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Everything posted by Eagle1973

  1. Sylvar, We limited the number of rules to just a few. They were the usual ones, hands to yourself, raise hand in order to speak, etc., etc. Consequences were also just a few, asked to pay attention/be quiet or whatever (first warning), a time out away from view of Cubs while in view of leader, call to the parent. Or something like that. There were lots of other great ideas listed. YIS
  2. This stuff brings tears to my eyes, as does the sounding of Taps, watching aircraft fly the mission man formation, listening the Navy Hymn... These guys are the best. How sad it is when one of our best looses their life. God Bless their families. Eagle1973 or USNA1981 or USN (Ret.) (This message has been edited by Eagle1973)
  3. I had my den come up w/ their own rules. That way they had some pride in ownership. Then, I had them come w/ with the consequences to violating their rules. All guided be me, of course. One of the consequences after a few violations was for the parent to come get their kid. I was lucky to never to have called a parent to pick up their Scout. But, if you have to, repeatedly, then I'd get the CM and CC involved.
  4. Our Cubmaster gave the cross overing (is that a word?) Scouts a Handbook. The knife is a great idea, but they can't use it until they re-earn the priviledge.
  5. Maybe I'm too good a Boy Scout ... I am also a 4H leader in two clubs (horses and shooting education) and volunteer at a theraputic horse riding facility. I did not go up for re-election in my local horse show assoc. board of directors because of the time factor. Oops, I forgot, just getting started in Venture Crew....(This message has been edited by Eagle1973)
  6. I believe that if you can't develop the leadership skills desired in a Scout, at least develop his management skills. One does not have to be a good leader to be a good manager.
  7. I think you will have to fly high cover for the new SPL and his staff. Find something for the older Scouts to do when they do show up so that they don't undermine your new SPL. Making the older Scouts work as Instructors may be one answer.(This message has been edited by Eagle1973)
  8. Everthing that I can think of that came in those are in plastic now. How do you plan to use them?
  9. NJ is a great state to be from!... My dad was NJSP. When we use to drive by this certain forest in Jackson Township, he'd say, "if I could command all the bodies in that forest to stand-up, there would be places where they would be standing on each other's shoulders." And in the Saprano's, I think that was supposed to be the forest where that Russian guy was supposed to be killed. We use to camp at Goshen Pond a lot, that is just up stream from Lake Atsion. A fun place to be a Scout.(This message has been edited by Eagle1973)
  10. Gags, it was under the stairs for sure, but not as cozy as Harry's digs. ;-) What part of Jersey? I did my Scouting years in Medford Lakes.
  11. Eagle, in this scenario, I'd rely on the GPS, the RADAR, and the NAVAIDS on the river. A land navigation compass is not the same as one built for the waterways. However, if it's a symbolic use that we're after, I whole heartedly agree. Eagle (former ship driver)
  12. OGE: I'll agree with you in a few years. My son just made Second Class Scout ;-)
  13. Mine, only to be surpassed by my son's in a few years. Sorry, couldn't resist. I haven't been to one in nearly 30 years, I hope I'll be able to add to the list here now that I'm back in Scouting.(This message has been edited by Eagle1973)
  14. OGE, I'm down in Virginia now. My son just picked up Second Class, and will easily make the 1 year to First Class goal. He's on his way. We use to do canoe all the rivers down there, way back in the 70's. You need to do the Atsion, and when you get to the portage of the downed tree next to the stump. Stop there and take a dive, hopefully you will find my buddy's father's K-Bar that came out of the sheath when we flipped our canoe while trying to get back into it. We searched for about and hour for that knife. Maybe the Jersey devil is now armed...
