EBORs with one district rep.
  3. I wouldn't suggest boys spend a dime on "good hiking boots". Boys can hike in trail runners and wear them to school and gym on Monday. (This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  4. One backpacking stove per patrol with a small pot from the patrol cook kit. You just need to boil water, no frying pans. The Jet Boil doesn't use proprietary fuel, just standard isobutane canisters, same as the MSR Packet Rocket. (I'd recommend the Rocket or Snowpeak Gigapower.) Aquamira drops or tablets for water treatment. (AM is not chlorine, it is an oxidant). Tablets are better for youth, no measuring. My troop makes tarps of sheet plastic. Bought a roll and they made their own. Dinning fly; for my Philmont crew I bought a 10'x12' silnylon one from Campmor ($120) but a sheet of plastic and some 1/8" line would work for a weekend. Mandatory for Philmont but not really needed for a weekend trip.
  5. Why do we need an alternative to Environmental Science, is it too hard? I understand why we have alternatives to Swimming and Lifesaving MB (although I don't agree). How about alternatives for some of the other required merit badges? I mean First Aid is kind of hard, lots of stuff to remember. If we're going to add required merit badges or create alternatives let's go with the ones that focus on the outdoors. Hope I'm not too far off topic, I guess I'll know if I get deleted. Instead of threats why not create a Straight Forward forum where it's known that straying from the topic gets you deleted?
  6. Yes you need a blue card to work on a MB. It's up to the counselor if he accepts work done prior to signing the card. Usually work starts after the first contact with the counselor but exceptions are up to the MBC. At least that's how my unit does it.
  7. Your council may hold a University of Scouting where you can take courses relating to Scoutmaster skills.
  8. Sustainablity Merit Badge. Sounds like the liberals are making inroads into BSA. Next thing you know Al Gore will be selling Sustainability credits
  9. 12 required MBs for Eagle. Sustainability MB as an alternative to Environmental Science MB?
  10. I hope the lack of response to my hypothetical question doesn't mean that there are few who are interested in helping youth struggling with the problems of alcohol, drugs, smoking or have questions about their faith. Anyone else want to weigh in?
  11. Did he bother to appeal using the procedures in place?
  12. OK Pack, seems the alcohol weighs pretty heavy with you. Anyone else?
  13. Thank you. One straight answer, anyone else care to take a shot?
  14. Still looking for an answer for my hypothetical question. Do you sign off or not? Explain why?
  15. Interesting article. The scout states "Andresen has said that he is definitely not an atheist, and does believe in a higher power," Any yet on his social webpage he currently lists himself as "Agnostic". So which is it, he can't have it both ways. Or can he?
  16. 'Problem we had 3 elections ago was no one really wanted SPL" I had that happen ONCE! Solution, I appointed my ASM as SPL! The new SPL is a Army Lt. Col., and a drill sergeant's worst nightmare (but a heck of a good guy and all the boys respect and love him). His first meeting was 30 minutes of PT followed by a uniform inspection, then followed by a second chance at SPL elections. No problem finding volunteers that time, and no problem since
  17. Pint, you hit the nail on the head with this statement: ""So a Scout Tells you he is gay????" i would leave it at that and say its no problem ( even if it was/could be) as long as they didn't make an issue of it - i dont walk around shouting im straight/hetro, and niether would i expect any one to walk round shouting that they are gay/homosexual. " See that's the problem, people here can't keep their personal life private. They post everything they do on Facebook, they go to their Scoutmaster and declare they're gay and agnostic, and then they wonder why they don't earn Eagle. Go figure.
  18. So let me pose a hypothetical scenario; You, the SM have an application in front of you for a boy who has completed the requirements for Eagle. You find out he smokes, drinks alcohol (both violations of law) and does not believe in God. He admits to you that the above is true. Do you sign off? (This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  19. Calico, you're splitting hairs over an insignificant point.
  20. Ellen could have sent 60 needy Scouts to summer camp that might not ever get the chance to go instead of giving 20 grand to a rich kid.
  21. Did any of you read the material in the links provided by Pint? You Brits are so advanced! We're not even suppose to talk about sex with the boys.
  22. Calico, You called into question my statement about dad's company West Coast Property Management "the company touts itself as the largest property management firm in the San Francisco Bay area" You said "There are also so-called "facts" being bandied about which just aren't. No where on the father's property management firm's website does it say they're the largest in the SF Bay area" "West Coast has grown into one of San Francisco's largest local property management companies with almost 2,500 units in more than 300 properties under its care and guidance" First paragraph on their company's website http://www.wcpm.com/management/our-history They are ONE of the largest companies in the SF area.
  23. I'm going off the 2012 JTE. Assume a unit is at max and can not grow then you can't make the increases needed in 2, 3 and 9. Add a few other items and you're not gold. Item 1, unit is not rank driven and/or holds high standards for advancement - 75 out of 300. Items 2 and 3, all retention related -150 of 600 pts. Remember unit is at max. Web transition - 0 of 200 pts. Again a unit is at max. If your unit only holds 1 big COH dinner a year - 0 of 100 pts. If you don't do a budget - 0 of 100 pts. Same unit short term camps 12 times a year, does a variety of trips including canoeing, backpacking, climbing, etc. Does 1 long term camp a year. Does one High adventure trip every 2 - 3 years. Most boys advance although not within the First Class / first year BSA goal. Holds PLCs 2 -3 times a month since the boys actually plan and carry out the program. SM and all ASMs are all trained. So this unit doesn't make gold. You have to ask yourself why are they at max? Now all of this is easily corrected. Pencil whip a budget. Advance some boys even if they don't meet the unit's standards. Add a few COHs. Hold a few Webelos events even though there's no room for them. Recruit and grow bigger than you want to be. But why?
  24. Sounds like you're trying to create a boy led troop from scratch. In my experience (twice now) it takes 5 years to turn a unit around. (And it only takes about 5 months to undo years of work.) "If they want to me to continue, they need to bring their A game the next few weeks," That only gets you a few weeks of A game, then they'll be back to the same old. They need to take ownership of the program, maybe it survives, maybe not. Do they want more boys to join? If so show them how to do recruiting and let them run the Webelos Woods. Do they want to earn the MB? Let them come to you when they're ready. For PORs I like the suggestion made here that each scout writes his own job description and signs it. Then you get to make them stick to it. Oh, and when the grubmaster doesn't bring the food I always have a big container of instant oatmeal handy. Be Prepared!
  25. One set of goals is what's best for every troop in the entire country? Just because BSA says so? I'd rather have a UC visit my troop, see what's going on, offer some help if needed. make some suggestions, and follow up. (This message has been edited by Eagle732)
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