The whistle is a good idea, in Boy Scouts we have taught that the use of a whistle usually means trouble or someone is lost. This is a signal with blasts. I use it to assemble the troop. As far as yelling at the has a time and a place...when no one is paying attention...usually not yelling just a loud "SIGNS UP" and that gets their attention. When we have a scout or scouts that are out of control there are warnings given. 1,2,3,up to 5 we use the chain of command rule, patrol leader, Patrol leader and Senior Patrol leader, Patrol leader, Senior Patrol leader and Assistant Scoutmaster, Two Assistant Scoutmasters and or another adult leader...finially the Scoutmaster with and Assistant don't want to get here...If you are still out of control will be out of control somewhere else other than with the troop. You will not advance, you will not go on camping trips or other outdoor activities, you will be asked to attend a board of review with parents / guardians and explain why you should remain in scouting. This proceedure can be shortened depending on the situation. Generally our scouts know...and do learn that mis behavior or being out of control will have consiquences...this also is relayed to the parents...If they don't support us...then there are consiquences. This may be a long process for some...for some this becomes a short process. We don't belive in lots of yelling...just some occasional "LLLLLLLoud COMMMANDS" this is needed to get above the noise. Scouts are loud they are eleven year old boys haveing the time of their lives. We believe in giving the scouts plenty of room to control them selves, hec...when was the last time you saw how many Orieo's you could put in your mouth at one time? We saw this on a camping trip...decided to use it in a contest. We used large many could you put in your mouth and still whistle??...worked pretty good...look for what the scouts are being out of control over...maybe you can use it to bring them in-control with a game. Scouting is a game with a pourpose...