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Everything posted by eagle54
Feud deepens between RP Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts
eagle54 replied to fgoodwin's topic in Issues & Politics
My mother went to Randolph Macon, a female only school, which is now going coed. There is a need for certain things to remain separate. -
Since the Scouts are not flush with funds and states like Texas wanting a new application each year. Do anyone have any suggestions to how the costs can minimized etc.
Do I have it right. the slots units are applying for this year, 2006, are for two years hence 2998.
How about the lone scout program
Giving to the Boy and Girl Scouts survivors of Katrina
eagle54 replied to Lynda J's topic in Open Discussion - Program
It looks like here in texas There are 25,000 headed this way in Dallas Fort Worht There are a lot who came in cars etc. earlier/ Most of the school district are admitting those who have been displaced from New Orlear, the gulf coast of Mississippi and Alabma. Some of those here have cars but not jobs. Nay there be increased recuitmnet of youth, scouting does produce survial skills in the mist of adversity. -
Can we get information from Philmont on the web based reservation for 2007 treks and what reservations are available for 2006 treks at double H.
Record keeping for Ranks, participation etc. is one of one thanksless jobs in scouting. I would like to thank all those who I have known that kept the records straight. Definitely we need more folks to keep records. And we need to recognize more those who keep the records. Scouts should be encouraged more to keep their own advancement.
NESA and Other Aspects of Scouting are great. I have just complete the NESA application and it is truly a quesitonaire slanted toward encouraging the person filling it out to participate in Scouting. These applications then go to national. Is this information shared with the councils, district etc.
In the past I have been a dues paying member of the Eagle Association. Do any of you have any suggestion on how there might be more public recognition of those who hve obtained the rank of Eage. What is your understanding of what the objectives of the Nastional Eagle Association? How can the NESA be of service to Scouting?
Mr Smith said that he pleaded quilty to spare the Boy Scouts the embarraseement of public trial. As to how he recieved child porography he said some one sent it to him self. Jesus says "flee the sin" = hit the delete key. He is facing a sentence in either June or July of 5 to 20 years.
As far as I know youth protection has protected a lot of young scouts. Mr Smith probably did a lot of good for Scouting and had a responsible job with the Boy Scouts. The police caught him and earlier they caught a priest in Grand Parrie which is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Scouting is amazing the countless hours that Adults vounteer teaching cooking, knots etc. Taking time out to go the round tables etc. Somehow in seeming mist, there is something good that comes out of it. Scouting has changed lives for the good.
The local station said He pleaded quilty here in Fort Worth, Texas-- Federal Cout and faces 5 - 20 sentence without parole. He pleaded quilty to the distribution of child porn.
The ideals of scouting are still intact. The youth protection program was a put togehter by a volunteers who wanted protection for the scouts. But it hurts when you see some one with 39 years of sevice with the BSA, A Eagle Scout, OA get overcome by things in conflict with Scouting Ideals.
The professional, Douglas Smith is scheduled for trial at 9:00 here in Federal Court. For me this is a strong wake call to be on guard since this stuff ponograph is appealing. For a man with 30 years of sevice with scouting to be overcome is a wakeup call. The YPT program does take in account that things are not always what it seems on the surface. May we all communicate to parents the safe guards inherent in Youth Protection.
The weight limits are greated than the perfect weights - for life insurance exams. Does Philmost have a medical advisory committe who establish the procedures for the waving weight limits.
The staff turned in a report showing that a Scout who had left camp had completed all the requirements - certain requirements each session. The scoutmaster only recognized those requirements that had been done before the Scout left camp. Does any of you camps have rocking chairs for the older Scouter's? There was a gentlemen who in the late 1970's was in his 80's who had a ASM take him in car to the mess hall and to the office for him to sit on the poach in a rocking chair. I will be most happy to be able to go to camp in my 80's. Back to the topic if I had a scout being signed off on something where there was a question as to whether he was there to pass it. I would definitely get to the bottom of it with the staff and the scout. I would ask the scout if he is able to be in two places at the same time, and make sure that the scout got credit for the work he did before leaving camp.
