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Everything posted by eagle54

  1. Questions - What kind of medical profile are they looking for on the recheck physical which they will perform when we check in at Double H. I am thinking since it is being run by Philmont they will want us to be in good shape i.e. the weight under the weight limit. Good bloocd presure - - As I understand it the pack is to be a lite as possible.
  2. Announcement - Double H High Adventure Base 2004 Opening Available!! There are still opening available for the Double H. If you know of any crews that would like to attend, please have them contact the Double H . 505-376-2281 doubleh@philmontscoutranch.org
  3. Just received info about Double H. They are still including this note ------------------------------ !!2004 Opening available!! There are still opening available for 2004 for Double H. If you know of any crews that would like to at trend, please have them contact Double H. 505 376-2281, doubleh@philmontscoutranch.org. What kind of preparation are you doing for going to Philmont and DoubleH. We are also participating in a orientation completion in 2 weeks at Longhorn Council, Sid Richardson Scout Ranch. What are you doing about - - FIRST AID AND CPR REQUIRED The Double H require that at least one person, preferably two, (either an advisor or a youth participant be currently certified in American Red Cross Standard First Aid or its equivalent* and CPR from the American Red Cross, American Heart Association or the equivalent*. Several hours may be required for the Double H staff to reach a remote backcountry after a message is delivered or radio to nearest staffed camp. First Aid and CPR training will result in proper and prompt attention being given to injuries and /or illnesses. You must present current certification cards upon check in to verify this requirement. *Equivalent training can include instruction by ambulance or fire department personnel, community colleges or other organizations. You must have a letter indicating length of training, topics covered and participant roster.
  4. Each time we get information for Double H they enclose a note that are still open dates for treks for double H. Double H is being run by the Philmont staff but Double H is two hours south-southwest of Albuquerque. Their note is 2004 Opening Available There are still opening available for Double H. If you know of any crews that would like to attend, please have them contact the Double H -- 505-376-2281 doubleH@philomostscoutranch.org.
  5. There are still treks available at Double H for crews
  6. For instance we are selling tickets to Boy Scout Family Fest "Scout Show" - For a donation of $2.00 you receive a ticket to the scout show, $17.00 off a ticket to Six Flage over Texas, $10.00 off a ticket to Hurricane Habor - a water park, and a free domino's pizza when a large 3 or more toppiing pizza. Does it help if you incorporate pictures of "Summer Camp" and troop activities.
  7. We have had our best results with selling pointsetters, we have had some results selling popcorn - the council orders the popcorn and we then pick it it. We have better results for the sale of popcorn setting up outside Walmart. We even had some folks that made a donation to the troop.
  8. Since Philmont Slots are done ahead. The DoubleH program is an possibility for those not getting a trek. Also there are Council Camps that do back packing treks such as Spainish Peaks Scout Ranch which has treks. We did the regular scout program for those who were not old enough for the trek or were not interested in a trek. This year the younger scouts will be going to Worth Scout Ranch operated by our council the Longhorn (Fort Worth) Council, Texas with the older scouts going to Double H. As to Philmont the drawing is for 2006 (?) this fall (?). Where do an interested group go for information on treks at Philmont. Ed Neville Asm, Troop 370 Longhorn Council Fort Worth, Texas
  9. We are coming out of Fort Worth, Texas - the western end of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. We can make in about a day and half. You are probably doing the best thing getting use to the higher elevation. We went to Spainish Peaks South Ranch in Walesberg Colo, which is at about 7,500 feet and I felt it when we got there.
  10. We are coming out of Fort Worth, Texas - the western end of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. We can make in about a day and half. You are probably doing the best thing getting use to the higher elevation. We went to Spainish Peaks South Ranch in Walesberg Colo, which is at about 7,500 feet and I felt it when we got there.
  11. The overseas cap - I wore it as a Scout. It is a cap that can be tuched over the belt. I those days we had scout shoes. In wood badge in the 1980 we wore the red burea. I still have it plus the 1970's green cap.
