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  1. Does anybody else feel this way? If I see a man or women in a Scout uniform in a public place (WalMart, Home Depot, etc.) I immediately have more respect for them. What is this feeling called? Thanks.
  2. One of the best components I have come across in a camporee is something that works well in a religious retreat/camporee, but may not work in a district camporee. My dad and a scout leader, both now passed away, came up with the idea of forming new patrols made up of boys from all the Scout units attending the camporee. In other words, you end up with about 8 boys or so, all from different units or at the most 2 from the same unit. Adults distribute the boys after the morning flag raising ceremony. Boys are lined up by rank and somewhat by size, then distributed into patrols. Adults watch carefully to make sure the mix is right. This makes sure there are no super patrols of all 18-year-olds; it usually develops new friendships; it helps boys discover who has leadership skills and it teaches patrol teamwork with a bit of surprise to it. I realize that at district camporees it's unit competition, which is ok for that type event. But for a religious camporee/retreat, I have to say I like the new patrol format the best. === Another thing I like is the idea of "spirit" awards - a small medallion or piece of wood - adults give these to boys who show good Scouting spirit and then the boy can trade it in for a small piece of candy at the trading post. The boys don't know about this until the day of the camporee so they can't go around asking for spirit awards. -- These are just 2 camporee ideas I can share. I will be glad to share more. I'm with a group planning our 28th annual retreat and camporee. Marty
  3. I became a Cub Scout in December 1967 - my church/school sponsored a pack and the other boys in my class were joining so I joined. I have been registered in Scouting ever since. Eagle in 1974.
  4. I am president of the Lutheran Association of Scouters in the Sam Houston Area Council. We are planning a retreat/camporee for the last weekend in September. Our planning committee wants numbers of those planning to attend so we can plan number of patrols, number of people eating meals, etc. Except for one problem - I can't get the Units to confirm attendance and give numbers. I tried visiting with units at the Scout Fair, e-mails, fliers, phone calls, everything - with very poor results. Is this a problem in other councils? I feel I have the let the committee down by not getting units to confirm their attendance, but I also feel like it's not my fault that units aren't responding. Maybe they don't set their calendar until school starts? Maybe they are waiting on the high school football Friday night schedule? Maybe the boys voted to go to a different camporee in September. That's ok, but it would be nice if someone could let me know. It puts a lot of pressure on me that I am not getting any responses. In fact, I am kind of burned out from trying so many different avenues. Maybe I have angered units by sending them too much material. Anyway, I would sure like to turn this negative problem into a positive one. We have a lot to offer at our retreat and camporee and I'd like to see more units attend. If you have any advice on this problem, please let me know and thanks in advance.
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