  15. Ah, the old 13th son of a 13th son, born to the Leed's family of Leeds Point, NJ. Kept under the stairwell of the old family home, until the night that he escaped, it was night very much like this, a full moon rising, he waded up the banks of the Mulica, foot tracks proved this, up the Wading River, into the Wharton Tract...... I feel blessed having spent my Scout youth in the Pine Barrens of South Jersy. Medford Lakes, near the meeting tree of the Leni Lenape Indians, Troop 48, Hunnikick 76. The Pine Barrens, where every thing is edible. Too bad they sold Camp Lenape. The Mr. James must be still rolling in his grave, not to mention that crusty old SoB, Mr. Bill Gibson, the old caretaker of the Camp. For some reason, Mr. Gibson liked me, disliked everybody else, an amazing history lesson, fortunately, I asked. A pleasure to have known both Mr. James and Mr. Gibson. And I almost forgot about Mr. Moore, a decendant of the family that started Moorestown. He always brought a trunk load of "stuff" when he arrived at the camp. How is Goshen Pond doing? That was my last run in with the Jersey Devil. I was SPL, my best buddy was ASPL, we raced to Eagle, I won by a month, I was to lead a night hike along the trails that we knew like the back of our hands. He was to lay in wait in a parallel fire break. I had the night patrol out there, it was a full moon, when we moved he moved, when we stopped he stopped, when we ran, he ran. We ran back to the camp fire, only to find that the ASPL hadn't left yet.... OGE, where are you from?
  16. While I agree that an up front fee of that magnitude ridiculous, I have to ask if your sister is on the committee. If not, maybe she could have nipped in the bud, if she was. Now that the fee has been imposed, I would talk with other parents and come up with an alternative to be considered by the committee. Does the Pack do fund raisers? Where is that money? WHat is it used for? When we have a special function, we charge at least a minimum amount, at time of sign up. That way we cut down on the no shows. We pay as you go, but you must be organized with lots of parental involvement so that function reservation deadlines aren't missed. Hopefully, the Pack will be able to offset the fee for those in need, or maybe come up with a payment plan. It really sounds like to me that some overworked committee member had had enough and decided to go to the extreme. Hopefully, we won't lose a Scout because of this.
  17. Eamonn, have you asked your son what are his goals in Scouting? And then how his plans would affect his goals? I've had success when you make them think it's their idea.
  18. Retired US Naval Officer. Surface Warfare Officer turned Naval Intelligence Office. Currently a defense contractor with Boeing, working unmanned aerial vehicles.
  19. How can we get your name and location (eg John Smith, Eagle Scout, Podunk, state) so we can give proper credit in an Eagle program or if read at a ceremony?
  20. How far South do you want to come? This is in the mountains of Virginia. Cool nights and no mosquitos!!!! We go to: http://www.bsa-brmc.org/camp/index.htm(This message has been edited by Eagle1973)
  21. We only reimburse the trailer tow'r. The rest of us write the mileage off on our taxes.
  22. I think tonight, my wife and I will attend our Troop's Court of Honor, where my son will "pin on" Tenderfoot and will watch when the other Scouts receive their awards earned throughout the summer. Life is good!
  23. When I was a Den Leader (forget what rank at the time), we were invited to do the opening flag ceremony at an American Indian Heritage night at a local school. This was great, a sign off for conduct a flag ceremony, a sign off for learning about the American Indian in our area, and have some fun too. What could be better. Well, the American Indians (in cheesy costume with a US flag with an Indian's head printed on it) had all the youth sit a semi-circle around them. Then they preceeded to rail on the kids for being decendants of the evil white man that lied and cheated and stole and killed and...... After about 60 seconds of this, I went to the principal of the school and ask if she was going to stop this or was I, and if I did, it wouldn't have been pretty. Fortunately, the game night was fun for the Scouts. Oh well, just wanted to vent, about 3 years after the fact.(This message has been edited by Eagle1973)
  24. John, Jambo East? If so, did we make Danny Thomas an honorary Scout or an honorary Eagle Scout? About the only good thing about those red berets was how they looked at the huge amphitheater at the Jamboree. Steve
  25. My project lasted ~ 32 years. It was wiped out by the flooding a few weeks ago in Burlington County NJ. We built a little city park in Medford Lakes. It was a tangled mass of briars with the run off of the lake above it running through it. I passed it every day on my way to school. When I wandered in there, I found a stone bench. Research in the town archive told me that it was a park in the 20's, when the town was just a retreat for "rich" people to go and relax in the Pine Barrens. We restored it to all its former splender and the city maintained it after that. I learned that when the earthen dams started breaking, the one above my project finally let go as well, cascading tons of water thru my park. I'm sure they will rebuild it, maybe an Eagle candidate will run the show... Oh well, thanks for letting me reflect a bit.
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