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Everything posted by eagle54

  1. Have anyone ever rented the packs at Philmont? - How much do they cost? It is going to be interesting at Double H with not trails to say the least.
  2. Last Saturday and Sunday - our troop spent two days. In .6 of mile you go up about 500 feet. This is located about off Highway 16 between Fredricksburg Texas and LLano Texas. It really puts the lung capacity to a test. Texas has a variety of geography pine forests in east Texas. The hight plains of West Texas.
  3. Wonders never cease - was able to log on without disabling norton. There have been changes
  4. To log on I had to disable Norton Internet Security. I am not having any trouble getting on other sites. I am learning it takes a while to get something resolved.
  5. Do anyone have any information on how to keep running norton iternet and still log on "scouter.com" I have approached dell, aol, etc and could not log on this site until I disabled Norton.
  6. Youth Protection - Somewhere I read that all merit badge counselars need to checked like any other adults participating in Boy Scouts. I believe that new merit badge counselars need to submitt an application but do not have to pay the registation fee. To me there is catch 22 it looks like the council need help in processing the paper work to get background checks but they have large turnovers and could use additional help. Should the unit & chartered organization check references etc.; encourage scouters to get trained in youth protection?
  7. I agree with the premise that Scouting does not live up to the ideal. But the adage "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water" The ideals are great but scouting has room for improvement in its execution. For instance "Be Prepared" is a work in process not a designation. Hopefully the discusion is about the ideals or the failure to live up ideals of scouting but remember "sticks and stones may break my bones but words do not hurt. For me words can hurt. It is hard to live under the same roof as contenuous person. We need the help of others Sometimes you know you are just putting a finger in the dike when a few do most of the work but keep asking others to help. With youth protection you need two adults for activities.
  8. As I remember it the boers were moping up the British Troops and Lord Baden Powell came up with scouts that he trained to do things with character. Sometimes I found in Scouting there were folks that came accross as negative but were there when the rubber meet the road. All of us would rather someone if he has a beef with us to say it to our face rather than behind our back. Sometimes I realize that the message was correct even the messager said it in a way that I did not like it.
  9. Some of the possibilities are - does the pack have a functioning pack committee with a committee chairman. Who is representive of the chartered organization, who is the commissioner for the pack. Sometimes the training for cubmaster will let him know that he sets the example for the cub scouts.
  10. I would like to ask a question - since these merit badges require up to 3 months of keeping records; what suggestion do you have challenging those working on these to come back with good records? What kind of depth do you require on questions for instance "Define the two major types of life insurance (term and whole life-permanent) and compare their advantages and disadvantages. Whole life costs more to start out but the premium stays the same over the period from date the policy was taken out until the age 98, 100. Most term policies can become very costly as a man reaches age 65.
  11. Fog can keep a plane from landing except on instruments. What are our instruments? Do we use the ideals of scouting-Scout Oath, Law, Motto etc.
  12. We are scheduled for Trek 822-ccc. We are schedules to arrive on July 22, 2004 and leave July 28, 2004. We will be driving out from Fort Worth, Texas - Troop 370. He are hoping to pick up 5 additional people to go on the Trek. Ed Neville Jr. ASM Troop 370 Eagle 1954 Wood Badge 1986
  13. To me the reality is that when value get dumbed down you do open a Pandora's box. Are we going to saying that lying on advancement reports is okay. As there are former gluttons there are cerebrate homosexuals our behaviors do change. All of us do change - if we believe that change is not possible we might as well execute all convicted felons since they can not change. (PS I am using this for argumentative purposes I have seen convicted felons change - those who believe that God can change are more successful in changes.) It is a privilege to see the change that takes place as the Scout goes up the trail to eagle. There is a reality that if I am doing something I know is wrong part of me wants others to tell me it is okay but when I use history to set out morals that have built up not torn-ed down. As someone change happens but not all change is good. True love tells a friend why I think what he is doing is wrong.
  14. Let me repeat some of what has been said - Say the Southern Baptist Convention has Southern Baptists in Scouting which sets (with the help of Pray) God and Church which a Boy Scout would be eligible to qualify for the award by working with the leaders of his local congregation.l Is U is the Unitarians Etc. As I understand it these are the original inclusive group I could believe in Jesus and another person could not believe in Jesus and we all could be a member of the group. I could see it would be hard for this group to adopt certain standards of belief. Scouting is where we know that the "Eagle" can be watered down if the standards are lowered thru now challenging the boy to meet the requirement in full.
