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Just got back from Summer Camp - I observed the class "Trail to Eagle". One adult scouter went to the class with his son and was shocked about scouts answering for scouts that were not there. One scout had left on Tuesday but other scouts answered for him the rest of the week. Three was a 16 year scout in charge. I tried to make some suggestion to him but he was defensive. There were three teenagers trying to teach 40 first year campers. Should the older scouts teach the skills and the adults do the testing? It is my option that older scouts should have to the oppoturnity to teach. There needs to be supervision by adults The camp directors and programs directors have a lot to do.
For whom it may concern there a while back an offical boy scout hunting knive. I have know some scouts whom I wondered could use nail clippers without hurting themselves. It is not easy to practice saftey. The scout handbook does not have anything on a hunting knive. The material is on the use of a pocket knive etc. Knives do a good job when used correctly but I did have to take a scout who is now in his late thirties to the hospil for a bad cut. Utimatley it is the responsiblity of all of us to use camp tools safely. It would be great if we could share tips on safety like keeping the knive pointed away from you. W When passing the knive to wait until they say "thank you".
To be or not allowed to be...that is the question.
eagle54 replied to bsabrit's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I do not remember anywhere on the adult application where US citizenship is required. -
Skill in the use of knives, axes in something that comes with practice. But the inproper use of axes, knives etc must have consequences. The hunting knive can be great for skinning game but only a few of us get the opportunity to skin a buck. They are all tools in cutting firewood, and building camp gadgets. We need to train the leaders of the troop better so they can teach the other scouts the proper use of the knives. Definitely we can not carry knives thru the terminals at the airport.
Safety is the prime first consideration. The only safe way to carry a shotgun accross a fence is break it open. Knives and axes should be in sheaths when not it use.Knive in a sheath is safe. A pocket knive can cut flesh as well a steak. Knives should be treated as if they can cut if not handled properly. Definitely knives, axes etc are not play toys. A nerve ball is a play toy.
What ways can a roundtable for Scout Leaders can be improved?
Circle Ten Council (Dallas, Texas) had some paper units and some professional scouts were fired because of this. Is part of evaluation of Scout professional job based on the growth in membership?
A rough chart of units, districts, council would be - - Unit - Chartered Organization Rep, Commitee Scoutmaster, Asst Scoutmasters District District Chairman with committee for advancement, trainings, membership, Venture Committee, Boy Scout Units, Cubs, Advancement, etc. District Commissioner - Commissioner for Cub Scouts, Unit Commisssioners to advise Packs, Troops, Venture Crews. District Executive Council Commissioner Council Executive Council Presisent - training, finance, camping, membership, advancement, camping.
In looking at things, I like to break things down whether the motiviation is positive - The recognition, at the end of trail to eagle, is the presentation of Eagle Badge. "Be Prepared" means the pack is ready to go ahead of time. or Negative - If you do not check your surrounding before using wood tools, serious injury can occurr. A negative is - always preparing meals as individuals. Safety says you have to be a swimmer before going on canoe trips. When the cake breaks - I usually a not the chef I thought I was. I am ready to listen to others.
Guilty as charged. Some times all of my thoughts do not get on paper. Quoting l981 edition of the "Official Scout-master's Handbook." "The Patrol System is the one essential feature in which Scout training differs from that of all other organizations and where the system is properly applied. It is absolutely bound to bring success. It can not help itself! "The formation of boys into Patrols of from six to eight and training them in separate units each under it own responsible leader is the key to a good Troop. "The patrol is the unit of Scouting always, whether for work, for play, for discipline or for duty. - B.P. - Baden Powell. ps did use spell check on this post. PS I am still working on doing the things I do well and delegating those things I am not good at.
Groups that work are formed around common interests. How do we take kids from different schools. different cub packs, and out this comes patrols who function as a group. Faith ndividuals - - will function as agroup. Patrol Leaders who remind their patrol members - what time to be ready to leave for outings; sell the campouts, summer camp. etc.
The following is quoted material The Patrol Method The Basic Unit Take a look at your troop. Can you imagine what it would be like if there were no patrols? Now, take a closer look. Does your troop really have patrols? When the patrol method is missing from the program, that doesn't mean there are no patrols. The method is much more than grouping Scouts into patrols. For this method to work, those patrols must be living, breathing, entities that exist on their own. As one of my JLT Scoutmasters was fond of saying: "A troop is not divided into patrols; it's made up of patrols." That was his way of saying that the patrol comes first. For the patrol method to function properly, the Scouts in a troop need to identify themselves first as a member of a patrol, and then as a member of a troop. A patrol is the most basic unit of Scouting. When properly functioning, the members of the patrol learn not just how to act like a Scout, but how to lead and accomplish things they never thought of before. The old handbooks used to describe how a boy goes about joining Scouting by saying "First, find a patrol in your area." The idea was that a boy would join a patrol of Scouts whom he was already familiar with. This made it easier for the boy to get up to speed in Scouting. The patrol, you see, was his family in Scouting. When he joined it, it was his Patrol Leader who taught him everything he needed to know, and passed him on all of his tests. Today, however, the troop has become recognized as the primary unit of Scouting. This comes from the fact that patrols are not chartered by the BSA, troops are. But remember, the troop is supposed to be made up of a group of patrols. That means the first task should be to organize patrols. Not to divide the troop into patrols, but to actually create patrols and let them form the troop. A List Of Names Many troops today tinker with the patrol method to such a point that it no longer resembles the original concept. Some have a policy of "reorganizing" the troop on a regular basis. If anything, this is a good illustration of a troop divided into patrols. Reforming patrols every six months or so effectively wipes out the feeling of ownership a Scout is supposed to have for his patrol. When a patrol starts out, the Scouts who make up the patrol decide on a name, make a flag, and begin deciding what to do next. In a properly functioning patrol, the patrol name is not just a name. The flag is not just a flag. The patrol's name is its identity within the troop, and the flag is the physical symbol of that identity. If the Scouts have a feeling of ownership, they are proud of their name and their flag. But more than that, they take pride in what their patrol does, and they do their best to make their patrol the best in the troop. They'll not scoff at having patrol meetings outside troop meetings. They'll not complain about not being able to convince the PLC to plan a particular trip - they'll plan it themselves, go on the trip, and show the rest of the troop just how much fun they had. Without that feeling of ownership, the patrol name is just a name. None of the Scouts care much about it, or their flag. There's no reason to have patrol meetings outside troop meetings because the patrol is just a group of Scouts in a troop. The real action is in the troop. Without real patrols, the Scouts do not get real experience leading a group of Scouts. That makes it harder to train youth leaders who suddenly find themselves with real responsibilities. Without real patrols, Patrol Leaders have no incentive to represent their patrols and make decisions based on their own personal likes and dislikes. So, take a look around and make sure the patrol method is not missing in your troop. Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Anthony J. Mako; Design by Digital Arts Design, Ltd. Last Updated: Friday, January 31, 2003 at 21:08:55 [200301.]