Our district's Eagle Board's are done at the district level. Sometimes I find that a dictionary is helpful in asking about a work like reverent. Reverent can be defined as standing in awe of a Deity. A lot of the troop's who attend the sponsoring church and most of the adult leadership attends also. A questionnaire would be helpful for Eagle Board [especially where you do not know personally the candidate] would fill out a questionnaire -where he has gone to summer camp, fun raising projects he had participate in. Would he be interested in the "Religious Emblem" programs. Has he participated in a High Adventure program. Does the firmament declare a God. It is tough to do a Board of Review on Scouts that you do not know personally. My suggestion would be to have mock Boards of Review at Round Tables where everyone would have a opportunity to develop a feel for what the Board does and does not do. I like to ask questions like which of your merit badge do you like best.
The purpose of the review is to make sure all the requirements have been met. This means a check of both the teachnical skills and the Scout's attitude and practice of the ideals of scouting. Care must be takem that it does not become a reexamination. Spot checking is all that need to be done. To me it would be okay to ask a Scout - How is "Be Prepared" motto an important part of getting ready to go camping. Would it be fair game to ask why the square knot is representative of Scouting while the granny knot is not. Does BSA have some a-v material on a Board of Review
There is a need for safety in the use of knives. The attention paid to pool safety and safety afloat equals no deaths for BSA the past few years. The scout who knows CPR can be the one who allow me a longer time here is this life. Accidents do act fast. A scout was sliding down a banister, guide rail, and fell and struck the back of his head on rocks. He ended up with a big gash on the back of his head. There was a lot of blood on the steps. Safety in use of knives, tools etc needs to be stressed at all times. The rambo in me says I can not get hurt with a knife but I know folks who lost limbs etc due to accidents. Sometimes we all are called to take away the totem chip, knives, etc when not used correctly.
The Troop submits the advancement report covering rank advancement and merit badges The troop's duty to follow up when Summer Camp staff passes its members on merit badges. The SM or his representative signs the "Blue Card" for the Scouts and the Staff signs the card as a merit badge counselar or gives a report of the scout(s) as having meet certain requirements of Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class. For instance also if a scout completes all his requirements for swimming merit badge it could be inferred that he has also completed the swimming requirements for 2nd class scout. To me those on summer camp staffs are not in it for the financial rewards. One older scouter volunteer to run the shooting sports areas, riflery, shot gun and archery. This was definite improvement. On an positive note I have really enjoyed Summer Camp more having left the pleasure of the air conditioned SM lounge and would encourage others to get out and observe the classes.
To me it is clear if a scout in my troop lies at summer camp it would be up to me to discipline him. Are we called to bring a lie, using the Lord name in vain, of an scout not in my troop to the attention of his leaders. What was it about the a Scout or a Scouter who was made a point of believing in a supreme being. There are too many reverences to God, Oath, Law etc for a Scout not to know that duty to God is a part of being a Scout.
I was talking to a Scoutmaster, He told me that they divided the responsibilty for planning, Do you have any suggestion on how the responsibilites could be divided up?
The breaking of the Scout Law "A Scout is Trustworthy" - answwering for another scout when the roll was called is a wake up call to get back to doing Scoutmaster Minutes. We must be prepared to take back the scout badge for violations of the Scout Law.
A Scout is Reverent He is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties, and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion. A scout is trustworthy. A Scout's honor is to be trusted. If he was to violate his honor by telling a lie, or by cheating, or by not doing exactly a given task, he may be directed to hand over his Scout Badge. To me we have been entrusted to teach the scout law and we need to do a better job of it. I returned yesterday from Summer Camp - where some scouts were answering the roll for others who were not present. The God promises blessing for those who keep his commandments. Man is called not to lie but his word is to be his bond.
Trail to Eagle is a summer camp class, The class is for working on Tenderfoot, Second and First Class rank requirements. It is alos called hammer patrol. Should there be area where the scout would bring his scouthand book and receive indivualized instruction and But the testing for the requirements would be by troop leaders. Another thing would be that a scout would have to meet the tenderfoot, 2nd and `st class requirements for cooking before he would be eligible to take cooking. It used to be that you had to be a 2nd class scout to earn merit badges other than astronomy, camping, canoeing, cooking, first air, life saving, pioneering, rowingh, signaling, surveying, swimming. These you had to be a 1st class scout.