  12. We found out that Double H High Adventure - 2 hours south of Albe N.M. - this is the first year for this program - had some opening due to cancelation. We submitted our three dates for the start of the trek and took a open date starting just one day off from the one requested Start July 22, 2004 and end July 28, 2004.
  13. We sent back our information including money to Philmost. What do you understand the national tour permit neans "the maximum to drive is 10 hours and reduce that time if there is just one driver." PS I must not been on my toes when this was discussed in Wood Badge. Dan how did the prehike come out. Will the tents, stoves be provided? What is your concil policy on council contingucy?
  14. In regard to getting in - I talked to Philmont last week and they wanted to know if we could start on July 22, 2004 (one of our preferances was July 21, 2004. I told them that we could start on the 22 July. We are waiting now for information like when do they need the money etc. Dan thank you for your help.
  15. After reading the information I got from the folks at Philmont I believe that the ranger will be with the trek for 7 days. We are to be there by 10:00am the day the trek starts and be ready to vacate the premises by 12:00 noon the day the trek leaves. Has anybody investigated the transportation possibilites - chartering buses, vans etc. Flying into either El Paso, Texas or Albuquerque, N.M.
  16. After reading the information I got from the folks at Philmont I believe that the ranger will be with the trek for 7 days. We are to be there by 10:00am the day the trek starts and be ready to vacate the premises by 12:00 noon the day the trek leaves. Has anybody investigated the transportation possibilites - chartering buses, vans etc. Flying into either El Paso, Texas or Albuquerque, N.M.
  17. some websites --- general info on Double H Ranch www.doublehranch.net info - doubleH@philmontscoutranch.org
  18. The Local Council is starting up a scout show event, actually the 2nd year, after not having one for a while. Do you have any suggestion for a small troop - 10 scouts that it might demonstrate camping etc.
  19. The situation is a example that a training chairman could use for the need of toten chips for certain leaders. If this adult was a scout in my troop I would have taken his toten chip away for sure. The double axe is definitely an axe to be used only by well qualified axeman. My suggestion is that the situation is out of control and needs immediate action thru those in charge - ie if the cub scouts are camping with a trooop, Talk to the troop leader and suggest that kids meed better supervision
  20. As a scout leader there is a obligation to teach the safe use of axes and bow saws. Some leaders blieve that a bow saw is adequate for cutting wood. What do you think about this. P.S. I was taught before you use any axe to us to check to see no one was within a the length of the axe in a 360 degree radius from you. An axe yard is the best place to use tools for wood cutting.
  21. Recently a lot the scouts in our troop have meet rejection on fund raising. We had success selling in front of a Walmart - - but one of the best was selling pointsetters at Christmas Time. Our council is pushing popcorn sales, bowling with a sponosor, and combining candy bar sales with a ticket to a scout show. To me a big part of life is rejoicing even in the things that seemily did not work our. I quess that these are opportunities to communicate in scoutmaster minute that their efforts are not in vain. Just another thing we have people just make a contribution to the Scouts. Over the years to see the changes that take place in the scouts is confirmation that the scout oath, law can make changes in Scouts.
  22. Let me see if we are on the same page Some of the service that might take place at summer camp, district and council events are Nondemoniational - Protestant - Roman Catholic Jewish Moslem Let me ask a question has your experience been that more advance work could be done in setting up worship services. copies of hymns, scriptures etc should be printed up ahead of time.
  23. Do you have any suggestions on how to encourage the Scouts to finish their partials - usually after merit badge colleges or summer camp? To me there has to be way that they can be followed up on.
  24. For some reason - the computer is set up of Windows 95 and my post is now 3 posts.
  25. Did any one see Billy Graham at the service after 9-ll. He does any excellent job of explaining what being a Christian is. At the same time Billy Graham did not talk down other faiths. But he did not back out what being a follower of Christ is.z There is a really that sometimes I is good to have standards i.e. the scout law and oath. In scout talk when I became involved in Scouts in 1970's and camping was not a required merit badge for eagle. Boys Scouts when it went back to those things that are distinctive to Scouting. The same thing has be factored in when worship is considered at district, council level. Is the worship being something is like the eagle when camping was not really a part of earning your eagle.
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