Just after Noah and the flood, so time prior to 1954 we met as patrols at time other than the troop meeting. The patrol leader could telephone his patrol members. There can be patrol corners as part of the troop meeting. At this time meal plams/
For instance assume a patrol leader is not making sure each scout is pulling his load. Does an adult go to him or does he go to the Senior Patrol Leader first and have the Senior Patrol Leader encourage the Patrol Leader to supervise the patrol member. Is this a teaching moment to show that a duty roster does allow each scout the opportunity to be fire maker, cook, and clean up person? It is also an opportunity for those working on tenderfoot, second class, and first class to do the fire building, cooking and cleanup
I am not an expert on clothing and equipment but my perception is that Scouting does not have reputation today that I had for the quality of its uniforms and equipment. I have two handbooks from the 1950's and they had ads from advertisers who made scout equipment. In those days there were offical scout shoes. Scouting is a great program and we need to communicate why the unirorm. The history behind emblems. We need to have more ceremonies for recognition of scouts. Yes it hard to get good stufff in the newspapers, tv stations, etc. We can do car washes etc to pay for uniforms, summer camp etc.
Is it right for an Adult Leader to question the SM?
eagle54 replied to ScouterPaul's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Am I right to say that the Scoutmaster was upset that someone was questioning the way he wanted to run the troop. -
How do we select and vote/install a new SM
eagle54 replied to yarrow's topic in Open Discussion - Program
A candidate of SM should be willing to complete training on being a Scout Leader. The scoutmaster handbook is a good thing to review for the qualities the SM should have. A good maxim is work your strengths and delegate your weakness. -
The goal of the "patrol method" is "boy run" troop. But the reality is that the Adults are still in the picture. Adults do most of the driving. Communicate we need $.00 for registration of the troop. Are the ones who pick up the pop corn to sell. Hopefully the patrol method is that scouts votes not be popularity contest but the election of a leader.
Is it right for an Adult Leader to question the SM?
eagle54 replied to ScouterPaul's topic in Open Discussion - Program
The is reality if a leader trys to do it all a lot of folks will let him. Sometimes a Scout Leader has to say we are leaving at 10:00 this time we said we would leave so that we will be back for your folks to pick you up at 1:00. Having been a Scoutmaster it is gift from God to have a good Senior Patrol Leader who leads If possible the adults should present a united front when dealing with Scouts. To me adult participation is a key to having a quality unit. Hopefully I can listen both to praise and constructive suggestions. The scoutmaster who does not listen to scouts and adults (you do not to always agree) is important. Scouting is not a place for a lot of yes men. -
Could it be said that the scout uniform represents the ideals of Scouting. I have faith in Scouting but does the price of the uniforms represent a fair price. Scouting for a long as I can remember is trying to reach out to those who in a lot of cases do not have the funds for going camping, summer camp or uniforms. It is like the personal management MB. The scout makes up a budget, then records the actual expenses. We have a program that transforms youth. The summer camp program that provides a summer camp experience for less that what the Y charges. The adults that are working hard so that a 14 year will not run him into the ground on a Philmont, Double H trek. To me scouting is the opportunity to work with youth. To see them grow up each year, and to participate in the court of honors and it is amazing some make it to eagle. That they will give up electronic games, soda pop, air conditioning etc. for camping etc. I really look up for those folks that volunteer to take the outreach type of scouts camping, summer camp or even take them on treks to Philmont.
It has been my observation that if I am given something I am less likely to care of it than if I have bought it myself. How would it work if there as a uniform exchange when scout outgrows a uniform he could then receive credit for a percentage of the retail value of unifor. It would be great if there was information on where the profits of the sale of offical scout things go. It is my understanding that the profit go to provide retirement and death benefits for professional scouters. Do commissioners still do uniform inspection of units. There is an appeal for uniforms for a cub pack that is being started in a poor hispanic area. Does anyone know of any video tapes or cd's on the history of scout emblems?. The concept of why uniforms starting with baden powell.
I did a google search and found this and thought the information would be usefull for those going to Double H.
Have your units had sucess with programs to provide uniforms for those who can not afford them I looked at the prices asked on Ebay for scout uniforms. It can be expensive for a family to provide uniforms for a growing boy.
Norton Software can keep you off Scouter.com
eagle54 replied to eagle54's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Still not porblems with norton software-almost 24 hours. -
Sheath knives axes are not found as much as part of Scout Troops. To me the important part is to instruct and follow up on safe use of bow says, axes, and knives. And also practice makes perfect.