  15. I am proud that Boy Scouts of America has stood for morality. For a long time the BSA has had to take actions against folks who have abused the youth scouts. May I say something there are certain moral positions that are unchanging. Historical nations fell when the moral positions were not upheld. I could not in good conscience allow one scout to use say an Axe in a unsafe manner because he would in most cases cause injury to himself, other scouts, and adults. My troop is chartered to a church which in accordance with the bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Another thing that I have observed is that Boy Scouts staying true to it's ideals sets an example for others to follow. For instance when camping was deemphasized in the 1970's the scouts became just another youth club. To me the old testament is filled with a lot of examples of what happened to God's people when their morality became gross they ended up being disciplined for their immorality.
  16. The Philmont Weight Requirements are also backed up by the information that the Life Insurance Companies which show that as group those who weight more than the ideal weight are more likely to die prematurely from heart attacks. Information reminds me that I am overweight and need to lose weight. I am not as physically strong (scout oath) and not as able to be "A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thriftty, brave, clean and reverent" - Scout Law. There can be individual exception but I am not in shape to (Scout Motto) "Be Prepared" for the treks at either Double H or Philmont - sam weigth requirements.
  17. Our troop from Fort Worth, Texas went to Spanish Peaks. I did not go with part of the troop which climbed the east Spanish Peak. But coming to a altitude of 7000 I felt the effects of the increased altitude. My son was married in Breckenridge Colo. and I felt the effects of the altitude there. Each day - - God in his old and new testaments-wants us to keep ourselves strong, mentally awake and morally straight. It is lot easier to type on this keyboard than to put on pack and walk with pack's load for 1 to 2 miles. But typing is a good way to communicate that aerobic exercise makes me a lot physically strong. The other posts have encouraged me to set high goals in physical conditioning.
  18. While I was walking by myself this morning, it was tough to get started but is aeobic effort of gettinjg to the top of the hill. Do you have any suggestions to turn the TV off and excercise the body.
  19. I have a backback where the end of the hip belt has lost about a foot on the end. At this point a shoe repair shop for about $12.00 will sew on lenth of web strap to repair the hip belt. I could sure use some suggetions on what to take on the trail to make emergency repair to busted straps on packs sewing things back together. How do take care of busted zippers on tents etc?
  20. Thanks for great advice and encouragement. This physical conondition to me is not eassy. It reminds me that we are called to walk the talk. To me it flat easy to watch the TV instead of physical conditng (Physical Training). Do you find that when you do push away from adictive power of the TV you are walking the talk of physical strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. At this early hour I am the one who has to take the first step. We can encourage each other but it "I"- - On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and Country. Do you agree that when the pressure of life we are tempted to stop physical conditioning - - ? I remember that "Jim Fix" who along with a long of other folks started the "running craze after he died it became know that he had heart problemes but he ran in spite of it. Too many times I saw the scout with less ability obtain eagle while the kid that the lst ranks came easy did not make to eagle. To use a biblical phase how do we stimulate one another to good deeds - helping others at all time - not forshaking the gathering together as is the habit of some. My joy when the stomach does not get in my way when I look for my toes. Again thanks for your words of encouragement.
  21. It is said that confession is good for the soul, I acknowledge that I can come with a lot more reasons than reasons to do. The part of Scout where a member of the Boy Scouts of America we promise to keep ourselves physically strong. Battling allegories the last two weeks, Ity has been mental struggle to exercise. It is amazing if am physically strong I am also mentally awake, more power to do those pleasing to God.l Does anyone have any suggestions how to keep on keeping where dealing with allergies etc.
  22. Life can be tough - for instance periodically a group of Scouters started up a troop in a black area of town. The troop would be around for a short period of time. What suggestions do you have --- It looks like a unit needs parent for transportation, held teach skills, etc. How do we recruit these folks?
  23. The relationship betwenn Charter Organization and The Troop or Pack can be strong. The adults of the units should communicate the goals aspiration etc to the Charter Organization. The more from the Charter Organization involved in the unit. Recruiting Scouts and Scouters from the Charter Organization can be muitually beneficial.
  24. There is a reality - aiming high produces growth in physical conditioning. Brain storming - - that preparing for a high adventure trek covers most of the merit badge requirements for personal fitness, personal management, hiking and backpacking merit badges. Physical conditioning is tough. No pain no gain. It is the wind sprints at the end of football practice. Reaching the what seems the limit of our endurance, pushing the limits somewhere experiencing the second, third wind. What suggestions do you have as to incorporating, sit-ups, pull ups into a program getting ready to take on the mountains of New Mexico located at Double H. All this is a stimulation to push away from the dinner table, do timed situps, push ups, pull ups etc.
  25. I sure would like suggestions as to getting in top knotch shape for taking on the Double H terrain. The little conditioning I have done as made me well aware that most of my activities are sedimentary in nature. The information we have received pushes preparation using a full pack.
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