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Everything posted by Eagle69

  1. Seattle Pioneer, You hit the nail on the head! 6 years ago I closed down a Troop with 43 years continuous re-charters because i ran out of kids. In the 28 years I was SM the Pack was an on again/off again affair. Two years before we shut it down the Cubmaster quit at the end of August. Granted there wasn't many left he quit, but that left me with no one coming up. Now the Charter Partner is telling me that they want the space where the Troop gear is stored. If I have to get rid of all the gear then we will never have Scouting at our church again because the expense of re-outfitting a troop would be so high. To have to go out and buy tents, stoves, lanterns, cooking gear, etc, would run into several thousand dollars. A Troop without a Pack to feed it is doomed
  2. I don't know if I've ever seen or heard of a SM giving a gift to an Eagle Scout. The SM has already given the gift of his time and knowledge. I was SM for 28 years and pinned 26 Eagles and never gave them a gift and have counseled a half dozen others as ASM and I know that the SM didn't give them anything. With that being said, if the SM wants to give a gift there are all kinds of things in the Scout Catalog for Eagles or he could give a gift of membership in NESA, the National Eagle Scout Association.
  3. "wish it would remember car make/model/year associated with each leader! " If I recall what the instructional video says it is supposed to do that.
  4. I have been a computer programmer for 35 years and in my experience MyScouting.Org is a lousy job of programming. The Scoutmaster is not real computer gung-ho so I was wanting to play with the Online Tour Permit so I could instruct him and others, but until I can get the multiple Id bit straightened out, I can't do anything. I don't have time to deal with Irving on the phone. Surely there is some email address that I can contact them by and explain the problem.
  5. I tried that and it tells me that the Member Id is already associated with another username. As much trouble as I've had with MyScouting I'm not surprised that I might have dual ids. However I do see all of my training under the Member Name I log in under. I've had to correspond to them before to get Passwords reset, but I can't find what email address to send problems to. Does anybody know what it is?
  6. I tried that and it tells me that the Member Id is already associated with another username. As much trouble as I've had with MyScouting I'm not surprised that I might have dual ids. However I do see all of my training under the Member Name I log in under. I've had to correspond to them before to get Passwords reset, but I can't find what email address to send problems to. Does anybody know what it is?
  7. I went out to Myscouting.Org and the line to do a Tour Plan is there, but when I tried to start a new one and clicked on "Your Unit" there is nothing the drop down. Does that mean our council isn't supporting it yet or does MyScouting.Org not know what Unit I'm with?
  8. I went out to Myscouting.Org and the line to do a Tour Plan is there, but when I tried to start a new one and clicked on "Your Unit" there is nothing the drop down. Does that mean our council isn't supporting it yet or does MyScouting.Org not know what Unit I'm with?
  9. Where do you log in to in order to do an Online Tour Plan? I don't know if my council has it yet so trying to do one will be a test.
  10. When I was SM, the last requirement before an Eagle Board was to take the filled out Eagle Application down to the Registrar and get it verified. If there was a conflict between Scoutnet and the form they wouldn't sign it and you couldn't have your board. Usually we had already verified everything before then.
  11. Here in Arkansas, the Quapaw Area Council usually has a COUNCIL WIDE camporee every other year. It is usually held at the Summer Camp and each District is given an assigned area for camping. Personally I hate them, too many people crammed into too small of a space when you get into assigning camping spots in a big field.
  12. "Unfortunately we had a guy try to say he was not only an Arrowman, but a Vigil member to boot. When national stated they had no record of him as a Vigil, he stated he was Brotherhood instead, getting confused. Probelm was when asked about his Ordeal, he couldn't remember a thing." Either it didn't make a big impression on him or he was like these people that claim all kind of military honors they didn't earn. My Ordeal was 45 years ago, my Brotherhood 44 and my Vigil 41 and I still remember all 3 of them quite well.
  13. Supposedly at one time they were looking at land here in Arkansas outside Little Rock. You can drive 20 minutes or so from the Western edge of town and find lots of acreage. I heard this from people in the Scout office and from land owners in the area they were looking at. Unfortunately we didn't make the final cut, but it would have been nice and would certainly have addressed the central location issue some have talked about.
  14. In my 35 years as a volunteer I have never had a kid ask me about my knots or my beads, but as an adult when I meet another scouter in uniform I automatically tend to look for knots and beads to give me some idea of the other person's involvement and/or training. The only time I didn't wear my knots was when I was part of the Training Team and we were doing Scout Leader Basic then we went with bare shirts with only the Troop 1 and our position of responsibility in the course patches.
  15. Not wanting to get the equipment wet is a weak argument for canceling a campout, that is going to happen anyway. Possible severe weather with lots of rain in a flood prone area, now that would make me think about about going. When individual/group safety is on the line it is better to err on the side of caution. I cancelled a December campout on Friday once when a river suddenly sprang up in my back yard and the forecast was for the rain to continue. A quick conference with my CC and other ASM's and we all agreed that we didn't need to be out where had planned in weather like this.
  16. At camporee two weeks ago we had 9 boys and 5 adults. Our adults go on outings because they enjoy it, most are parents of boys but they generally don't get in the middle of what the patrols are doing unless instructed to. If you have too many adults that are forgetting that their role is to observe then find something for them to do. Technically you can't restrict them from coming anyway.
  17. I saw the thing pop-up and ever since I've had problems with my Firefox Browser. it won't connect to Google.Com, Bing.Com and I have to disable Javascript on several sites, including this one, that I didn't have to before. I ran Malawarebytes and it found some nasties and deleted them, but I am still having problems. Whatever was attached to that picture has left something behind or changed a setting somewhere.
  18. Our Troop has 8 Campouts including Winter Camp and Summer Camp. All under tentage.
  19. The only part that will cause us a bit of headache is the fact that it is now an "official" troop function. The recent projects have had plenty of Registered Adult Leadership around, but we weren't ever certain as to who/how many were going to show until the day of. As far as the paperwork goes, all project write-ups have been thoroughly reviewed by the Troop Eagle Coordinator, Advancement Chair and SM before we ever give the boy permission to contact the District Eagle guy to find out who he needs to submit his write up to.
  20. Most of the time it's pack and go and maybe a stop for lunch on the way back so that we arrive after church and the parking lot has cleared out. When I was SM I preferred a shortly after lunch arrival back so that I had time to take care of some of my chores that I had had to put off by going camping.
  21. Checking the selection of tents, backpacks and sleeping bags I see no major recognizable names. With that being said if price is all you are interested in then it may be ok, but if you want dependable gear I'd look elsewhere.
  22. The SM of the troop I am currently ASM with told me this. I questioned it and he said that was what at Rocky Mountain Scout Camp. I'm glad to see that no one else has heard of washing in cold water. In 35 years of doing this that was a new one on me.
  23. Anybody ever done it this way? "1. cold water wash with soap; 2. cold water rinse; 3. rinse with hot water or cold water that has a sterilizer such as tablets or chlorine(bleach) mixed at 1 tablespoon per gallon" I've used a 3 tub wash system for years, but it's always been 1. Hot with Soap 2. Hot/Warm Rinse 3. Cold Rinse. I'm a bit skeptical that washing in cold water will clean dishes/pots/utensils of grease, etc.
  24. I can't remember the last time I wore my neckerchief or woggle, but I wear my beads anytime I'm in uniform. I finished my ticket 31 years ago.
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